- Hồng Nhung (nombre verdadero Lê Hồng Nhung, 15 de marzo de 1970), es una cantante vietnamita. Ella es una de las cuatro divas de la música vietnamita, junto a Thanh Lam, Mi Linh, y Tran Thu Ha. Es también conocida por su interpretación del compositor Trinh Cong Son. (es)
- Lê Hồng Nhung (born March 15, 1970 in Hanoi) is a Vietnamese singer. She is a top-ranking singer of Vietnamese contemporary music and has great achievements in the successful innovation of Vietnamese music since the 1990s. Nhung is also known for her many performances of Trịnh Công Sơn's songs. She is one of the four divas of Vietnam. Through music, she has brought great inspiration and musical creativity to later generations' singers, including Mỹ Tâm, Tùng Dương, Uyên Linh, Noo Phước Thịnh and Vũ Cát Tường. She was famous since early ages as exposing impressive vocal which is clear, sophisticated and bright. She was partially influenced by Sinead O'Connor and Whitney Houston. She is also active in many campaigns such as being an ambassador for rhino and bear conservation awareness; participating in music shows against pedophiles, and other charity activities. Besides, she is also admired for her intelligence in both working ethnic and communication. She has successfully performed many songs from famous songwriters like Van Cao, Duong Thu, Tran Tien, Phu Quang, Quoc Trung, Thanh Tung, Hong Dang, Tu Huy, Duy Thai, Tran Quang Loc, Bao Chan, Bao Phuc, Quoc Bao, Huy Tuan...yet the most successful was songs by songwriter-composer Trinh Cong Son - a legendary of Vietnam music industry as she has proven her name for the performance of his songs. She was also cherished by later songwriter Trinh Cong Son as he used to write many songs for her only, including: Bong Bong Oi, Bong Khong La Bong, Thuo Bong La Nguoi. (en)
- Lê Hồng Nhung, née le 15 mars 1970, est une chanteuse vietnamienne. Elle est l'une des quatre divas de la musique viêtnamienne, avec Thanh Lam, My Linh et Tran Thu Ha. Elle est également connue pour son interprétation de chansons composées par Trinh Cong Son. (fr)
- 레홍늉(한자: 黎紅绒, 려홍융,베트남어: Lê Hồng Nhung, 1970년 3월 15일 ~ )은 베트남의 가수이다. 타인람, 쩐투하, 미린과 함께 베트남의 4대 여자 가수인 디바 베트남 가운데 한 사람으로 여겨진다. (ko)
- ホン・ニュン(Hồng Nhung、本名: Lê Hồng Nhung、黎紅絨、1970年3月15日 - )は、ベトナムの歌手である。あだ名はBống 。作曲家チン・コン・ソンの歌の歌唱で知られている。 (ja)
- Hồng Nhung (Hanói, 15 de março de 1970) é uma atriz e cantora vietnamita. (pt)
- 红绒(越南語:Hồng Nhung,1970年3月15日-),原名黎红绒(Lê Hồng Nhung),出生在河内,是越南轻音乐顶级歌手。毕业于英语系。在青少年时期为公众熟知。音乐家郑公山亲自创作三首歌曲《Bống bồng ơi》,《bống không là bống》,《thuở bống là người》赠送给她。常与知名音乐家郑公山,青松,,国中合作。2012年,是越南好声音首季节目的导师秋明队的顾问。 (zh)
- Хонг Нхунг (в'єт. Hồng Nhung; нар. 15 березня 1970, Ханой, В'єтнам) — в'єтнамська співачка. (uk)
- Hồng Nhung (nombre verdadero Lê Hồng Nhung, 15 de marzo de 1970), es una cantante vietnamita. Ella es una de las cuatro divas de la música vietnamita, junto a Thanh Lam, Mi Linh, y Tran Thu Ha. Es también conocida por su interpretación del compositor Trinh Cong Son. (es)
- Lê Hồng Nhung, née le 15 mars 1970, est une chanteuse vietnamienne. Elle est l'une des quatre divas de la musique viêtnamienne, avec Thanh Lam, My Linh et Tran Thu Ha. Elle est également connue pour son interprétation de chansons composées par Trinh Cong Son. (fr)
- 레홍늉(한자: 黎紅绒, 려홍융,베트남어: Lê Hồng Nhung, 1970년 3월 15일 ~ )은 베트남의 가수이다. 타인람, 쩐투하, 미린과 함께 베트남의 4대 여자 가수인 디바 베트남 가운데 한 사람으로 여겨진다. (ko)
- ホン・ニュン(Hồng Nhung、本名: Lê Hồng Nhung、黎紅絨、1970年3月15日 - )は、ベトナムの歌手である。あだ名はBống 。作曲家チン・コン・ソンの歌の歌唱で知られている。 (ja)
- Hồng Nhung (Hanói, 15 de março de 1970) é uma atriz e cantora vietnamita. (pt)
- 红绒(越南語:Hồng Nhung,1970年3月15日-),原名黎红绒(Lê Hồng Nhung),出生在河内,是越南轻音乐顶级歌手。毕业于英语系。在青少年时期为公众熟知。音乐家郑公山亲自创作三首歌曲《Bống bồng ơi》,《bống không là bống》,《thuở bống là người》赠送给她。常与知名音乐家郑公山,青松,,国中合作。2012年,是越南好声音首季节目的导师秋明队的顾问。 (zh)
- Хонг Нхунг (в'єт. Hồng Nhung; нар. 15 березня 1970, Ханой, В'єтнам) — в'єтнамська співачка. (uk)
- Lê Hồng Nhung (born March 15, 1970 in Hanoi) is a Vietnamese singer. She is a top-ranking singer of Vietnamese contemporary music and has great achievements in the successful innovation of Vietnamese music since the 1990s. Nhung is also known for her many performances of Trịnh Công Sơn's songs. She is one of the four divas of Vietnam. Through music, she has brought great inspiration and musical creativity to later generations' singers, including Mỹ Tâm, Tùng Dương, Uyên Linh, Noo Phước Thịnh and Vũ Cát Tường. (en)