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- Das Jones County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Georgia der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , benannt nach , der die Konföderierten während des Bürgerkrieges finanziell unterstützte. (de)
- مقاطعة جونز (بالإنجليزية: Jones County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية جورجيا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Kantono Jones (angle Jones County) estas kantono de la usona ŝtato Georgio, kreita je la 10-a de decembro, 1807. Laŭ la popolnombrado en 2000, ĝi enhavis 23 639 loĝantojn, kaj en 2005 ĝi enhavis 26 836. La kantona ĉefurbo estas Gray (Georgio). (eo)
- Jones konderria (ingelesez: Jones County) Georgiako konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Gray da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 28.669 biztanle zituen, Jones kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- El condado de Jones (en inglés: Jones County), fundado en 1807, es uno de 159 condados del estado estadounidense de Georgia. En el año 2007, el condado tenía una población de 27 229 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 60 personas por km². La sede del condado es Gray. (es)
- Jones County is a county in the central portion of the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,669. The county seat is Gray. The county was created on December 10, 1807, and named after U.S. Representative James Jones. (en)
- Le comté de Jones est un comté de Géorgie, aux États-Unis. (fr)
- ジョーンズ郡(ジョーンズぐん、英: Jones County)は、アメリカ合衆国のジョージア州にある郡。郡庁所在地は (Gray)である。2000年国勢調査時の人口は2万3639人だったが、2007年の推計時には2万7229人に急増した。 (ja)
- 존스군 또는 존스 카운티(Jones County)는 미국 조지아주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 28,669명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 28,616명이다. (ko)
- Jones County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 1.020 km² en telt 23.639 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Gray. (nl)
- La contea di Jones (in inglese Jones County) è una contea dello Stato della Georgia, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 23 639 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Gray. (it)
- Hrabstwo Jones (ang. Jones County) – hrabstwo w stanie Georgia w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Powstało w 1807 roku. Jego nazwa powstała od nazwiska Jamesa Jonesa (1769–1801), kongresmena Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- O Condado de Jones é um dos 159 condados do Estado americano de Geórgia. A sede do condado é Gray, e sua maior cidade é Gray. O condado possui uma área de 1 024 km², uma população de 23 639 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 23 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 10 de dezembro de 1807. (pt)
- Jones County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Georgia, USA. År 2010 hade countyt 28 669 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Gray. (sv)
- Джонс (англ. Jones County) — округ штата Джорджия, США. Население округа на 2000 год составляло 23639 человек. Административный центр округа — город . (ru)
- 瓊斯縣(英語:Jones County)是美國喬治亞州中部的一個縣。面積1,024平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查,共有人口23,639人。縣治格雷(Gray)。 成立於1807年12月10日。縣名紀念聯邦眾議員詹姆斯·瓊斯。 (zh)
- Округ Джонс (англ. Jones County) — округ (графство) у штаті Джорджія, США. Ідентифікатор округу 13169. (uk)
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- dbc:Populated_places_established_in_1807
- dbr:Putnam_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Round_Oak,_Georgia
- dbr:2010_United_States_Census
- dbr:Battle_of_Griswoldville
- dbr:Benjamin_Mays
- dbr:Bibb_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Bradley,_Georgia
- dbc:Macon_metropolitan_area,_Georgia
- dbc:Georgia_(U.S._state)_counties
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:County_(United_States)
- dbr:Oconee_River
- dbr:Clinton,_Georgia
- dbr:English_people
- dbr:Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_11
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_18
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_22
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_44
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_49
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_57
- dbr:Germans
- dbr:Gray,_Georgia
- dbr:Monroe_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Morgan_County,_Georgia
- dbr:2020_United_States_census
- dbc:Jones_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Macon,_Georgia
- dbc:1807_establishments_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Baldwin_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Central_of_Georgia_Railway
- dbr:Twiggs_County,_Georgia
- dbr:U.S._Route_129_in_Georgia
- dbr:U.S._state
- dbr:WMAZ-TV
- dbr:Wilkinson_County,_Georgia
- dbr:James_Jones_(Georgia_politician)
- dbr:Altamaha_River
- dbr:Americans
- dbr:Fall_Line_Freeway
- dbr:Fort_Benjamin_Hawkins
- dbr:Otis_Redding
- dbr:Central_Georgia
- dbr:Fortville,_Georgia
- dbr:Haddock,_Georgia
- dbr:Irish_people
- dbr:Jarrell_Plantation
- dbr:Jasper_County,_Georgia
- dbr:County_seat
- dbr:Terrance_Gore
- dbr:Atlanta_Braves
- dbr:Chicago_Cubs
- dbr:Kansas_City_Royals
- dbr:Latino_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Blountsville,_Georgia
- dbr:William_Lee_(American_judge)
- dbr:Piedmont_National_Wildlife_Refuge
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Jones_County,_Georgia
- dbr:New_York_Mets
- dbr:New_York_Yankees
- dbr:Ocmulgee_River
- dbr:Sherman's_March_to_the_Sea
- dbr:Treaty_of_Indian_Springs_(1821)
- dbr:Lynching
- dbr:Sadie_Gray_Mays
- dbr:Wayside,_Georgia
- dbr:Samuel_Griswold
- dbr:Poverty_line
- dbr:Native_American_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Jones_County_Courthouse_(Gray,_Georgia)
- dbr:African_American_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:U.S._Census_Bureau
- dbr:Oconee_National_Forest
- dbr:Pacific_Islander_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Asian_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Race_(United_States_Census)
- dbr:White_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Hispanic_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:File:Georgia_57.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_18.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_11.svg
- dbr:File:US_129.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_22.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_49.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_540.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_44.svg
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- Jones County, Georgia (en)
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- Jones County Courthouse, Gray, GA, US .jpg (en)
- Jones County Courthouse in Gray (en)
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- Jones County, Georgia (en)
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- Twiggs County and Wilkinson County (en)
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- Das Jones County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Georgia der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , benannt nach , der die Konföderierten während des Bürgerkrieges finanziell unterstützte. (de)
- مقاطعة جونز (بالإنجليزية: Jones County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية جورجيا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Kantono Jones (angle Jones County) estas kantono de la usona ŝtato Georgio, kreita je la 10-a de decembro, 1807. Laŭ la popolnombrado en 2000, ĝi enhavis 23 639 loĝantojn, kaj en 2005 ĝi enhavis 26 836. La kantona ĉefurbo estas Gray (Georgio). (eo)
- Jones konderria (ingelesez: Jones County) Georgiako konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Gray da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 28.669 biztanle zituen, Jones kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- El condado de Jones (en inglés: Jones County), fundado en 1807, es uno de 159 condados del estado estadounidense de Georgia. En el año 2007, el condado tenía una población de 27 229 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 60 personas por km². La sede del condado es Gray. (es)
- Jones County is a county in the central portion of the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,669. The county seat is Gray. The county was created on December 10, 1807, and named after U.S. Representative James Jones. (en)
- Le comté de Jones est un comté de Géorgie, aux États-Unis. (fr)
- ジョーンズ郡(ジョーンズぐん、英: Jones County)は、アメリカ合衆国のジョージア州にある郡。郡庁所在地は (Gray)である。2000年国勢調査時の人口は2万3639人だったが、2007年の推計時には2万7229人に急増した。 (ja)
- 존스군 또는 존스 카운티(Jones County)는 미국 조지아주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 28,669명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 28,616명이다. (ko)
- Jones County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 1.020 km² en telt 23.639 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Gray. (nl)
- La contea di Jones (in inglese Jones County) è una contea dello Stato della Georgia, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 23 639 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Gray. (it)
- Hrabstwo Jones (ang. Jones County) – hrabstwo w stanie Georgia w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Powstało w 1807 roku. Jego nazwa powstała od nazwiska Jamesa Jonesa (1769–1801), kongresmena Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- O Condado de Jones é um dos 159 condados do Estado americano de Geórgia. A sede do condado é Gray, e sua maior cidade é Gray. O condado possui uma área de 1 024 km², uma população de 23 639 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 23 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 10 de dezembro de 1807. (pt)
- Jones County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Georgia, USA. År 2010 hade countyt 28 669 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Gray. (sv)
- Джонс (англ. Jones County) — округ штата Джорджия, США. Население округа на 2000 год составляло 23639 человек. Административный центр округа — город . (ru)
- 瓊斯縣(英語:Jones County)是美國喬治亞州中部的一個縣。面積1,024平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查,共有人口23,639人。縣治格雷(Gray)。 成立於1807年12月10日。縣名紀念聯邦眾議員詹姆斯·瓊斯。 (zh)
- Округ Джонс (англ. Jones County) — округ (графство) у штаті Джорджія, США. Ідентифікатор округу 13169. (uk)
- Jones County, Georgia (en)
- مقاطعة جونز (جورجيا) (ar)
- Jones County (Georgia) (de)
- Kantono Jones (Georgio) (eo)
- Condado de Jones (Georgia) (es)
- Jones konderria (Georgia) (eu)
- Contea di Jones (Georgia) (it)
- Comté de Jones (Géorgie) (fr)
- ジョーンズ郡 (ジョージア州) (ja)
- 존스군 (조지아주) (ko)
- Jones County (Georgia) (nl)
- Hrabstwo Jones (Georgia) (pl)
- Condado de Jones (Geórgia) (pt)
- Джонс (округ, Джорджия) (ru)
- Jones County, Georgia (sv)
- Джонс (округ, Джорджія) (uk)
- 瓊斯縣 (喬治亞州) (zh)
- http://gadm.geovocab.org/id/2_35256
- freebase:Jones County, Georgia
- http://viaf.org/viaf/155932130
- yago-res:Jones County, Georgia
- wikidata:Jones County, Georgia
- geodata:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ar:Jones County, Georgia
- http://azb.dbpedia.org/resource/جونز_بؤلگهسی،_جورجیا
- dbpedia-bar:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-bg:Jones County, Georgia
- http://bpy.dbpedia.org/resource/জোন্স_কাউন্টি,_জর্জিয়া
- http://ceb.dbpedia.org/resource/Jones_County_(kondado_sa_Tinipong_Bansa,_Georgia)
- dbpedia-cy:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-de:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-eo:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-es:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-et:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-eu:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-fa:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-fr:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-hu:Jones County, Georgia
- http://hy.dbpedia.org/resource/Ջոնս_շրջան_(Ջորջիա)
- dbpedia-it:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ja:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ko:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-la:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-nds:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-nl:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-no:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-pl:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-pt:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ro:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ru:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sh:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-simple:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sq:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sr:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sv:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-tr:Jones County, Georgia
- http://tt.dbpedia.org/resource/Джоунс_(округ,_Джорджия)
- dbpedia-uk:Jones County, Georgia
- http://ur.dbpedia.org/resource/جونز_کاؤنٹی،_جارجیا
- dbpedia-vi:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-war:Jones County, Georgia
- dbpedia-zh:Jones County, Georgia
- http://ce.dbpedia.org/resource/Джоунс_(гуо,_Джорджи)
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4ZrpQ
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- dbr:Carlton_Mobley
- dbr:Putnam_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Round_Oak,_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(J–M)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_FIPS_codes_by_county
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_and_county_equivalents
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_August_to_October_2018
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_January_to_February_2008
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_July_to_September_2021
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_November_to_December_2009
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_in_April_2017
- dbr:List_of_counties_by_U.S._state_and_territory
- dbr:List_of_county_courthouses_in_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_county_seats_in_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_district_attorneys_by_county
- dbr:List_of_first_women_lawyers_and_judges_in_Georgia
- dbr:M._D._K._Taylor
- dbr:2008_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2012_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Battle_of_Griswoldville
- dbr:Ben_Barron_Ross
- dbr:Bibb_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Bradley,_Georgia
- dbr:Area_code_478
- dbr:Hopkins_Holsey
- dbr:John_T._Edge
- dbr:Jones_County,_GA
- dbr:Jones_County_School_System
- dbr:List_of_lynching_victims_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Patrick_Francis_Healy
- dbr:Riverdale_(Selma,_Alabama)
- dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Middle_District_of_Georgia
- dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:East_Juliette,_Georgia
- dbr:Index_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)-related_articles
- dbr:Index_of_U.S._counties
- dbr:James,_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_law_enforcement_agencies_in_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_municipalities_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:List_of_plantations_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:List_of_school_districts_in_Georgia
- dbr:Jones_County
- dbr:143rd_Georgia_General_Assembly
- dbr:1860_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1880_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1884_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1888_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1892_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1896_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1900_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1904_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1908_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1912_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1916_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1920_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1924_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1928_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1932_Deep_South_tornado_outbreak
- dbr:1932_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1976_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1980_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1984_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1988_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1992_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Creek_War
- dbr:Mary_Ross_Banks
- dbr:Eliza_Healy
- dbr:Ellen_and_William_Craft
- dbr:Clinton,_Georgia
- dbr:Enigma_tornado_outbreak
- dbr:Frank_Duncan_(outfielder)
- dbr:Georgia's_10th_congressional_district
- dbr:Georgia's_8th_congressional_district
- dbr:Georgia_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_11
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_18
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_22
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_44
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_49
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_57
- dbr:Georgia_State_Senate
- dbr:Gray,_Georgia
- dbr:Monroe_County,_Georgia
- dbr:The_Medical_Center,_Navicent_Health
- dbr:Ostropomycetidae
- dbr:1936_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1940_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1944_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1948_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1952_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1956_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1960_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1964_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1968_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1972_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2018_Georgia_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2020–21_United_States_Senate_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2020–21_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Lemuel_and_Mary_James_House
- dbr:Lynching_of_James_and_Alonzo_Green
- dbr:Stone_Mountain
- dbr:Macon_metropolitan_area,_Georgia
- dbr:March_1875_Southeast_tornado_outbreak
- dbr:Middle_Georgia_Regional_Library_System
- dbr:1996_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2004_Georgia_flag_referendum
- dbr:2004_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Baldwin_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_February_28_–_March_2,_2007
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_January_2,_2006
- dbr:Twiggs_County,_Georgia
- dbr:U.S._Route_129_in_Georgia
- dbr:Walter_Morgan_(golfer)
- dbr:Wilkinson_County,_Georgia
- dbr:William_J._Northen
- dbr:James_Johnson_(Georgia_politician)
- dbr:James_Jones_(Georgia_politician)
- dbr:James_McLemore
- dbr:Tropical_Storm_Alberto_(1994)
- dbr:2016_Georgia_Democratic_presidential_primary
- dbr:2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Abraham_K._Allison
- dbr:Alfred_Iverson_Jr.
- dbr:Alfred_Iverson_Sr.
- dbr:Fall_Line_Freeway
- dbr:Central_Georgia
- dbr:Chehaw_Affair
- dbr:Fortville,_Georgia
- dbr:Georgia_4-H
- dbr:Georgia_Department_of_Juvenile_Justice
- dbr:Georgia_statistical_areas
- dbr:Historic_South
- dbr:Hitchiti
- dbr:List_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)_locations_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:List_of_National_Wildlife_Refuges_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_Preserve_America_Communities
- dbr:Haddock,_Georgia
- dbr:Healy_family
- dbr:History_of_Jones_County,_Georgia
- dbr:James_Augustine_Healy
- dbr:James_C._Freeman
- dbr:James_Henderson_Blount
- dbr:Jarrell_Plantation
- dbr:Jasper_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Cost_of_rent_by_state_and_county_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Coyote_attack
- dbr:The_Allman_Brothers_Band_(album)
- dbr:2020_Georgia_Republican_presidential_primary
- dbr:Chattahoochee–Oconee_National_Forest
- dbr:Blountsville,_Georgia
- dbr:William_Lee_(American_judge)
- dbr:Mary_Ann_Harris_Gay
- dbr:Piedmont_National_Wildlife_Refuge
- dbr:Griswoldville,_Georgia
- dbr:Michael_A._Healy
- dbr:Nate_Carr
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Jones_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Sadie_Gray_Mays
- dbr:Walnut_Creek_(Ocmulgee_River_tributary)
- dbr:Wayside,_Georgia
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_November_1992
- dbr:List_of_signers_of_the_Georgia_Ordinance_of_Secession
- dbr:Moss_family_murders
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(E–H)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(I–R)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(S–Z)
- dbr:William_Tracy_Gould
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