- Jedediah Spenser Purdy (born 29 November 1974 in Chloe, West Virginia) is an American legal scholar and cultural commentator. He is the William S. Beinecke Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, where he teaches courses on American Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law and Democracy and its Crisis. From 2004 to 2018 Purdy was a professor at Duke University. Purdy is the author of two widely discussed books: For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (1999) and Being America: Liberty, Commerce and Violence in an American World (2003). He is also the author of After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene (2015), The Meaning of Property: Freedom, Community and the Legal Imagination (2010), and A Tolerable Anarchy: Rebels, Reactionaries, and the Making of American Freedom (2009). (en)
- Jedediah S. Purdy (né en 1974 à en Virginie-Occidentale) enseigne à l'université Duke et est l'auteur de deux livres polémiques : For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (1999) et Being America: Liberty, Commerce and Violence in an American World (2003). Récemment il a également publié A Tolerable Anarchy: Rebels, Reactionaries, and the Making of American Freedom (2009). Éduqué par instruction à domicile en Virginie-Occidentale jusqu'au lycée, il est diplômé de la Phillips Exeter Academy, de Harvard College (élève boursier aidé par la Harry S. Truman Scholarship) en 1997, et de Yale Law School en 2001. Après cette école de droit, il a travaillé auprès de Pierre Nelson Leval, juge auprès de la cour d'appel des États-Unis pour le deuxième circuit, à New York. Il fait partie du comité de rédaction du journal international Ethics & International Affairs. (fr)
- Jedediah Spenser Purdy (born 29 November 1974 in Chloe, West Virginia) is an American legal scholar and cultural commentator. He is the William S. Beinecke Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, where he teaches courses on American Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law and Democracy and its Crisis. From 2004 to 2018 Purdy was a professor at Duke University. Purdy is the author of two widely discussed books: For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (1999) and Being America: Liberty, Commerce and Violence in an American World (2003). (en)
- Jedediah S. Purdy (né en 1974 à en Virginie-Occidentale) enseigne à l'université Duke et est l'auteur de deux livres polémiques : For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (1999) et Being America: Liberty, Commerce and Violence in an American World (2003). Récemment il a également publié A Tolerable Anarchy: Rebels, Reactionaries, and the Making of American Freedom (2009). (fr)