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Islam is the most common religion in Sudan and Muslims have dominated national government institutions since independence in 1956. According to UNDP Sudan, the Muslim population is 97%, including numerous Arab and non-Arab groups. The remaining 3% ascribe to either Christianity or traditional animist religions. Muslims predominate in all but Nuba Mountains region. The vast majority of Muslims in Sudan adhere to Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, deeply influenced with Sufism. There are also some Shia communities in Khartoum, the capital. The most significant divisions occur along the lines of the Sufi brotherhoods. Two popular brotherhoods, the Ansar and the Khatmia, are associated with the opposition Umma and Democratic Unionist Parties respectively. Only the Darfur region is

Property Value
  • الإسلام هو الدين الأكثر انتشارا في السودان، إذ تشير الإحصائيات إلى أن نسبة المسلمين في السودان تبلغ 95% تقريبا، منهم عرب ومنهم غير عرب، أما الباقي فهم ينتمون إلى الديانة النصرانية (حوالي 5% فقط من إجمالي السكان) والديانة الإحيائية. وينتشر المسلمون في شمال السودان بشكل كبير، مع وجود مجتمعات نصرانية كبيرة أيضا هناك، لا سيما في الأماكن التي يكثر فيها النازحون. وقد قُدّر عدد السودانيين الجنوبيين الذي نزحوا إلى الشمال هربا من الحروب بأكثر من 4 ملايين منذ عام 1970 تقريبا، ومعظم سكان الجنوب يتمسكون بالديانة النصرانية أو الإحيائية، ولكن هناك عدد كبير منهم يتمسكون بالإسلام أيضا. معظم مسلمي السودان يتبعون المذهب السني، وهم في الغالب صوفيون، وهناك تنوع بالطرق الصوفية التي يتبعها المسلمون هناك، وأكبر طريقتين هما طريقة الأنصار والطريقة الخاتمية. (ar)
  • Islam is the most common religion in Sudan and Muslims have dominated national government institutions since independence in 1956. According to UNDP Sudan, the Muslim population is 97%, including numerous Arab and non-Arab groups. The remaining 3% ascribe to either Christianity or traditional animist religions. Muslims predominate in all but Nuba Mountains region. The vast majority of Muslims in Sudan adhere to Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, deeply influenced with Sufism. There are also some Shia communities in Khartoum, the capital. The most significant divisions occur along the lines of the Sufi brotherhoods. Two popular brotherhoods, the Ansar and the Khatmia, are associated with the opposition Umma and Democratic Unionist Parties respectively. Only the Darfur region is traditionally lacking the presence of Sufi brotherhoods found in the rest of the country. Shari'a law has been installed by various military regimes, and its application to non-Muslims in the capital was a contentious issue during the negotiations, but it and the other major issues underlying the north–south conflict have been largely resolved in the agreements. Shari'a is to continue to be the basis of the national legal system as it applies in the north; national legislation applicable to the south is to be based on "popular consensus, the values, and the customs of the people." In states or regions where a majority hold different religious or customary beliefs than those on which the legal system is based, the national laws may be amended to accord better with such beliefs. Throughout the country, the application of Shari'a to non-Muslims is to be limited, and courts may not exercise their discretion to impose the harsher physical forms of Shari'a penalties on non-Muslims. Sudan has had three democratic governments since 1956, all of which abolished Shari'a law. In September 2020, Sudan constitutionally became a secular state after Sudan's transitional government agreed to separate religion from the state, ending 30 years of Islamic rule and Islam as the official state religion in the North African nation. This new legislation also ended the former apostasy law and public flogging. (en)
  • L'islam est la plus importante religion du Soudan et les musulmans dominent les institutions gouvernementales nationales depuis l'indépendance en 1956. (fr)
  • Islam adalah yang agama terbesar di Sudan, dan Muslim telah mendominasi lembaga pemerintah nasional sejak . Statistik menunjukkan bahwa populasi Muslim adalah 97%, termasuk sejumlah Arab dan kelompok non-Arab. Sisanya 3% menganggap baik untuk Kristen atau agama tradisional animisme. Umat Muslim dominan di utara, tetapi ada masyarakat Kristen yang cukup besar di kota-kota bagian utara, terutama di daerah-daerah di mana terdapat sejumlah besar . Diperkirakan bahwa selama empat puluh tahun terakhir, lebih dari 4 juta warga wilayah selatan telah melarikan diri ke utara untuk menghindari . Sebagian besar warga di selatan menganut Kristen ataupun agama adat tradisional (animis). Namun ada juga penganut Muslim, terutama di sepanjang garis pemisah historis antara Arab dan masyarakat . (in)
  • O Sudão é um país religiosamente misto, embora os muçulmanos tenham domínio nas instituições governamentais da nação desde a independência em 1956. As estatísticas indicam que a população muçulmana é de aproximadamente 75%, incluindo grupos árabes e não-árabes; cristãos em aproximadamente 10%; e tradicionalistas em 15%. Predominam os muçulmanos do norte, mas há significativas comunidades cristãs em cidades do norte, principalmente em áreas onde há um grande número de pessoas deslocadas internamente. Estima-se que, ao longo dos últimos quarenta anos, mais de 4 milhões de habitantes do sul fugiram para o norte para escapar da guerra. A maioria dos cidadãos no sul quer aderir ao cristianismo ou religiões tradicionais indígenas, no entanto, há alguns muçulmanos adeptos também, de tais crenças. A população é quase inteiramente muçulmana sunita, mas está dividida em vários grupos. A divergência religiosa do país é agravada pela percepção entre muçulmanos e não-árabes que habitam no sul, que eles são cidadãos de segunda classe. Enquanto os árabes muçulmanos do norte têm dominado estruturas políticas e econômicas desde a independência em 1956. Os habitantes do sul iniciaram uma luta armada para protestar contra as discriminações religiosas, políticas e econômicas, mesmo antes da independência. O habitantes do sul lutam para buscar alguma forma de auto-determinação regional, o Sul vai votar um referendo realizado em 6 anos após um acordo de paz ter sido implementado, na sequência de um pré-período de transição de seis meses. A lei da xaria e sua aplicação para os não-muçulmanos na capital foi uma questão controversa durante as negociações, mas esta e outras grandes questões subjacentes ao norte e ao sul, foram resolvidos em grande parte nos acordos. A xaria geralmente vai continuar a ser a base do sistema jurídico nacional, uma vez que se aplica no norte, a legislação nacional aplicável ao sul está a ser baseado em um "consenso popular, os valores e os costumes dos povos." Em estados ou regiões onde a maioria possui diferentes crenças religiosas ou costume do que aqueles em que se baseia o sistema jurídico, a legislação nacional pode ser alterada para um melhor acordo com tais crenças. Em todo o país, a aplicação da xaria para os não-muçulmanos, deve ser limitada, e os tribunais não podem exercer o seu poder discricionário para impor as leis de xaria sobre os não-muçulmanos. No oeste, nos três estados de Darfur, uma guerra entre milícias formada em grande parte por pecuaristas, tribos muçulmanas, e em grande parte não-muçulmanos nômades africanos, resultou na limpeza étnica e redistribuição africana das populações muçulmanas na região. É essencialmente um conflito étnico, e não religioso. (pt)
  • Ислам в Судане является религией большинства. Мусульмане-сунниты составляют 97 % населения страны. Есть несколько небольших шиитских общин.Наиболее значительные различия между мусульманами в Судане разделяют их по принадлежности к суфийским братствам. Наиболее распространенные из которых Ансар и Хатмия. В Судане действуют строгие законы шариата. (ru)
  • 1187375 (xsd:integer)
  • 8005 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1111383770 (xsd:integer)
  • February 2014 (en)
  • yes (en)
  • الإسلام هو الدين الأكثر انتشارا في السودان، إذ تشير الإحصائيات إلى أن نسبة المسلمين في السودان تبلغ 95% تقريبا، منهم عرب ومنهم غير عرب، أما الباقي فهم ينتمون إلى الديانة النصرانية (حوالي 5% فقط من إجمالي السكان) والديانة الإحيائية. وينتشر المسلمون في شمال السودان بشكل كبير، مع وجود مجتمعات نصرانية كبيرة أيضا هناك، لا سيما في الأماكن التي يكثر فيها النازحون. وقد قُدّر عدد السودانيين الجنوبيين الذي نزحوا إلى الشمال هربا من الحروب بأكثر من 4 ملايين منذ عام 1970 تقريبا، ومعظم سكان الجنوب يتمسكون بالديانة النصرانية أو الإحيائية، ولكن هناك عدد كبير منهم يتمسكون بالإسلام أيضا. معظم مسلمي السودان يتبعون المذهب السني، وهم في الغالب صوفيون، وهناك تنوع بالطرق الصوفية التي يتبعها المسلمون هناك، وأكبر طريقتين هما طريقة الأنصار والطريقة الخاتمية. (ar)
  • L'islam est la plus importante religion du Soudan et les musulmans dominent les institutions gouvernementales nationales depuis l'indépendance en 1956. (fr)
  • Islam adalah yang agama terbesar di Sudan, dan Muslim telah mendominasi lembaga pemerintah nasional sejak . Statistik menunjukkan bahwa populasi Muslim adalah 97%, termasuk sejumlah Arab dan kelompok non-Arab. Sisanya 3% menganggap baik untuk Kristen atau agama tradisional animisme. Umat Muslim dominan di utara, tetapi ada masyarakat Kristen yang cukup besar di kota-kota bagian utara, terutama di daerah-daerah di mana terdapat sejumlah besar . Diperkirakan bahwa selama empat puluh tahun terakhir, lebih dari 4 juta warga wilayah selatan telah melarikan diri ke utara untuk menghindari . Sebagian besar warga di selatan menganut Kristen ataupun agama adat tradisional (animis). Namun ada juga penganut Muslim, terutama di sepanjang garis pemisah historis antara Arab dan masyarakat . (in)
  • Ислам в Судане является религией большинства. Мусульмане-сунниты составляют 97 % населения страны. Есть несколько небольших шиитских общин.Наиболее значительные различия между мусульманами в Судане разделяют их по принадлежности к суфийским братствам. Наиболее распространенные из которых Ансар и Хатмия. В Судане действуют строгие законы шариата. (ru)
  • Islam is the most common religion in Sudan and Muslims have dominated national government institutions since independence in 1956. According to UNDP Sudan, the Muslim population is 97%, including numerous Arab and non-Arab groups. The remaining 3% ascribe to either Christianity or traditional animist religions. Muslims predominate in all but Nuba Mountains region. The vast majority of Muslims in Sudan adhere to Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, deeply influenced with Sufism. There are also some Shia communities in Khartoum, the capital. The most significant divisions occur along the lines of the Sufi brotherhoods. Two popular brotherhoods, the Ansar and the Khatmia, are associated with the opposition Umma and Democratic Unionist Parties respectively. Only the Darfur region is (en)
  • O Sudão é um país religiosamente misto, embora os muçulmanos tenham domínio nas instituições governamentais da nação desde a independência em 1956. As estatísticas indicam que a população muçulmana é de aproximadamente 75%, incluindo grupos árabes e não-árabes; cristãos em aproximadamente 10%; e tradicionalistas em 15%. Predominam os muçulmanos do norte, mas há significativas comunidades cristãs em cidades do norte, principalmente em áreas onde há um grande número de pessoas deslocadas internamente. Estima-se que, ao longo dos últimos quarenta anos, mais de 4 milhões de habitantes do sul fugiram para o norte para escapar da guerra. A maioria dos cidadãos no sul quer aderir ao cristianismo ou religiões tradicionais indígenas, no entanto, há alguns muçulmanos adeptos também, de tais crenças. (pt)
  • Islam in Sudan (en)
  • الإسلام في السودان (ar)
  • Islam au Soudan (fr)
  • Islam di Sudan (in)
  • Ислам в Судане (ru)
  • Islão no Sudão (pt)
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