- John Beckwith (Victoria, 9 de març de 1927 - Toronto, 5 de desembre de 2022) fou un compositor, escriptor, pianista, professor i administrador canadenc. (ca)
- جون بيكويذ هو عالم موسيقى وأستاذ جامعي وعازف بيانو وملحن كندي، ولد في 9 مارس 1927 في فيكتوريا في كندا. (ar)
- John Beckwith, CM (* 9. März 1927 in Victoria, British Columbia) ist ein kanadischer Komponist, Pianist und Musikjournalist. (de)
- John Beckwith CM (March 9, 1927 - December 5, 2022) was a Canadian composer, writer, pianist, teacher, and administrator. Born in Victoria, British Columbia, he studied piano with Alberto Guerrero at the Toronto Conservatory of Music in 1945. He received a Mus.B. in 1947 and a Mus.M. in 1961 from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music. From 1950 to 1951, he studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris. He started teaching in the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto in 1952. From 1970 to 1977, he was the dean of the faculty. He was founding director of the Institute for Canadian Music at the University of Toronto. He retired in 1990. Beckwith died on December 5, 2022 from pneumonia at Toronto Western Hospital. He wrote over 160 compositions covering stage, orchestral, chamber, solo and choral genres. In addition, he wrote 17 books, the most recent of which was published 3 months before his death. In 1987, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada. (en)
- John Beckwith (Victoria, 9 de març de 1927 - Toronto, 5 de desembre de 2022) fou un compositor, escriptor, pianista, professor i administrador canadenc. (ca)
- جون بيكويذ هو عالم موسيقى وأستاذ جامعي وعازف بيانو وملحن كندي، ولد في 9 مارس 1927 في فيكتوريا في كندا. (ar)
- John Beckwith, CM (* 9. März 1927 in Victoria, British Columbia) ist ein kanadischer Komponist, Pianist und Musikjournalist. (de)
- John Beckwith CM (March 9, 1927 - December 5, 2022) was a Canadian composer, writer, pianist, teacher, and administrator. Born in Victoria, British Columbia, he studied piano with Alberto Guerrero at the Toronto Conservatory of Music in 1945. He received a Mus.B. in 1947 and a Mus.M. in 1961 from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music. From 1950 to 1951, he studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris. He started teaching in the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto in 1952. From 1970 to 1977, he was the dean of the faculty. He was founding director of the Institute for Canadian Music at the University of Toronto. He retired in 1990. (en)