- Hannah Yakin (born Hannah van Hulst; 3 March 1933, in Amsterdam) is an Israeli artist. During World War II, Yakin developed her artistic talents, experiencing "happy times in which necessity bore creativity". After the war Yakin went to high school and studied art in Utrecht and in Paris with Paul Colin. In 1956 she emigrated to Israel where she met and married the artist Abraham Yakin. During the first years of her marriage she concentrated chiefly on the themes of pregnancy, birth-giving and motherhood. After 1965 she created two large series of etchings, one about evolution, the other about music and musicians. In 1978 she took up writing, this time in English. Some of her short stories were published in American and Canadian literary magazines. A number of her stories were recently broadcast by the BBC World Service. She has published three illustrated books in small editions, as collectors' items. (en)
- Hannah Yakin (geboren als Hannah van Hulst, Amsterdam, 3 maart 1933) is een Nederlands-Israƫlisch beeldend kunstenares en auteur. Ze is de weduwe van Abraham Yakin. Het echtpaar hield zich intensief bezig met beeldende kunst. (nl)