James Callan Graham (October 2, 1914 – July 23, 2006), generally referred to as Callan Graham, was an attorney in the Texas Hill Country, a pilot in World War II and a member of the Texas House of Representatives.
جيمس كالان غراهام هو محامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 2 أكتوبر 1914، وتوفي في 23 يوليو 2006. انتخب عضو مجلس نواب تكساس . (ar)
James Callan Graham (October 2, 1914 – July 23, 2006), generally referred to as Callan Graham, was an attorney in the Texas Hill Country, a pilot in World War II and a member of the Texas House of Representatives. (en)
جيمس كالان غراهام هو محامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 2 أكتوبر 1914، وتوفي في 23 يوليو 2006. انتخب عضو مجلس نواب تكساس . (ar)
James Callan Graham (October 2, 1914 – July 23, 2006), generally referred to as Callan Graham, was an attorney in the Texas Hill Country, a pilot in World War II and a member of the Texas House of Representatives. (en)