- Helmuth Johannsen (27 de febrer de 1920 - 3 de novembre de 1998) va ser un jugador i entrenador de futbol professional alemany. Johannsen va jugar al St. Pauli, (un club del qual també va exercir com a vicepresident posteriorment durant un any de 1987 a 1988), però una lesió de guerra el va obligar a abandonar la seva carrera de jugador abans d'hora. Després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, va passar a ser entrenador, sobretot liderant l'Eintracht Braunschweig a un sorprenent campionat de la Bundesliga el 1966–67. Des de principis de maig fins a finals de juny de 1965 va passar unes quantes setmanes cedit pel Braunschweig a Holstein Kiel portant els campions de la divisió nord de l'aleshores lliga regional de segona categoria, a través dels partits de la sèrie d'ascens a la Bundesliga, però acabant només tercer en un grup de quatre equips, per darrere del Borussia Mönchengladbach al voltant de les seves joves estrelles Günter Netzer i Jupp Heynckes, i el de l'estat de Baden-Württemberg. També va treballar a Suïssa, guanyant el campionat suís el 1978 amb el Grasshopper Club Zürich, i arribant també a les semifinals de la Copa de la UEFA el mateix any. (ca)
- Helmuth Johannsen (* 27. Februar 1920 in Hamburg; † 3. November 1998 ebenda) war ein deutscher Fußballtrainer. Er gewann mit Eintracht Braunschweig 1967 in der Bundesliga die deutsche Meisterschaft und wurde 1978 mit Grasshoppers Zürich Schweizer Meister. (de)
- Helmuth Johannsen (27 February 1920 – 3 November 1998) was a German professional football player and manager. Johannsen played for St. Pauli, a club which he also served as vice-president for a year from 1987 to 1988, but a war injury forced him to give up his playing career early. After World War II he went on to become a manager, most notably leading Eintracht Braunschweig to a surprising Bundesliga championship in 1966–67. From early May to the end of June 1965 he spent a few weeks on loan from Braunschweig at Holstein Kiel taking the champions of the northern division of the then national second tier Regionalliga, through the matches of the promotion series for the Bundesliga, but finishing only third in a pool of four teams, behind Borussia Mönchengladbach around their young stars Günter Netzer and Jupp Heynckes, and SSV Reutlingen from the state of Baden-Württemberg. He also worked in Switzerland, winning the Swiss championship in 1978 with Grasshopper Club Zürich, and also reaching the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup the same year. (en)
- Helmuth Johannsen (Amburgo, 27 febbraio 1920 – Amburgo, 3 novembre 1998) è stato un allenatore di calcio tedesco. (it)
- Helmuth Johannsen (ur. 27 lutego 1920 w Hamburgu, zm. 3 listopada 1998 tamże) – niemiecki piłkarz, trener. (pl)
- Helmuth Johannsen (* 27. Februar 1920 in Hamburg; † 3. November 1998 ebenda) war ein deutscher Fußballtrainer. Er gewann mit Eintracht Braunschweig 1967 in der Bundesliga die deutsche Meisterschaft und wurde 1978 mit Grasshoppers Zürich Schweizer Meister. (de)
- Helmuth Johannsen (Amburgo, 27 febbraio 1920 – Amburgo, 3 novembre 1998) è stato un allenatore di calcio tedesco. (it)
- Helmuth Johannsen (ur. 27 lutego 1920 w Hamburgu, zm. 3 listopada 1998 tamże) – niemiecki piłkarz, trener. (pl)
- Helmuth Johannsen (27 February 1920 – 3 November 1998) was a German professional football player and manager. Johannsen played for St. Pauli, a club which he also served as vice-president for a year from 1987 to 1988, but a war injury forced him to give up his playing career early. After World War II he went on to become a manager, most notably leading Eintracht Braunschweig to a surprising Bundesliga championship in 1966–67. He also worked in Switzerland, winning the Swiss championship in 1978 with Grasshopper Club Zürich, and also reaching the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup the same year. (en)