- Jan Hřímalý, Иван Войцехович Гржимали (13. dubna 1844 Plzeň – 11. ledna 1915 Moskva) byl český houslista a hudební pedagog. (cs)
- Jan Hřímalý (auch Johann oder Iwan Hřimalý, * 13. April 1844 in Pilsen; † 11. Januarjul. / 24. Januar 1915greg. in Moskau) war ein tschechischer Geiger und Musikpädagoge. (de)
- Jan Hřímalý (Russian: Иван Войцехович Гржимали, also Ivan Voitsekhovich Grzhimali; 13 April 1844 – 24 January [O.S. 11 January] 1915) was an influential Czech violinist and teacher, who was associated with the Moscow Conservatory for 46 years in 1869–1915. He was born in Pilsen, Bohemia (then part of the Austrian Empire), the second son of the organist and composer Vojtěch Hřímalý (1809–1880), and a member of a notable Czech musical family. He was taught by his older brother Vojtěch Hřímalý jr., and by . Hřímalý studied violin at the Prague Conservatory (1855–1861), and went on to become leader of the Amsterdam Orchestra (1862–1868). In 1869 he was appointed violin teacher at the Moscow Conservatory. He succeeded Ferdinand Laub as professor of violin studies 1874–1915. He was leader of the Russian Musical Society Orchestra in Moscow from 1874 until 1906. He was acquainted with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who held him in high regard. He co-premiered Tchaikovsky's String Quartets Nos. 2 (1874) and 3 (1876). In March 1882, he appeared in the first performance (private) of Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio in A minor and may have also appeared in the public premiere in October, although this is not certain. He made a very early recording on wax cylinders of the Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor by Anton Arensky, with the composer at the piano and the cellist Anatoliy Brandukov. This recording was made shortly after its composition and is almost certainly its first recording, although it is not complete. He was considered an outstanding teacher. His students included Iosif Kotek, Reinhold Glière, who dedicated his Octet for Strings, Op. 5, to his teacher; Paul Juon; Vladimir Bakaleinikov; Arcady Dubensky; Stanisław Barcewicz, Pyotr Stolyarsky (the teacher of David Oistrakh, Nathan Milstein, and many others); Nikolai Roslavets; Konstantin Saradzhev; Alexander Petschnikoff, Mikhail Press, Alexander Schmuller; and possibly Mitrofan Vasiliev, the first violin teacher of Jean Sibelius. See: List of music students by teacher: G to J#Jan Hřímalý. He published a number of technical exercises and studies, some of which were valued by Jascha Heifetz, and he died in Moscow in 1915. All his siblings were musically talented. Together with his brothers, Vojtěch (1842–1908), Jan Bartulomeus Čestmír (1844–1915), and Bohuslav Ferdinand Wenzl (1848–1894), they started the first string quartet in Bohemia. His sisters, Maria Regina (1839–1924) and Anna Jana (1840–1897) were renowned singers in Salzburg, Austria. (en)
- Jan Hřímalý (russifié en Иван Войтехович Гржимали, Ivan Voïtekhovitch Grjimali), né le 13 avril 1844 à Pilsen (Bohême) et mort le 11/24 janvier 1915 à Moscou (Empire russe), est un violoniste et pédagogue tchèque ayant fait carrière en Russie. Il est le fils de l'organiste Vojtěch (Adalbert) Hřímalý, et le frère du compositeur Vojtěch Hřímalý, du chef d'orchestre Bohuslav Hřímalý, du violoncelliste Jaromír Hřímalý et de la cantatrice Marie Stanek-Hrimaly. (fr)
- ヤン・フルジーマリー(チェコ語: Jan Hřímalý、ロシア語: Иван Войцехович Гржимали(イワン・ボイツェホヴィチ・グルジマリ)、, 1844年4月13日 – 1915年1月〔1月11日~1月24日〕)は、チェコ出身のヴァイオリニストで教育者。 (ja)
- Иван (Ян) Войтехович Гржимали (чеш. Jan Hřímalý; 13 апреля 1844, Пльзень — 11 [24] января 1915, Москва) — чешско-русский скрипач и музыкальный педагог. Сын органиста Войтеха Гржимали, брат композитора Войтеха Гржимали, дирижёра Богуслава Гржимали, певицы Марии Гржимали. (ru)
- Іва́н Войце́хович Гржима́лі (* 13 квітня 1844, Пльзень, Чехія — † 11 січня (24 січня) 1915, Москва) — російський скрипаль, педагог. (uk)
- Jan Hřímalý, Иван Войцехович Гржимали (13. dubna 1844 Plzeň – 11. ledna 1915 Moskva) byl český houslista a hudební pedagog. (cs)
- Jan Hřímalý (auch Johann oder Iwan Hřimalý, * 13. April 1844 in Pilsen; † 11. Januarjul. / 24. Januar 1915greg. in Moskau) war ein tschechischer Geiger und Musikpädagoge. (de)
- Jan Hřímalý (russifié en Иван Войтехович Гржимали, Ivan Voïtekhovitch Grjimali), né le 13 avril 1844 à Pilsen (Bohême) et mort le 11/24 janvier 1915 à Moscou (Empire russe), est un violoniste et pédagogue tchèque ayant fait carrière en Russie. Il est le fils de l'organiste Vojtěch (Adalbert) Hřímalý, et le frère du compositeur Vojtěch Hřímalý, du chef d'orchestre Bohuslav Hřímalý, du violoncelliste Jaromír Hřímalý et de la cantatrice Marie Stanek-Hrimaly. (fr)
- ヤン・フルジーマリー(チェコ語: Jan Hřímalý、ロシア語: Иван Войцехович Гржимали(イワン・ボイツェホヴィチ・グルジマリ)、, 1844年4月13日 – 1915年1月〔1月11日~1月24日〕)は、チェコ出身のヴァイオリニストで教育者。 (ja)
- Иван (Ян) Войтехович Гржимали (чеш. Jan Hřímalý; 13 апреля 1844, Пльзень — 11 [24] января 1915, Москва) — чешско-русский скрипач и музыкальный педагог. Сын органиста Войтеха Гржимали, брат композитора Войтеха Гржимали, дирижёра Богуслава Гржимали, певицы Марии Гржимали. (ru)
- Іва́н Войце́хович Гржима́лі (* 13 квітня 1844, Пльзень, Чехія — † 11 січня (24 січня) 1915, Москва) — російський скрипаль, педагог. (uk)
- Jan Hřímalý (Russian: Иван Войцехович Гржимали, also Ivan Voitsekhovich Grzhimali; 13 April 1844 – 24 January [O.S. 11 January] 1915) was an influential Czech violinist and teacher, who was associated with the Moscow Conservatory for 46 years in 1869–1915. He made a very early recording on wax cylinders of the Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor by Anton Arensky, with the composer at the piano and the cellist Anatoliy Brandukov. This recording was made shortly after its composition and is almost certainly its first recording, although it is not complete. (en)