Jeff Wexler is an American production sound mixer. He has been nominated for two Academy Awards in the category Best Sound. He has worked on more than 70 films since 1972. He is the son of cinematographer Haskell Wexler.
Jeff Wexler ist ein US-amerikanischer Toningenieur. (de)
Jeff Wexler is an American production sound mixer. He has been nominated for two Academy Awards in the category Best Sound. He has worked on more than 70 films since 1972. He is the son of cinematographer Haskell Wexler. (en)
Jeff Wexler é um sonoplasta estadunidense. Foi indicado ao Oscar de melhor mixagem de som em duas ocasiões por seu trabalho audiovisual como engenheiro de som. (pt)
Jeff Wexler ist ein US-amerikanischer Toningenieur. (de)
Jeff Wexler is an American production sound mixer. He has been nominated for two Academy Awards in the category Best Sound. He has worked on more than 70 films since 1972. He is the son of cinematographer Haskell Wexler. (en)
Jeff Wexler é um sonoplasta estadunidense. Foi indicado ao Oscar de melhor mixagem de som em duas ocasiões por seu trabalho audiovisual como engenheiro de som. (pt)