- Inaugurated eschatology is the belief in Christian theology that the end times were inaugurated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and thus there are both "already" and "not yet" aspects to the Kingdom of God. George Eldon Ladd suggests that the Kingdom of God is "not only an eschatological gift belonging to the Age to Come; it is also a gift to be received in the old aeon." This approach was first developed by Geerhardus Vos, especially in his 1930 work, The Pauline Eschatology. Later, Oscar Cullmann sought to combine the "thorough-going eschatology" of Albert Schweitzer with the "realized eschatology" of C. H. Dodd. Cullmann suggested the analogy of D Day and V Day to illustrate the relationship between Jesus' death and resurrection on the one hand, and his Second Coming on the other. Inaugurated eschatology was popularized by George Eldon Ladd, especially among American evangelicals. Stephen Um notes that as evangelicals "began to explore the meaning of inaugurated eschatology for evangelical theology, they were almost always either explicitly or implicitly in conversation with Ladd's work." D. A. Carson sees John 5:24 ("whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life", NIV) as giving the "strongest affirmation of inaugurated eschatology in the Fourth Gospel": it is not necessary for the believer to "wait until the last day to experience something of resurrection life." Some view Inaugurated Eschatology as a Kingdom theology that goes against a literal reading of Kingdom passages in the New Testament. They point to passages such as Acts 1:6 where the Apostles are seen awaiting the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel immediately prior to the ascension of Jesus as demonstrating that the Kingdom has not been established in any way. George N. H. Peters writes extensively on the future-Kingdom approach in his three-volume classic, "The Theocratic Kingdom." Alternatively, this could be interpreted as the Apostles awaiting for the earthly establishment of Jesus's kingdom in its full glory. (en)
- 시작된 종말론 (Inaugurated eschatology, already not yet)은 마지막 시대에 예수님의 삶, 죽음 그리고 부활은 이미 시작되었지만 그러나 아직 하나님의 나라가 완성되지 않았다는 그리스도 신학을 믿는 것이다. 조오지 앨든 래드는 하나님의 나라는 다가올 시대에 속한 종말론적 선물일뿐만 아니라, 이전 세대에서 이미 받았던 선물이라고 한다. 이런 종말론의 접근은 오스카 쿨만이 알버트 슈바이처의 재림의 임박성을 급작스럽게 강조한 철저한 종말론과 C. H. 다드의 하나님 나라의 미래성을 거부하고 이미 현실 역사에 임하였다는 실현된 종말론을 결합을 추구하여 만들었다. (ko)
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- 시작된 종말론 (Inaugurated eschatology, already not yet)은 마지막 시대에 예수님의 삶, 죽음 그리고 부활은 이미 시작되었지만 그러나 아직 하나님의 나라가 완성되지 않았다는 그리스도 신학을 믿는 것이다. 조오지 앨든 래드는 하나님의 나라는 다가올 시대에 속한 종말론적 선물일뿐만 아니라, 이전 세대에서 이미 받았던 선물이라고 한다. 이런 종말론의 접근은 오스카 쿨만이 알버트 슈바이처의 재림의 임박성을 급작스럽게 강조한 철저한 종말론과 C. H. 다드의 하나님 나라의 미래성을 거부하고 이미 현실 역사에 임하였다는 실현된 종말론을 결합을 추구하여 만들었다. (ko)
- Inaugurated eschatology is the belief in Christian theology that the end times were inaugurated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and thus there are both "already" and "not yet" aspects to the Kingdom of God. George Eldon Ladd suggests that the Kingdom of God is "not only an eschatological gift belonging to the Age to Come; it is also a gift to be received in the old aeon." (en)
- Inaugurated eschatology (en)
- 시작된 종말론 (ko)
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