- John Purroy Mitchel (* 19. Juli 1879 in der Bronx, New York; † 6. Juli 1918 bei Lake Charles, Louisiana) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1914 und 1917 war er Bürgermeister von New York City. (de)
- John Purroy Mitchel (July 19, 1879 – July 6, 1918) was the 95th mayor of New York, from 1914 to 1917. At 34, he was the second-youngest mayor and he is sometimes referred to as "The Boy Mayor of New York." Mitchel is remembered for his short career as leader of reform politics in New York as well as for his early death as a US Army Air Service officer in the last months of World War I. Mitchel's staunchly Catholic New York family had been founded by his paternal grandfather and namesake, John Mitchel, an Ulster Presbyterian Young Irelander who became a renowned writer and leader in the Irish independence movement and as a staunch supporter of the Confederate States. Reformers praised him. Oswald Garrison Villard, the editor of The Nation, said he was "the ablest and best Mayor New York ever had." Former President Theodore Roosevelt, endorsing Mitchel's re-election bid in 1917, stated that he had "given us as nearly an ideal administration of the New York City government as I have seen in my lifetime." However, even his staunchest supporters admitted he was a poor politician who was too aloof from the ordinary voters and too concerned with "scientific" urban management. He still won in a landslide in 1913 but lost the Republican primary in 1917. (en)
- John Purroy Mitchel, né le 19 juillet 1879 à New York et mort le 6 juillet 1918 à Lake Charles en Louisiane, a été le maire de New York de 1914 à 1917. À 34 ans, il est la deuxième plus jeune personne à avoir exercé cette fonction, ce qui lui a parfois valu le surnom de « The Boy Mayor of New York » (littéralement retranscrit « le garçon maire de New York »). Mitchel est connu pour sa courte carrière en tant que leader de politiques réformistes à New York, ainsi que pour sa mort prématurée comme officier de l'Armée de l'Air des États-Unis dans les derniers mois de la Première Guerre mondiale. La famille de Mitchel à New York, fermement catholique, avait été fondée par le grand-père et homonyme John Mitchel, un Young Irelander presbytérien de l'Ulster (défenseur du nationalisme irlandais) qui devint un écrivain de renom et un des leaders du mouvement pour l'indépendance irlandaise. (fr)
- John Purroy Mitchell (New York, 19 luglio 1879 – Lake Charles, 6 luglio 1918) è stato un politico statunitense, 95° sindaco di New York. Purroy Mitchell è nato nel quartiere di Fordham, nel distretto newyorkese del Bronx nel 1879, cinque anni dopo l'annessione dell'area ad ovest del fiume Bronx, da parte della città di New York. (it)
- John Purroy Mitchel (* 19. Juli 1879 in der Bronx, New York; † 6. Juli 1918 bei Lake Charles, Louisiana) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1914 und 1917 war er Bürgermeister von New York City. (de)
- John Purroy Mitchell (New York, 19 luglio 1879 – Lake Charles, 6 luglio 1918) è stato un politico statunitense, 95° sindaco di New York. Purroy Mitchell è nato nel quartiere di Fordham, nel distretto newyorkese del Bronx nel 1879, cinque anni dopo l'annessione dell'area ad ovest del fiume Bronx, da parte della città di New York. (it)
- John Purroy Mitchel (July 19, 1879 – July 6, 1918) was the 95th mayor of New York, from 1914 to 1917. At 34, he was the second-youngest mayor and he is sometimes referred to as "The Boy Mayor of New York." Mitchel is remembered for his short career as leader of reform politics in New York as well as for his early death as a US Army Air Service officer in the last months of World War I. Mitchel's staunchly Catholic New York family had been founded by his paternal grandfather and namesake, John Mitchel, an Ulster Presbyterian Young Irelander who became a renowned writer and leader in the Irish independence movement and as a staunch supporter of the Confederate States. (en)
- John Purroy Mitchel, né le 19 juillet 1879 à New York et mort le 6 juillet 1918 à Lake Charles en Louisiane, a été le maire de New York de 1914 à 1917. À 34 ans, il est la deuxième plus jeune personne à avoir exercé cette fonction, ce qui lui a parfois valu le surnom de « The Boy Mayor of New York » (littéralement retranscrit « le garçon maire de New York »). Mitchel est connu pour sa courte carrière en tant que leader de politiques réformistes à New York, ainsi que pour sa mort prématurée comme officier de l'Armée de l'Air des États-Unis dans les derniers mois de la Première Guerre mondiale. (fr)