- Nazioarteko Egiaztatze Batzordea, Euskal Herriko bake prozesuaren barruan ETAren indarkeriaren behin betiko amaiera egiaztatzeko sortu zen 2011ko irailaren 28an. Harrezkero lanean aritu zen batzorde hau indarkeriaren amaiera ordenatua lortzeko, euskal erakundeekin eta gizarte zibilarekin batera. 2014ko urtarrilean izan zen ETAren armagabetzerako lehen pausoa. Batzordeak egiaztatu zuen ETAk arma, munizio eta lehergai kopuru zehatz bat erabileratik kanpo utzi zuela. Hiru urte geroago Nafarroako Parlamentuak eta Eusko Legebiltzarrak batzordearen jarduna bermatu zuten 2017ko martxoaren 27an eta apirilaren 6an. Egun batzuk geroago, ETAk bere indarkeria ekintzak amaitzeko konpromiso guztiak bete egin zituela egiaztatu zuen Baionan 2017ko apirilaren 8an. Batzordearen kideak bost pertsona hauek izan ziren:
* Ronald Kasrils
* (eu)
- The International Verification Commission (IVC) for the peace process in the *Basque Country was created on 28 September 2011 to verify ETA's declaration of a definitive end of violence. Since 2011 to 2017, the Commission, together with Basque institutions and Basque civil society, worked towards achieving an orderly end of violence. The Commission, after the disarmament day on 8 April 2017, verified that ETA has fulfilled its commitment to cease all violent actions. The regional parliaments of the Basque Autonomous Community and Navarre in Spain confirmed their support to the mission of the Commission in late March and early April. The Commission members are listed below:
* Ram Manikkalingam, Chairman of the Commission. Director of Dialogue Advisory Group and Professor at Amsterdam University, he was also Adviser to the President of Sri Lanka for negotiations with the Tamil Tigers.
* Ronald Kasrils, anti-apartheid activist, former Minister of Intelligence and Deputy Defense Minister of South Africa.
* Satish Nambiar, former Deputy Chief of the Indian Army and former Commander and Head of Mission of the UN Protection Force in former Yugoslavia in 1992 and 1993.
* Christopher Maccabe, former Political Director of the Northern Ireland Office of the United Kingdom, and a former British Joint Secretary of the British–Irish Intergovernmental Conference.
* Fleur Ravensbergen, Assistant Director of Dialogue Advisory Group.
* Aracelly Santana, former Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Deputy Head of Mission, United Nations Mission in Nepal (UMIN) and former Director of America's Office in the United Nations Department of Political Affairs. (en)
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- The International Verification Commission (IVC) for the peace process in the *Basque Country was created on 28 September 2011 to verify ETA's declaration of a definitive end of violence. Since 2011 to 2017, the Commission, together with Basque institutions and Basque civil society, worked towards achieving an orderly end of violence. The Commission members are listed below: (en)
- Nazioarteko Egiaztatze Batzordea, Euskal Herriko bake prozesuaren barruan ETAren indarkeriaren behin betiko amaiera egiaztatzeko sortu zen 2011ko irailaren 28an. Harrezkero lanean aritu zen batzorde hau indarkeriaren amaiera ordenatua lortzeko, euskal erakundeekin eta gizarte zibilarekin batera. Batzordearen kideak bost pertsona hauek izan ziren:
* Ronald Kasrils
* (eu)
- Nazioarteko Egiaztatze Batzordea (eu)
- International Verification Commission (Basque Country) (en)
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