An Entity of Type: Private university, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the graduate medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1782, HMS is one of the oldest medical schools in the United States and is consistently ranked first for research among medical schools by U.S. News & World Report. Unlike most other leading medical schools, HMS does not operate in conjunction with a single hospital but is directly affiliated with several teaching hospitals in the Boston area. Affiliated teaching hospitals and research institutes include Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, McLean Hospital, Cambridge Health Alliance, The Baker Center for Childr

Property Value
  • مدرسة طب هارفرد (بالإنجليزية: Harvard Medical School)‏ هي إحدى الكليات لتدريس الطب في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. تقع في مدينة بوستن في ولاية ماساتشوسيتس الأمريكية. نوع الشهادة الطبية التي يتم تحصيلها هناك هي دكتور في الطب. (ar)
  • Die Harvard Medical School (kurz HMS) ist die medizinische Fakultät der Harvard University. Anders als der Hauptcampus von Harvard, der sich in Cambridge, Massachusetts, befindet, gehört die HMS zum Longwood Medical and Academic Area, einem medizinischen Campus in Boston. Sie umfasst Vorlesungssäle und Labore. Als Lehrkrankenhäuser dienen unter anderem das Massachusetts General Hospital und die ebenfalls auf dem Campus stehenden Kliniken Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital und Boston Children’s Hospital. Dekan der Harvard Medical School ist seit 2017 George Q. Daley. (de)
  • Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the graduate medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1782, HMS is one of the oldest medical schools in the United States and is consistently ranked first for research among medical schools by U.S. News & World Report. Unlike most other leading medical schools, HMS does not operate in conjunction with a single hospital but is directly affiliated with several teaching hospitals in the Boston area. Affiliated teaching hospitals and research institutes include Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, McLean Hospital, Cambridge Health Alliance, The Baker Center for Children and Families, and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. (en)
  • La Escuela de Medicina Harvard (en idioma inglés Harvard Medical School) es la escuela de medicina de la Universidad Harvard. Se trata de un centro docente de postgrado. Es académicamente muy selectiva y se ubica en la sección del Longwood Medical Area de Boston. Fue fundada en 1782, siendo trasladada de Cambridge a Boston en 1810. Cuenta con alrededor de 650 estudiantes en programa de MD, 500 en el programa PhD, y 130 en el MD-PhD, permitiendo a los estudiantes recibir sus MD de la HMS o sus doctorados bien de Harvard o del MIT. La escuela tiene un profesorado de casi 8000 profesores, muchos de ellos trabajando en hospitales de Boston afiliados a la Universidad Harvard. (es)
  • La Harvard Medical School (HMS) est la faculté de médecine de l’université Harvard située à Boston dans le Massachusetts. Elle a été fondée en 1782 et est considérée comme l'une des plus prestigieuses des États-Unis. Elle se trouve dans la Longwood Medical and Academic Area de Boston. (fr)
  • ハーバード大学医学大学院(ハーバードだいがく いがくだいがくいん、Harvard Medical School)は、ハーバード大学の専門職大学院のひとつで、医師の養成学校(医学校)。 "ハーバード大学医学校" と訳されていることもある。 (ja)
  • 하버드 대학교 의학전문대학원(Harvard Medical School)은 미국 매사추세츠주의 의학전문대학원이다. 1782년에 설립된 이 학교는 미국에서 세번째로 오래된 의학전문대학원이다. M.D.(의무박사), Ph.D.(의학박사) 및 M.D.-Ph.D. 통합과정을 제공한다. 이 학교는 《U.S. 뉴스 & 월드 리포트》가 매해 발표하는 미국 메디컬 스쿨 순위에서 연구 1위, 내과 2위, 소아과 2위에 올랐다. US 뉴스 세계 메디컬 스쿨 순위에서는 세계 1위를 기록하고 있다. 2012년-2013년 M.D. 입시기간에는 165명 정원에 5,779명이 지원하였다. 2013년 가을에 입학했던 신입생들의 평균 학부 GPA는 3.8, 평균 MCAT 점수는 언어 11.2, 물리과학 12.55, 생물과학 12.61이었다. (ko)
  • De Harvard Medical School (HMS) is een instituut van de Harvard-universiteit (Harvard University), dat is gevestigd in het medische district Longwood ten zuidwesten van het centrum van Boston, Massachusetts, waar ook een aantal bekende gespecialiseerde ziekenhuizen liggen die met Harvard Medical School geaffilieerd zijn: , , en het . Harvard Medical School werkt ook samen met het elders in Boston gelegen Massachusetts General Hospital. (nl)
  • La Harvard Medical School è una delle graduate school presenti nell'Università di Harvard. Massachusetts Medical College, Mason St., Boston, 1824 circaHarvard Medical School (it)
  • Harvard Medical School – amerykańska wyższa szkoła medyczna, stanowiąca jeden z dziewięciu wydziałów Harvard University. Od wielu lat znajduje się w czołówce szkół medycznych na świecie. Zarówno w 2010, jak i w 2011 zajęła pierwsze miejsce w rankingu miesięcznika U.S. News & World Report prezentującym najlepsze amerykańskie wyższe szkoły medyczne w zakresie badań naukowych. W 2012 na Harvard Medical School uczy się 705 studentów na studiach lekarskich magisterskich (M.D.), 147 na stomatologicznych magisterskich (D.M.D.), 556 na studiach doktorskich (Ph.D.), oraz 155 na łączonych (M.D. – Ph.D. program). Pierwszy rok na Harvard Medical School składa się zwykle z 165 studentów medycyny, oraz 35 stomatologii. Po egzaminie wstępnym, studenci całego roku są dzieleni na 5 grup noszących imię sławnych absolwentów Harvard Medical School. Większość studentów pierwszorocznych mieszka w Vanderbilt Hall, znajdującym się naprzeciwko szkoły. M.D.-Ph.D program pozwala uzyskać tytuł M.D. na Harvard Medical School, oraz Ph.D na innym wydziale Harvardu, bądź na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Nauka w tej szkole jest wyjątkowa, ponieważ w dużym stopniu opiera się na studium przypadku. HMS jest trzecią najstarszą szkołą medyczną w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Została założona 19 września 1782 przez , Benjamina Waterhouse i . Pierwsze wykłady zostały poprowadzone w piwnicy Ratusza w Harvardzie, a następnie w . Uroczyste odebranie dyplomów pierwszego rocznika, złożonego zaledwie z dwóch osób, odbyło się w 1788. (pl)
  • Escola de Medicina Harvard (HMS) é a faculdade de medicina da Universidade Harvard. Fica na área conhecida como Área Médica de Longwood (Longwood Medical Area) no bairro de Mission Hill, Boston, Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. HMS é a casa (até o outono de 2011/2012) de 705 estudantes no programa de doutorado em medicina, 147 no programa de doutorado em odontologia, 556 no programa de doutorado em filosofia e 155 no programa de pós-doutorado. Uma típica aula inicial na Harvard Medical School consistem em 165 alunos de doutorado em medicina e 35 de doutorado em odontologia. Após a matrícula, a classe de 200 alunos é dividida em cinco sociedades em homenagem a ex-alunos famosos da HMS. A maioria dos alunos de primeiro ano residem em Vanderbilt Hall, do outro lado da rua da HMS. O programa de pós doutorado permite ao aluno receber o título pela HMS retificado ou pela Universidade Harvard ou pelo Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts (MIT). Futuros alunos se inscrevem para uma das duas opções de titulação de doutorado. New Pathway, o maior dos dois programas, enfatiza a aprendizagem baseada em problemas. HST, operado pela Harvard-MIT Divisão de Ciências da Saúde e Tecnologia, enfatiza a pesquisa médica. (pt)
  • Га́рвардская медици́нская шко́ла (англ. Harvard Medical School) — образовательное учреждение высшего медицинского образования при Гарвардском университете. Располагается в нейборхуде Бостона Мишен Хилл в пространстве Лонгвудской научно-медицинской области. В ежегодном рейтинге U.S. News & World Report школа устойчиво удерживает первое место. (ru)
  • 哈佛医学院 (英语:Harvard Medical School,简称:HMS) 位于波士顿长木医学区,提供各个医科课程及颁发专业资格证书。哈佛医学院的医学本科课程与美国其他大部分的医学院一样,只接受已经持有学士學位证書的毕业生报考,進入医学院修業时間為四年,毕业的医學生会获得“医学士”(M.D.)證書,但这并不是哲学博士(PhD),而是与英国及某些英联邦国家医学院颁发的“内外全科医学士”。 (zh)
  • 11694 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1782-09-19 (xsd:date)
  • 329529 (xsd:integer)
  • 41419 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119916597 (xsd:integer)
  • Harvard Medical School quadrangle in Longwood Medical Area. (en)
  • Massachusetts Medical College at Mason St. (en)
  • The new Massachusetts Medical College in Grove St., Bosto (en)
  • Coat of arms (en)
  • Harvard Medical School quadrangle in Longwood Medical Area. (en)
  • Massachusetts Medical College, Grove Street (en)
  • Massachusetts Medical College, Mason Street (en)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
  • United States (en)
  • vertical (en)
  • 1782-09-19 (xsd:date)
  • 11694 (xsd:integer)
  • 1840.0
  • Massachusetts Medical College ca1824 MasonSt Boston.png (en)
  • Harvard Medical School HDR.jpg (en)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • 250 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • dbr:Naval_surgeon
  • 1970.0
  • artist (en)
  • author (en)
  • Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (en)
  • U.S. Senator (en)
  • 7.8894E8
  • Academic (en)
  • entrepreneur (en)
  • Geneticist (en)
  • columnist (en)
  • essayist (en)
  • physician (en)
  • poet (en)
  • scientist (en)
  • academic (en)
  • anatomist (en)
  • botanist (en)
  • psychiatrist (en)
  • chemist (en)
  • surgeon (en)
  • neuroscientist (en)
  • philosopher (en)
  • soldier (en)
  • biochemist (en)
  • neurologist (en)
  • pathologist (en)
  • neurosurgeon (en)
  • microbiologist (en)
  • President of Boston University (en)
  • biologist (en)
  • Figure skater (en)
  • dermatologist (en)
  • plastic surgeon (en)
  • academic administrator (en)
  • otolaryngologist (en)
  • Mayor of Boston (en)
  • biophysicist (en)
  • geneticist (en)
  • neuroscientist and stem cell researcher, first director of the Stem Cell Institute of New Jersey (en)
  • physician, global health leader, current President of the World Bank (en)
  • facial surgery specialist and surgeon for Mary Jo Buttafuoco after she was shot by Amy Fisher in 1992 (en)
  • physician who founded the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (en)
  • past president of the American College of Preventive Medicine, health administrator, academic (en)
  • cardiologist, helped develop Blalock–Taussig shunt (en)
  • AIDS researcher (en)
  • Chairman of World Medical Association, surgeon, anesthesiologist, neurologist, medical researcher (en)
  • director of the UCLA Institute of Urologic Oncology and is Professor and Chief of Urologic Oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine (en)
  • Governor of the Alaska Territory , U.S. Senator (en)
  • Indiana state health commissioner (en)
  • hearing researcher, contributor to the invention of the electroencephalograph (en)
  • Navy SEAL, ER physician, astronaut (en)
  • President and CEO, Dana–Farber Cancer Institute (en)
  • orthopedic surgeon, former Academic All American linebacker for the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team, picked by the Los Angeles Rams in the 1991 NFL draft (en)
  • Surgeon General of the U.S. Army (en)
  • Director of the National Institutes of Health , CEO of the American Red Cross (en)
  • researcher, practitioner, first black Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (en)
  • academic psychiatrist (en)
  • academic, coauthor of Biochemistry (en)
  • author, biological anthropologist (en)
  • author, pediatrician (en)
  • biochemist, Nobel laureate (en)
  • cardiologist (en)
  • cardiologist, author of The Relaxation Response (en)
  • castmate on The Real World: San Francisco (en)
  • characterized primary progressive aphasia (en)
  • dermatologist, medical researcher, philanthropist (en)
  • diabetolologist (en)
  • director of The Dartmouth Institute (en)
  • doctor, philanthropist (en)
  • early atomic theorist (en)
  • entrepreneur, neurosurgeon, inventor (en)
  • epidemiologist, pediatrician (en)
  • founder of Central Maine Medical Center (en)
  • general practitioner (en)
  • hematologist (en)
  • infectious disease physician (en)
  • infectious disease physician, global health (en)
  • Dean and Founding CEO, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine (en)
  • medical scientist (en)
  • murder suspect (en)
  • ophthalmologist, businesswoman (en)
  • pediatrician (en)
  • physician, activist, politician (en)
  • physician, author (en)
  • physician, biochemist (en)
  • physician, immunologist, Lasker Award winner (en)
  • physician, physiologist, Nobel laureate (en)
  • physician, poet (en)
  • physiologist (en)
  • president of the John Templeton Foundation (en)
  • soldier, physician (en)
  • surgeon, author (en)
  • systems biologist, geneticist (en)
  • one of the first African Americans to attend, one of the first African-American physicians, expelled after a faculty vote to end the admission of blacks but finished his degree elsewhere (en)
  • pediatric surgeon, performed first surgery for Hirschsprung's disease (en)
  • Dean of the Dell Medical School at University of Texas at Austin (en)
  • proponent of alternative medicine and integrative medicine (en)
  • one of the first African Americans to attend, first African-American field officer in the US, expelled after a faculty vote to end the admission of blacks (en)
  • surgeon who performed first kidney transplant, editor-in-chief of Campbell's Urology (en)
  • CEO of CareMore Health System, Obama administration official (en)
  • anti-abortion activist, first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School (en)
  • first female faculty member at Harvard Medical School (en)
  • Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Governor-General of the Philippines (en)
  • Robert Mundheim Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (en)
  • Dean Emeritus of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, former President of the American Heart Association (en)
  • yes (en)
  • Totals: * MD – 712 * PhD – 915 * DMD – 140 * Master's – 269 * DMSc – 39 (en)
  • 235 (xsd:integer)
  • 1817 (xsd:integer)
  • 1867 (xsd:integer)
  • 1937 (xsd:integer)
  • 1944 (xsd:integer)
  • 1956 (xsd:integer)
  • 1968 (xsd:integer)
  • 1972 (xsd:integer)
  • 1975 (xsd:integer)
  • 1976 (xsd:integer)
  • 1979 (xsd:integer)
  • 1980 (xsd:integer)
  • 1981 (xsd:integer)
  • 1988 (xsd:integer)
  • 1997 (xsd:integer)
  • 2008 (xsd:integer)
  • 42.335743 -71.105138
  • مدرسة طب هارفرد (بالإنجليزية: Harvard Medical School)‏ هي إحدى الكليات لتدريس الطب في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. تقع في مدينة بوستن في ولاية ماساتشوسيتس الأمريكية. نوع الشهادة الطبية التي يتم تحصيلها هناك هي دكتور في الطب. (ar)
  • La Harvard Medical School (HMS) est la faculté de médecine de l’université Harvard située à Boston dans le Massachusetts. Elle a été fondée en 1782 et est considérée comme l'une des plus prestigieuses des États-Unis. Elle se trouve dans la Longwood Medical and Academic Area de Boston. (fr)
  • ハーバード大学医学大学院(ハーバードだいがく いがくだいがくいん、Harvard Medical School)は、ハーバード大学の専門職大学院のひとつで、医師の養成学校(医学校)。 "ハーバード大学医学校" と訳されていることもある。 (ja)
  • 하버드 대학교 의학전문대학원(Harvard Medical School)은 미국 매사추세츠주의 의학전문대학원이다. 1782년에 설립된 이 학교는 미국에서 세번째로 오래된 의학전문대학원이다. M.D.(의무박사), Ph.D.(의학박사) 및 M.D.-Ph.D. 통합과정을 제공한다. 이 학교는 《U.S. 뉴스 & 월드 리포트》가 매해 발표하는 미국 메디컬 스쿨 순위에서 연구 1위, 내과 2위, 소아과 2위에 올랐다. US 뉴스 세계 메디컬 스쿨 순위에서는 세계 1위를 기록하고 있다. 2012년-2013년 M.D. 입시기간에는 165명 정원에 5,779명이 지원하였다. 2013년 가을에 입학했던 신입생들의 평균 학부 GPA는 3.8, 평균 MCAT 점수는 언어 11.2, 물리과학 12.55, 생물과학 12.61이었다. (ko)
  • De Harvard Medical School (HMS) is een instituut van de Harvard-universiteit (Harvard University), dat is gevestigd in het medische district Longwood ten zuidwesten van het centrum van Boston, Massachusetts, waar ook een aantal bekende gespecialiseerde ziekenhuizen liggen die met Harvard Medical School geaffilieerd zijn: , , en het . Harvard Medical School werkt ook samen met het elders in Boston gelegen Massachusetts General Hospital. (nl)
  • La Harvard Medical School è una delle graduate school presenti nell'Università di Harvard. Massachusetts Medical College, Mason St., Boston, 1824 circaHarvard Medical School (it)
  • Га́рвардская медици́нская шко́ла (англ. Harvard Medical School) — образовательное учреждение высшего медицинского образования при Гарвардском университете. Располагается в нейборхуде Бостона Мишен Хилл в пространстве Лонгвудской научно-медицинской области. В ежегодном рейтинге U.S. News & World Report школа устойчиво удерживает первое место. (ru)
  • 哈佛医学院 (英语:Harvard Medical School,简称:HMS) 位于波士顿长木医学区,提供各个医科课程及颁发专业资格证书。哈佛医学院的医学本科课程与美国其他大部分的医学院一样,只接受已经持有学士學位证書的毕业生报考,進入医学院修業时間為四年,毕业的医學生会获得“医学士”(M.D.)證書,但这并不是哲学博士(PhD),而是与英国及某些英联邦国家医学院颁发的“内外全科医学士”。 (zh)
  • La Escuela de Medicina Harvard (en idioma inglés Harvard Medical School) es la escuela de medicina de la Universidad Harvard. Se trata de un centro docente de postgrado. Es académicamente muy selectiva y se ubica en la sección del Longwood Medical Area de Boston. Fue fundada en 1782, siendo trasladada de Cambridge a Boston en 1810. (es)
  • Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the graduate medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1782, HMS is one of the oldest medical schools in the United States and is consistently ranked first for research among medical schools by U.S. News & World Report. Unlike most other leading medical schools, HMS does not operate in conjunction with a single hospital but is directly affiliated with several teaching hospitals in the Boston area. Affiliated teaching hospitals and research institutes include Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, McLean Hospital, Cambridge Health Alliance, The Baker Center for Childr (en)
  • Die Harvard Medical School (kurz HMS) ist die medizinische Fakultät der Harvard University. Anders als der Hauptcampus von Harvard, der sich in Cambridge, Massachusetts, befindet, gehört die HMS zum Longwood Medical and Academic Area, einem medizinischen Campus in Boston. Sie umfasst Vorlesungssäle und Labore. Als Lehrkrankenhäuser dienen unter anderem das Massachusetts General Hospital und die ebenfalls auf dem Campus stehenden Kliniken Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital und Boston Children’s Hospital. (de)
  • Harvard Medical School – amerykańska wyższa szkoła medyczna, stanowiąca jeden z dziewięciu wydziałów Harvard University. Od wielu lat znajduje się w czołówce szkół medycznych na świecie. Zarówno w 2010, jak i w 2011 zajęła pierwsze miejsce w rankingu miesięcznika U.S. News & World Report prezentującym najlepsze amerykańskie wyższe szkoły medyczne w zakresie badań naukowych. (pl)
  • Escola de Medicina Harvard (HMS) é a faculdade de medicina da Universidade Harvard. Fica na área conhecida como Área Médica de Longwood (Longwood Medical Area) no bairro de Mission Hill, Boston, Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. (pt)
  • Harvard Medical School (en)
  • كلية هارفارد للطب (ar)
  • Harvard Medical School (de)
  • Escuela de Medicina Harvard (es)
  • Harvard Medical School (it)
  • Harvard Medical School (fr)
  • ハーバード大学医学大学院 (ja)
  • 하버드 의학전문대학원 (ko)
  • Harvard Medical School (nl)
  • Harvard Medical School (pl)
  • Escola de Medicina Harvard (pt)
  • Гарвардская медицинская школа (ru)
  • Гарвардська медична школа (uk)
  • 哈佛医学院 (zh)
  • POINT(-71.105140686035 42.335742950439)
  • 42.335743 (xsd:float)
  • -71.105141 (xsd:float)
  • Harvard Medical School (en)
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