- Itur-Mer fou una deïtat sumèria. El seu nom estava format per un suport del nom de la deïtat del temps babilònia Mer, i vol dir "Mer ha tornat". Literalment mer (o wer) vol dir pluja o turmenta de pluja. Fou especialment adorada a Mari, ciutat/regne de la qual era deïtat tutelar o patrona. Mari derivava de Mer. (ca)
- Itūr-Mēr was a Mesopotamian god worshiped in the kingdom of Mari, and after its fall in the kingdom of Khana, especially in Terqa. His name is structured like a theophoric name rather than a typical theonym, which lead to the proposal that he was originally a deified hero or ancestral figure. An alternative theory considers him a hypostasis of the god Mēr, though unlike him he was not a weather deity. The worship of Itūr-Mēr is best documented in sources from the reign of king Zimri-Lim, which include information about his temple, clergy and festivals. Based on available sources, it is assumed that in addition to serving as the tutelary god of the city of Mari he was also the divine protector of oaths, and could be invoked to heal the sick or to help with solving crimes. (en)
- Itur-Mer fou una deïtat sumèria. El seu nom estava format per un suport del nom de la deïtat del temps babilònia Mer, i vol dir "Mer ha tornat". Literalment mer (o wer) vol dir pluja o turmenta de pluja. Fou especialment adorada a Mari, ciutat/regne de la qual era deïtat tutelar o patrona. Mari derivava de Mer. (ca)
- Itūr-Mēr was a Mesopotamian god worshiped in the kingdom of Mari, and after its fall in the kingdom of Khana, especially in Terqa. His name is structured like a theophoric name rather than a typical theonym, which lead to the proposal that he was originally a deified hero or ancestral figure. An alternative theory considers him a hypostasis of the god Mēr, though unlike him he was not a weather deity. (en)