An Entity of Type: album, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Wonderwall Music is the debut solo album by English musician George Harrison and the soundtrack to the 1968 film Wonderwall, directed by Joe Massot. Released in November 1968, it was the first solo album by a member of the Beatles, and the first album issued on the band's Apple record label. The songs are all instrumental pieces, except for occasional non-English language vocals, and mostly comprise short musical vignettes. Following his Indian-styled compositions for the Beatles since 1966, he used the film score to further promote Indian classical music by introducing rock audiences to instruments that were relatively little-known in the West – including shehnai, sarod, tar shehnai and santoor. The Indian pieces are contrasted by Western musical selections, in the psychedelic rock, exper

Property Value
  • Wonderwall Music je první sólové studiové album George Harrisona. Jeho nahrávání probíhalo v prosinci 1967 v Anglii a v lednu 1968 v Indii, pokaždé s jinými hudebníky. Jde o soundtrack k filmu . Album vyšlo v listopadu 1968 u vydavatelství Apple Records a EMI Records. (cs)
  • Wonderwall Music ist das erste Soloalbum von George Harrison. Es erschien am 1. November 1968 und ist das erste Soloalbum eines Mitgliedes der Beatles. (de)
  • Wonderwall Music es el primer álbum de estudio del músico británico George Harrison, publicado por la compañía discográfica Apple Records en noviembre de 1968. El disco, que fue la banda sonora del largometraje , fue también el primer trabajo en solitario de un miembro de The Beatles y el primero publicado por Apple tras su fundación. Las canciones son en su mayoría piezas instrumentales grabadas entre noviembre de 1967 y febrero de 1968 en sesiones que tuvieron lugar en los Abbey Road Studios de Londres y en la ciudad india de Bombay. Después de comenzar a usar instrumentos indios con The Beatles desde 1965, Harrison utilizó la banda sonora para promocionar la música clásica de India e introducir en Occidente instrumentos musicales poco conocidos como el shehnai, el sarod y el santoor. El principal colaborador de Harrison en el proyecto fue el pianista y arreglista John Barham, junto a otros participantes indios como , Shivkumar Sharma y . El músico también incluyó una porción instrumental más cercana al rock con las colaboraciones de , Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr y Peter Tork. La portada incluyó una pintura del artista estadounidense en la que, de forma similar a la película de , contrastan dos mundos separados por un muro, con solo un pequeño hueco que permite el contacto visual entre ambos. Entre una serie de imprecisiones en los créditos de Wonderwall Music, Harrison omitió su nombre en la lista del personal, lo que llevó a suponer que solo había producido y arreglado el álbum; sin embargo, declaraciones posteriores de los músicos participantes reconocieron su contribución como guitarrista y teclista. Durante las sesiones de Wonderwall Music, Harrison grabó otras piezas musicales que aparecieron en la película pero no en la banda sonora, así como «The Inner Light», una canción de The Beatles cuya pista básica fue registrada en Bombay. Aunque el lanzamiento de Wonderwall Music en noviembre de 1968 marcó un distanciamiento temporal de Harrison con la música india, inspiró también su colaboración posterior con Ravi Shankar en el Festival de Música de la India en 1974. Tras su publicación, y aunque fue visto como una especie de «curiosidad» por críticos de música rock, Wonderwall Music fue reconocido por su creatividad a la hora de fusionar sonidos occidentales y orientales y por ser un precursor del world music. Además, el título del álbum inspiró la canción de Oasis «Wonderwall», y su música influyó en el sonido de la banda de britpop Kula Shaker. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista comercial, el álbum solo llegó al puesto 49 en la lista estadounidense Billboard 200 y no entró en la lista de discos más vendidos del Reino Unido. En septiembre de 2014, fue remasterizado y reeditado como parte de The Apple Years 1968-75, una caja recopilatoria que incluyó los seis discos de estudio de Harrison publicados con Apple Records. (es)
  • Wonderwall Music est le premier album solo de George Harrison, sorti en 1968. L'album constitue la bande originale du film Wonderwall, le réalisateur Joe Massot ayant demandé au Beatle de la composer, quel que soit le style. Alors passionné de musique indienne, Harrison a opté pour ce genre musical dans la bande originale, tout comme il l'a introduit dans l’œuvre des Beatles. L'enregistrement de l'album débute dans un premier temps en Angleterre en décembre 1967, puis se poursuit à Bombay au mois de janvier suivant. Les sessions des musiciens indiens permettent également d'enregistrer la base d'une chanson des Beatles, The Inner Light. Des morceaux plus proches du rock occidental sont aussi inclus, avec la participation notamment de Ringo Starr et Eric Clapton. Wonderwall Music est le premier album publié sous le label Apple Records, et le premier publié par un Beatle en solo. L'accueil critique et commercial est mitigé : si l'album gagne quelques fidèles parmi les amateurs de George Harrison, il ne parvient pas à pénétrer dans les charts britanniques, et monte en 49e position des classements américains. Premier album sorti du catalogue par Apple Records, il est réédité en CD en 1992 puis à nouveau en 2014, avec trois titres supplémentaires dont une version instrumentale de la chanson des Beatles The Inner Light. (fr)
  • Wonderwall Music è una colonna sonora del musicista britannico George Harrison, pubblicato il 1º novembre 1968 dalla Apple Records. (it)
  • Wonderwall Music is the debut solo album by English musician George Harrison and the soundtrack to the 1968 film Wonderwall, directed by Joe Massot. Released in November 1968, it was the first solo album by a member of the Beatles, and the first album issued on the band's Apple record label. The songs are all instrumental pieces, except for occasional non-English language vocals, and mostly comprise short musical vignettes. Following his Indian-styled compositions for the Beatles since 1966, he used the film score to further promote Indian classical music by introducing rock audiences to instruments that were relatively little-known in the West – including shehnai, sarod, tar shehnai and santoor. The Indian pieces are contrasted by Western musical selections, in the psychedelic rock, experimental, country and ragtime styles. Harrison recorded the album between November 1967 and February 1968, with sessions taking place in London and Bombay. One of his collaborators on the project was classical pianist and orchestral arranger John Barham, while other contributors include Indian classical musicians Aashish Khan, Shivkumar Sharma, Shankar Ghosh and Mahapurush Misra. The Western music features contributions from Tony Ashton and his band the Remo Four, as well as guest appearances by Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr. Harrison recorded many other pieces that appeared in Wonderwall but not on the soundtrack album, and the Beatles' 1968 B-side "The Inner Light" also originated from his time in Bombay. Although the Wonderwall project marked the end of Harrison's direct involvement with Indian music as a musician and songwriter, it inspired his later collaborations with Ravi Shankar, including the 1974 Music Festival from India. The album cover consists of a painting by American artist Bob Gill in which, as in Massot's film, two contrasting worlds are separated by a wall, with only a small gap allowing visual access between them. Harrison omitted his name from the list of performing musicians, leading to an assumption that he had merely produced and arranged the music. The 2014 reissue of Wonderwall Music recognises his contributions on keyboards and guitar. The album was first remastered for CD release in 1992, for which former Apple executive Derek Taylor supplied a liner-note essay. While viewed as a curiosity by some rock music critics, Wonderwall Music is recognised for its inventiveness in fusing Western and Eastern sounds, and as being a precursor to the 1980s world music trend. The album's title inspired that of Oasis' 1995 hit song "Wonderwall". Harrison's full soundtrack for the film was made available on DVD in early 2014, as part of the two-disc Wonderwall Collector's Edition. In September that year, the album was reissued in remastered form as part of Harrison's Apple Years 1968–75 box set, with the addition of three bonus tracks. (en)
  • 《Wonderwall Music》은 영국의 음악가 조지 해리슨의 데뷔 솔로 음반이자 가 연출한 1968년 영화 《원더월》의 사운드트랙이다. 1968년 11월에 발매된 이 음반은 비틀즈의 멤버에 의한 첫 번째 솔로 음반이며, 밴드의 애플 레코드에 발매된 첫 번째 음반이다. 이 곡들은 가끔 영어 이외의 언어를 구사하는 보컬을 제외하고는 모두 기악곡이며, 대부분 짧은 음악적 비네트로 구성되어 있다. 1966년부터 비틀즈를 위한 인도식 작곡에 이어 , , , 등 서양에서 비교적 잘 알려지지 않았던 악기에 록 관객들을 소개함으로써 인도 고전 음악을 더욱 널리 알리기 위해 이 영화 점수를 활용했다. 인도 작품들은 사이키델릭 록, 실험 음악, 컨트리, 래그타임 스타일의 서양 음악적 선택과 대조된다. 해리슨은 1967년 11월부터 1968년 2월 사이에 이 음반을 녹음했고 런던과 봄베이에서 세션이 열렸다. 이 프로젝트에 대한 그의 협력자 중 한 명은 클래식 피아니스트 겸 관현악가 이었고, 다른 기여자들로는 인도의 고전 음악가 , , , 마하푸루시 미스라가 있었다. 서양의 음악은 과 후자의 밴드인 의 기여와 에릭 클랩튼과 링고 스타의 게스트 참여를 특징으로 한다. 해리슨은 《원더월》에는 참여했지만 사운드트랙 음반에는 나오지 않은 다른 많은 곡들을 녹음했고, 비틀즈의 1968년 B-사이드 〈The Inner Light〉 역시 봄베이 시절에서 유래했다. 《원더월》 프로젝트는 해리슨이 음악가, 작곡가로서 인도 음악에 직접 관여하는 것이 종지부를 찍었지만, 1974년 인도 음악 축제를 포함한 라비 샹카르와의 이후 협업에 영감을 주었다. (ko)
  • 『不思議の壁』(ふしぎのかべ、原題:Wonderwall Music)は、1968年11月1日に発表されたジェーン・バーキン主演の同名映画『Wonderwall』のオリジナルサウンドトラック盤である。日本国内では1969年3月10日に東芝音楽工業(現:EMIミュージック・ジャパン)からリリースされた。 (ja)
  • Wonderwall Music é o álbum de estreia do cantor e compositor George Harrison. lançado em 1968. O álbum é a trilha sonora do filme Wonderwall. As canções são quase todas instrumentais, com exceção de algumas vozes. As músicas foram gravadas em dezembro de 1967, na Inglaterra, e janeiro de 1968 em Bombaim, na Índia. Wonderwall Music é notável por ser o primeiro álbum solo oficial de um Beatle. (pt)
  • Wonderwall Music — дебютный сольный альбом Джорджа Харрисона, вышедший в 1968 году, саундтрек к фильму Wonderwall (англ.). (ru)
  • 1426397 (xsd:integer)
  • 86049 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124716958 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • the cover image is divided in two by a red brick wall with a single brick removed. On the left, a man in a business suit stands in a drab, empty space. On the right, naked women frolic in a pond in a colorful landscape. (en)
  • yes (en)
  • sapcor1_a.jpg (en)
  • (en)
  • experimental (en)
  • world (en)
  • raga rock (en)
  • Indian classical (en)
  • Wonderwall Music (en)
  • 1969 (xsd:integer)
  • George told me he'd like me to play on something, or we'd write something as we went along ... You know, it was very experimental, and it was good fun. (en)
  • It was fantastic really. The studio is on top of the offices ... [and] if you listen closely to some of the Indian tracks on the LP you can hear taxis going by ... I mixed everything as we did it there, and that was nice enough because you get spoiled working on eight and sixteen tracks. (en)
  • I was getting so into Indian music by then that I decided to use the assignment as an excuse for a musical anthology to help spread the word. (en)
  • [As] a whole, it's a fascinating if musically slender mishmash of sounds from East and West, everything casually juxtaposed or superimposed without a care in the world ... As this and Harrison's second experimental release, Electronic Sound, undoubtedly proved, pigeonholing this Beatle was a dangerous thing. (en)
  • Well I remember that wall, that brick ... Bob Gill and I never quite recovered our compatibility but the brick did have to go. Were we right? Yes. (en)
  • November 1967 – February 1968 (en)
  • 1968-11-01 (xsd:date)
  • "Vital Reissue" (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • – George Harrison to Musician magazine, November 1987 (en)
  • – Derek Taylor, recalling difficulties with artist Bob Gill over Harrison's alteration to his cover design (en)
  • – Eric Clapton, discussing his involvement on the track "Ski-ing" (en)
  • – Harrison in 1992, recalling the primitive recording facilities at HMV Studios in Bombay (en)
  • – AllMusic critic Richard Ginell (en)
  • *EMI and De Lane Lea, London *HMV, Bombay (en)
  • padding:8px; (en)
  • soundtrack (en)
  • 25.0
  • Wonderwall Music je první sólové studiové album George Harrisona. Jeho nahrávání probíhalo v prosinci 1967 v Anglii a v lednu 1968 v Indii, pokaždé s jinými hudebníky. Jde o soundtrack k filmu . Album vyšlo v listopadu 1968 u vydavatelství Apple Records a EMI Records. (cs)
  • Wonderwall Music ist das erste Soloalbum von George Harrison. Es erschien am 1. November 1968 und ist das erste Soloalbum eines Mitgliedes der Beatles. (de)
  • Wonderwall Music è una colonna sonora del musicista britannico George Harrison, pubblicato il 1º novembre 1968 dalla Apple Records. (it)
  • 『不思議の壁』(ふしぎのかべ、原題:Wonderwall Music)は、1968年11月1日に発表されたジェーン・バーキン主演の同名映画『Wonderwall』のオリジナルサウンドトラック盤である。日本国内では1969年3月10日に東芝音楽工業(現:EMIミュージック・ジャパン)からリリースされた。 (ja)
  • Wonderwall Music é o álbum de estreia do cantor e compositor George Harrison. lançado em 1968. O álbum é a trilha sonora do filme Wonderwall. As canções são quase todas instrumentais, com exceção de algumas vozes. As músicas foram gravadas em dezembro de 1967, na Inglaterra, e janeiro de 1968 em Bombaim, na Índia. Wonderwall Music é notável por ser o primeiro álbum solo oficial de um Beatle. (pt)
  • Wonderwall Music — дебютный сольный альбом Джорджа Харрисона, вышедший в 1968 году, саундтрек к фильму Wonderwall (англ.). (ru)
  • Wonderwall Music es el primer álbum de estudio del músico británico George Harrison, publicado por la compañía discográfica Apple Records en noviembre de 1968. El disco, que fue la banda sonora del largometraje , fue también el primer trabajo en solitario de un miembro de The Beatles y el primero publicado por Apple tras su fundación. Las canciones son en su mayoría piezas instrumentales grabadas entre noviembre de 1967 y febrero de 1968 en sesiones que tuvieron lugar en los Abbey Road Studios de Londres y en la ciudad india de Bombay. Después de comenzar a usar instrumentos indios con The Beatles desde 1965, Harrison utilizó la banda sonora para promocionar la música clásica de India e introducir en Occidente instrumentos musicales poco conocidos como el shehnai, el sarod y el santoor. (es)
  • Wonderwall Music est le premier album solo de George Harrison, sorti en 1968. L'album constitue la bande originale du film Wonderwall, le réalisateur Joe Massot ayant demandé au Beatle de la composer, quel que soit le style. Alors passionné de musique indienne, Harrison a opté pour ce genre musical dans la bande originale, tout comme il l'a introduit dans l’œuvre des Beatles. (fr)
  • Wonderwall Music is the debut solo album by English musician George Harrison and the soundtrack to the 1968 film Wonderwall, directed by Joe Massot. Released in November 1968, it was the first solo album by a member of the Beatles, and the first album issued on the band's Apple record label. The songs are all instrumental pieces, except for occasional non-English language vocals, and mostly comprise short musical vignettes. Following his Indian-styled compositions for the Beatles since 1966, he used the film score to further promote Indian classical music by introducing rock audiences to instruments that were relatively little-known in the West – including shehnai, sarod, tar shehnai and santoor. The Indian pieces are contrasted by Western musical selections, in the psychedelic rock, exper (en)
  • 《Wonderwall Music》은 영국의 음악가 조지 해리슨의 데뷔 솔로 음반이자 가 연출한 1968년 영화 《원더월》의 사운드트랙이다. 1968년 11월에 발매된 이 음반은 비틀즈의 멤버에 의한 첫 번째 솔로 음반이며, 밴드의 애플 레코드에 발매된 첫 번째 음반이다. 이 곡들은 가끔 영어 이외의 언어를 구사하는 보컬을 제외하고는 모두 기악곡이며, 대부분 짧은 음악적 비네트로 구성되어 있다. 1966년부터 비틀즈를 위한 인도식 작곡에 이어 , , , 등 서양에서 비교적 잘 알려지지 않았던 악기에 록 관객들을 소개함으로써 인도 고전 음악을 더욱 널리 알리기 위해 이 영화 점수를 활용했다. 인도 작품들은 사이키델릭 록, 실험 음악, 컨트리, 래그타임 스타일의 서양 음악적 선택과 대조된다. (ko)
  • Wonderwall Music (cs)
  • Wonderwall Music (de)
  • Wonderwall Music (es)
  • Wonderwall Music (fr)
  • Wonderwall Music (it)
  • Wonderwall Music (ko)
  • 不思議の壁 (アルバム) (ja)
  • Wonderwall Music (pt)
  • Wonderwall Music (en)
  • Wonderwall Music (ru)
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