- Die Rugby-Union-Europameisterschaft der Frauen ist ein vom europäischen Verband Rugby Europe ausgetragenes Rugby-Union-Turnier für Nationalmannschaften der Frauen, bei dem jährlich der Europameister ermittelt wird. Das Turnier war vormals unter dem Namen FIRA-Europameisterschaft der Frauen bekannt. Amtierender Europameister ist Spanien. Von den erfolgreichsten europäischen Mannschaften spielen England, Frankreich, Irland, Italien, Schottland und Wales mittlerweile alle im vom Verband unabhängigen , das als inoffizielle Europameisterschaft gilt. Das ehemalige Six Nations Mitglied Spanien dominiert seither den Wettbewerb. (de)
- El Rugby Europe Women's Championship es un torneo internacional de selecciones nacionales femeninas de rugby que organiza Rugby Europe. (es)
- Emakumezkoen Europako Errugbi Kopa (ofizialki Rugby Europe Women's Championship) Europako herrialdeetako emakumezkoen errugi selekzioen artean urtero jokatzen den errugbi txapelketa da. (eu)
- Le Trophée européen féminin est une compétition internationale de rugby disputée entre les équipes nationales féminines qui sont membres de la FIRA. (fr)
- The Rugby Europe Women's Championship is an international competition contested between women's national teams who are members of Rugby Europe (known from 1999 to 2014 as FIRA - Association of European Rugby, and FIRA before that). The competition has its origins in a four nation "European Cup" held in 1988 but did not become an official FIRA competition until 1995. The competition has grown significantly and is some years attracts sufficient entrants for it to be divided into two "Pools" (A and B) with the eight highest ranked entrants in any year (based on Rugby Europe rankings) in Pool A. Since 2000 only the winner of the tournament held in between the World Cups (every four years, as highlighted) is officially recognised "European Champions", although teams winning tournaments in other years are often unofficially also described as "European Champions". This can cause some confusion, not least because the structure of the four-yearly tournament is invariably identical to the annual event. To make identification easier the competitions in the four yearly cycle are highlighted. The only major difference between the "official" European Championships and other tournaments is that in the latter, between 2001 and 2007, England and France tended not to send their full strength national squads to the competition - though until 2007 they still played as "England" or "France". This has resulted in some confusion about the status of games played by these nations - England do not consider their games to be full internationals (or "tests") and do not award caps, whereas while France also do not give caps to their players in such matches, they do recognise the games as tests matches. FIRA and all other competing nations consider all the games to be "tests". The 2009 tournament acted as Europe's qualification tournament for the World Cup (all entrants sending full strength squads), after which the test match status problem was finally resolved. From 2010 onwards it was announced that the non-Championship tournaments would be known as the "European Trophy" and any Six Nations entrants would officially be "A" sides (though in 2010 Italy, as they had not qualified for the 2010 World Cup, entered their full strength squad). (en)
- Il Campionato europeo di rugby a 15 femminile (in inglese Women's European Trophy, in francese Trophée européen féminin de rugby à XV) è la massima competizione europea di rugby a 15 femminile per squadre nazionali, ed è organizzata da Rugby Europe, organismo di governo della disciplina in Europa e branca continentale di World Rugby; analogo femminile del campionato europeo per Nazioni maschile, a differenza di quest'ultimo prevede la partecipazione delle Nazionali di fascia più alta, che partecipano anche al Sei Nazioni femminile. Istituito nel 1988 come Coppa Europa femminile senza valore ufficiale da parte della FIRA, esso vide la sua prima edizione ufficiale nel 1995, e il Paese ospitante fu l'Italia. Dal 2000, inoltre, esso si svolge su due divisioni, dette Pool A (la prima divisione) e Pool B (la seconda). Le due Nazioni più vittoriose della competizione sono Francia (a tutto il 2009 quattro titoli, di cui il primo, quello del 1988, non ufficiale) e Inghilterra (3 titoli e un secondo posto); nel 2008 la Francia ha partecipato alla Pool A con la squadra "A" e alla Pool B con la Militare; a seguire figura l'Italia (3 vittorie, una delle quali senza valore di campionato europeo); Spagna e Scozia vantano due vittorie ciascuna. L'edizione del 2009 è valsa come zona europea di qualificazione alla Coppa del Mondo femminile 2010. Rugby Europe assegna il titolo di campione europeo solo alle edizioni di trofeo che si tengono negli anni bisestili. (it)
- El Rugby Europe Women's Championship es un torneo internacional de selecciones nacionales femeninas de rugby que organiza Rugby Europe. (es)
- Emakumezkoen Europako Errugbi Kopa (ofizialki Rugby Europe Women's Championship) Europako herrialdeetako emakumezkoen errugi selekzioen artean urtero jokatzen den errugbi txapelketa da. (eu)
- Le Trophée européen féminin est une compétition internationale de rugby disputée entre les équipes nationales féminines qui sont membres de la FIRA. (fr)
- Die Rugby-Union-Europameisterschaft der Frauen ist ein vom europäischen Verband Rugby Europe ausgetragenes Rugby-Union-Turnier für Nationalmannschaften der Frauen, bei dem jährlich der Europameister ermittelt wird. Das Turnier war vormals unter dem Namen FIRA-Europameisterschaft der Frauen bekannt. Amtierender Europameister ist Spanien. (de)
- The Rugby Europe Women's Championship is an international competition contested between women's national teams who are members of Rugby Europe (known from 1999 to 2014 as FIRA - Association of European Rugby, and FIRA before that). The competition has its origins in a four nation "European Cup" held in 1988 but did not become an official FIRA competition until 1995. The competition has grown significantly and is some years attracts sufficient entrants for it to be divided into two "Pools" (A and B) with the eight highest ranked entrants in any year (based on Rugby Europe rankings) in Pool A. (en)
- Il Campionato europeo di rugby a 15 femminile (in inglese Women's European Trophy, in francese Trophée européen féminin de rugby à XV) è la massima competizione europea di rugby a 15 femminile per squadre nazionali, ed è organizzata da Rugby Europe, organismo di governo della disciplina in Europa e branca continentale di World Rugby; analogo femminile del campionato europeo per Nazioni maschile, a differenza di quest'ultimo prevede la partecipazione delle Nazionali di fascia più alta, che partecipano anche al Sei Nazioni femminile. (it)