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Duke of Buccleuch (pronounced /bəˈkluː/ bə-KLOO), formerly also spelt Duke of Buccleugh, is a title in the Peerage of Scotland created twice on 20 April 1663, first for James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth and second suo jure for his wife Anne Scott, 4th Countess of Buccleuch. Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II was attainted after rebelling against his uncle James II and VII, but his wife's title was unaffected and passed on to their descendants, who have successively borne the surnames Scott, Montagu-Scott, Montagu Douglas Scott and Scott again. In 1810, the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch inherited the Dukedom of Queensberry, also in the Peerage of Scotland, thus separating that title from the Marquessate of Queensberry.

Property Value
  • Duke of Buccleuch [bəˈkluː] ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of Scotland. Der Titel ist nach dem Weiler Buccleuch in der Nähe von Selkirk, Scottish Borders, benannt. Der jeweilige Duke ist erblicher Clan Chief des Clan Scott. (de)
  • Duke of Buccleuch (pronounced /bəˈkluː/ bə-KLOO), formerly also spelt Duke of Buccleugh, is a title in the Peerage of Scotland created twice on 20 April 1663, first for James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth and second suo jure for his wife Anne Scott, 4th Countess of Buccleuch. Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II was attainted after rebelling against his uncle James II and VII, but his wife's title was unaffected and passed on to their descendants, who have successively borne the surnames Scott, Montagu-Scott, Montagu Douglas Scott and Scott again. In 1810, the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch inherited the Dukedom of Queensberry, also in the Peerage of Scotland, thus separating that title from the Marquessate of Queensberry. The substantial origin of the ducal house of the Scotts of Buccleuch dates back to the large grants of lands in Scotland to Sir Walter Scott of Kirkurd and Buccleuch, a border chief, by James II, in consequence of the fall of William Douglas, 8th Earl of Douglas (1452), but the family traced their descent back to a Sir Richard le Scott (1240–1285). Sir Walter Scott of Branxholme and Buccleuch (died 1552) distinguished himself at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh (1547). His great-grandson Sir Walter was created Lord Scott of Buccleuch in 1606. Other subsidiary titles associated with the Dukedom of Buccleuch are: Earl of Buccleuch (1619), Earl of Dalkeith (1663) and Lord Scott of Whitchester and Eskdaill (1619) (all in the Peerage of Scotland). The Duke also holds the two subsidiary titles of the attainted Dukedom of Monmouth, namely Earl of Doncaster (1663) and Baron Scott of Tindale (1663) (both in the Peerage of England), and several subsidiary titles associated with the Dukedom of Queensberry, namely Marquess of Dumfriesshire (1683), Earl of Drumlanrig and Sanquhar (1682), Viscount of Nith, Tortholwald and Ross (1682) and Lord Douglas of Kilmount, Middlebie and Dornock (1682) (all in the Peerage of Scotland). The Earldom of Doncaster and Barony of Scott of Tindale had been forfeit at the time of the first Duke's attainder, but the titles were restored to the 2nd Duke of Buccleuch in 1742. Until 1835, the Dukes also held lands in the West Riding of Yorkshire and the ancient title of Lord of Bowland. The Duke of Buccleuch is the hereditary chief of Clan Scott. The holder is one of only five people in the UK to hold two or more different dukedoms, the others being the Duke of Cornwall, Rothesay, and Cambridge (all currently held by The Prince of Wales), the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, the Duke of Argyll (who holds two dukedoms named Argyll), and the Duke of Richmond, Lennox and Gordon. The courtesy title used by the Duke's eldest son and heir is Earl of Dalkeith; and that of Lord Dalkeith's eldest son and heir is Lord Eskdaill. The novelist Sir Walter Scott, Bart., was directly descended of the Lords of Buccleuch. His family history, fancifully interpreted, is the main subject of much of The Lay of the Last Minstrel. The current Duke of Buccleuch, Richard Scott, the 10th Duke, is one of the largest private landowners in Scotland with some 200,000 acres (over 80,000 hectares) and chairman of the Buccleuch Group, a holding company with interests in commercial property, rural affairs, food, and beverages. The title originally comes from a holding in the Scottish Borders, near Selkirk. The family seats are Bowhill House, three miles from Selkirk, representing the Scott line; Drumlanrig Castle in Dumfries and Galloway, representing the Douglas line; and Boughton House in Northamptonshire, England, representing the Montagu line. These three houses are still lived in by the family and are also open to the public. The family also owns Dalkeith Palace in Midlothian, which is let, and has owned several other country houses and castles in the past. Its historic London residence was Montagu House, Whitehall, now demolished and replaced by the Ministry of Defence. William Montagu Douglas Scott, The Earl of Dalkeith, who became the 7th Duke of Buccleuch was elected President of St. Andrew's Ambulance Association in 1908. The Presidency of the Association (now St Andrew's First Aid) has been held by the Buccleuch family from that date. Most of the Dukes of Buccleuch (the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th) are buried in the Buccleuch Memorial Chapel in St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Dalkeith, Midlothian. The 2nd Duke (died 1751) is buried in Eton College Chapel. The most recent Dukes (the 8th and 9th) are buried among the ruins of Melrose Abbey in Melrose. (en)
  • Le titre de duc de Buccleuch fut créé en pairie d'Écosse le 20 avril 1663 pour le duc de Monmouth, fils illégitime de Charles II d'Angleterre, qui est marié à Anne Scott, quatrième comtesse de Buccleuch. Anne est créée duchesse avec son mari, de manière que le titre demeure après l'exécution de Monmouth en 1685. Il passe à ses descendants, qui seront successivement baptisés Scott, Montagu-Scott, Montagu-Douglas-Scott et de nouveau Scott. En 1810, le troisième duc de Buccleuch hérite du duché de Queensberry, ainsi que de la pairie d'Écosse, séparant de ce fait ce titre du marquisat de Queensberry. Ainsi, son possesseur est l'un des cinq détenteurs de deux duchés ou plus, les autres étant le duc de Cornouailles et de Rothesay, le duc d'Hamilton et de Brandon, le duc d'Argyll (qui possède deux duchés appelés Argyll), et le duc de Richmond, Lennox et Gordon. Les titres subsidiaires associés du duc de Buccleuch sont : comte de Buccleuch (1619), comte de Dalkeith (1663), Lord Scott de Buccleuch (1606) et Lord Scott de Whitchester et d'Eskdaill (1619) (tous dans la pairie d'Écosse). Le duc possède aussi les deux titres subsidiaires du duc de Monmouth, à savoir comte de Doncaster (1663) et baron Scott de Tindale (1663) (tous les deux dans la pairie d'Angleterre), et plusieurs titres subsidiaires liés au duché de Queensberry, à savoir marquis de Dumfriesshire (1683), comte de Drumlanrig et de Sanquhar (1682), vicomte de Nith, Tortholwald et Ross (1682) et Lord Douglas de Kilmount, Middlebie et Dornock(1682) (tous dans la pairie d'Écosse). Le comté de Doncaster et la baronnie de Scott de Tindale ont été confisqués à l'époque de l'exécution du premier duc, mais les titres sont restaurés pour le deuxième duc de Buccleuch en 1742. Le titre employé pour désigner le fils aîné du duc est comte de Dalkeith ; le fils aîné de Lord Dalkeith est Lord Eskdaill. Le duc de Buccleuch est le plus grand propriétaire terrien du Royaume-Uni et le président du groupe Buccleuch, une holding avec des intérêts dans la propriété commerciale, les affaires rurales, la nourriture et les boissons. Le titre vient à l'origine d'une exploitation dans la frontière écossaise, près de Selkirk. Les sièges de la famille sont Bowhill, à l'extérieur de Selkirk, représentant la branche écossaise ; le château de Drumlanrig dans le comté de Dumfries et Galloway, représentant la branche des Douglas ; et Boughton House dans le Northamptonshire, en Angleterre, représentant la branche des Montagu. Ces trois demeures sont toujours habitées par la famille et sont ouvertes au public. La famille a possédé également Dalkeith Palace dans le Midlothian, ainsi que plusieurs autres demeures et châteaux dans le passé. Sa résidence historique à Londres est Montagu House, à Whitehall. (fr)
  • El ducado de Buccleuch fue creado en la nobleza de Escocia, en 1663, para James Scott, duque de Monmouth (hijo ilegítimo del rey Carlos II de Inglaterra) y su esposa, Anne Scott, 4.ª condesa de Buccleuch. A la muerte del duque de Monmouth, en 1685, el título de conde no se extinguió por los derechos que tenía a él Anne Scott. En 1810, el duque de Buccleuch heredó el ducado de Queensberry (también en la nobleza de Escocia), adoptando el apellido Douglas del anterior duque de Queensberry, a pesar de que ya antes había adoptado el apellido Montagu de la familia de esposa. Con la herencia de este ducado los duques de Buccleuch se convirtieron en una de las cinco personas que poseen dos ducados en la nobleza británica. Los títulos subsidiarios del ducado de Buccleuch son: Conde de Buccleuch, Conde de Dalkeith, Lord Scott de Buccleuch, Lord Scott de Whitchester y Eskdaill (todos ellos en la nobleza de Escocia). Además posee los títulos subsidiarios del Ducado de Queensberry, que son: Marqués de Dumfriesshire, Conde de Drumlanrig y Sanquhar, Vizconde de Nith, Tortholwald y Ross y Lord Douglas de Kilmount, Middlebie y Dornock (todos en la nobleza de Escocia). El titular del ducado de Buccleuch es también jefe hereditario del Clan Scott. El hijo mayor del duque ostenta el título de cortesía de Conde de Dalkeith y el hijo mayor (heredero en línea) de este el de Lord Eskdaill. El actual duque de Buccleuch, Richard Scott, 10.º duque, es el mayor terrateniente del Reino Unido y presidente del Grupo Buccleuch.​ Heredó 320 millones de libras y 96.000 hectáreas (240.000 acres) del 9.º duque.​ (es)
  • Hertog van Buccleuch (Engels: Duke of Buccleuch) is een Schotse adellijke titel. De titel hertog van Buccleuch werd gecreëerd in 1663 door Karel II voor zijn natuurlijke zoon James Scott en diens echtgenote Anne Scott. Beiden droegen de titel op eigen recht. Na zijn opstand tegen zijn oom Jacobus II verloor James de titel, maar zijn echtgenote mocht hem behouden. De titel wordt nog steeds door zijn nazaten gedragen, nu met de familienaam Montagu Douglas Scott. De hertog van Buccleuch is sinds 1810 ook hertog van Queensberry. (nl)
  • バクルー公爵(英: Duke of Buccleuch、発音:/bəˈkluː/)は、イギリスの公爵位。1663年4月20日、イングランド王チャールズ2世(スコットランド王としてもチャールズ2世)が、愛妾ルーシー・ウォルターとの間にもうけた庶子、初代モンマス公爵ジェイムズ・スコットにスコットランド貴族として授けた。1810年以降、クイーンズベリー公爵と継承者を一にする。次項では、前身となったバクルー伯爵の歴史についても触れる。 (ja)
  • Duca di Buccleuch, detto anche Duca di Buccleugh, è un titolo fra i pari di Scozia creato il 20 aprile 1663. (it)
  • Герцог Баклю (англ. Duke of Buccleuch, варианты передачи на русский — Баклу, Бэклу, Баклей, Боклю и т. д.) — титул, созданный в Шотландии 20 апреля 1663 года для герцога Монмута, который был старшим незаконнорождённым сыном Карла II и был женат на Анне Скотт, 4-й графине Баклю. В том же году Анна была также возведена в титул 1-й герцогини Баклю в своём праве. Хотя титулы Монмута после его осуждения и казни за мятеж в 1685 году были конфискованы, его вдова сохранила титулы, которые носила в своём праве, в том числе титул герцогини Баклю. 6 февраля 1731 (или 1732) года после её кончины титул перешёл к её внуку Фрэнсиса Скотту (сыну ранее умершего ) и до настоящего времени принадлежит его потомкам, которые в разное время носили фамилии Скотт, Монтегю-Скотт и Монтегю-Дуглас-Скотт. В 1810 году 3-й герцог Баклю унаследовал титул герцога Куинсберри (также в пэрстве Шотландии), присоединив к своим титулам титул маркиза Куинсберри. Таким образом, владелец этих титулов является одним из пяти британских аристократов, которые носят более одного герцогского титула. В настоящее время титул герцога Баклю принадлежит Ричарду Уолтеру Джону Монтегю-Дуглас-Скотту (родился в 1954 году), потомку Монмута в одиннадцатом поколении. Его старший сын Уолтер Джон Фрэнсис по традиции носит титул графа Далкейт. (ru)
  • O título Duque de Buccleuch (AFI: [bəˈkluː]) foi criado no Pariato da Escócia em 20 de abril de 1663, para o duque de Monmouth, o filho ilegítimo mais velho de Carlos II da Inglaterra, que tinha sido casado com Anne Scott, 4.ª Condessa de Buccleuch. Anne foi titulada Duquesa em direito próprio ao lado de seu marido; logo, o título não foi afetado com confiscação dos bens de Monmouth, condenado à morte em 1685. Ele passou para seus descendentes, que usaram, sucessivamente, os sobrenomes Scott, Montagu-Scott, Montagu-Douglas-Scott e Scott de novo. Em 1810, o 3.º Duque de Buccleuch herdou o ducado de Queensberry, também no Pariato da Escócia, e assim aquele último título separou-se do marquesado de Queensberry. O atual Duque de Buccleuch é uma das cinco pessoas que detém dois ou mais ducados diferentes; os outros são o Duque da Cornualha e Rothesay, o Duque de Hamilton e Duque de Brandon, o Duque de Argyll (que tem dois ducados nomeados Argyll) e o Duque de Richmond, Lennox e Gordon. Os títulos subsidiários associados com o ducado de Buccleuch são: Condes de Buccleuch (1619), Conde de Dalkeith (1663), Lorde Scott de Buccleuch (1606) e Lorde Scott de Whitchester e Eskdaill (1619). Todos estão no Pariato da Escócia. O duque também tem dois títulos subsidiários do confiscado , que são Conde de Doncaster (1663) e Barão Scott de Tindale (1663); ambos estão no Pariato da Inglaterra. Há muitos títulos subsidiários associados com o ducado de Queensberry; entre eles, Marquês de Dumfriesshire (1683), Conde de Drumlanrig e Sanquhar (1682), Visconde de Nith, Tortholwald e Ross (1682) e Lorde Douglas de Kilmount, Middlebie e Dornock (1682) (todos no Pariato da Escócia). O condado de Doncaster e a baronia de Scott de Tindale tinham sido perdidos no tempo da confiscação do primeiro duque, mas foram recuperados pelo 2.º Duque de Buccleuch em 1742. O atual Duque de Buccleuch é o maior proprietário de bens do Reino Unido e o presidente do , uma companhia com interesses em propriedade comercial, acordos rurais, comida e bebidas. Os principais sítios da família Montagu-Douglas-Scott são Bowhill, a três milhas de Selkirk (representando a linhagem Scott); o Castelo de Drumlanrig, na região de Dumfries and Galloway (representando a linhagem Douglas); e Boughton House, em Northamptonshire (representando a linhagem Montagu). As três residências estão abertas ao público. A família também possui o Palácio de Dalkeith, em Midlothian, que não é ocupado por tal desde 1914 e que está sendo alugado pela Universidade de Wisconsin. Sua história residência londrina foi Montagu House. (pt)
  • Lordowie Scott of Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1606–1611: * 1611–1619: Hrabiowie Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1619–1633: * 1633–1651: * 1651–1661: * 1661–1663: Książęta Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1663–1685: James Scott, 1. książę Monmouth i Buccleuch Książęta Buccleuch 2. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1663–1732: * 1732–1751: Francis Scott, 2. książę Buccleuch * 1751–1812: Henry Scott 3. książę Buccleuch i 5. książę Queensberry * 1812–1819: Charles William Henry Montagu-Scott, 4. książę Buccleuch i 6. książę Queensberry * 1819–1884: Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas Scott, 5. książę Buccleuch i 7. książę Queensberry * 1884–1914: William Henry Walter Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 6. książę Buccleuch i 8. książę Queensberry * 1914–1935: John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 7. książę Buccleuch i 9. książę Queensberry * 1935–1973: Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 8. książę Buccleuch i 10. książę Queensberry * 1973–2007: Walter Francis John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 9. książę Buccleuch i 11. książę Queensberry * 2007 -: Richard Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 10. książę Buccleuch i 12. książę Queensberry Następca 10 księcia Buccleuch: (pl)
  • Hertig av Buccleuch är en brittisk titel, som först gavs till James Scott, 1:e hertig av Monmouth, som var oäkta son till Karl II av England. Hans hustru, som var dotter till (av samma släkt som sir Walter Scott), fick titeln i sin egen rätt när de gifte sig. Den omfattades därför inte av indragningen av hans titlar 1685. Titeln ärvdes och utökades via gifte till familjen Montagu-Douglas-Scott, skotsk uradel. Den tredje hertigen ärvde också titeln hertig av Queensberry. (sv)
  • 巴克盧公爵(英語:Duke of Buccleuch)是一個蘇格蘭貴族爵位,1663年查理二世將此爵位冊封予其私生子詹姆斯·史考特。 (zh)
  • 392197 (xsd:integer)
  • 19828 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1121665204 (xsd:integer)
  • 1663 (xsd:integer)
  • A Stag trippant proper armed and attired Or (en)
  • 2016-02-14 (xsd:date)
  • Quarterly: 1st grandquarter for the Earldom of Doncaster: the arms of King Charles II debruised by a Baton Sinister Argent; 2nd grandquarter for the Dukedom of Argyll: quarterly, 1st and 4th: Gyronny of eight Or and Sable '; 2nd and 3rd: Argent a Lymphad sails furled Sable flags and pennons flying Gules and oars in action of the second '; 3rd grandquarter for the Dukedom of Queensberry: quarterly, 1st and 4th: Argent a Heart Gules crowned with an Imperial Crown Or on a Chief Azure three Mullets of the field '; 2nd and 3rd, Azure a Bend between six Cross Crosslets fitchée Or '; the whole of this grandquarter within a Bordure Or charged with a double Tressure flory-counter-flory Gules; 4th grandquarter for the Dukedom of Montagu: quarterly, 1st: Argent three Fusils conjoined in fess Gules a Bordure Sable '; 2nd: Or an Eagle displayed Vert beaked and membered Gules '; 3rd: Sable a Lion rampant Argent on a Canton of the last a Cross Gules '; 4th: Argent a Chevron Gules between three Caps of Maintenance their fronts turned to the sinister Azure furred Ermine '; over the grandquarters at the fess point an Inescutcheon Or on a Bend Azure a Mullet of six points between two Crescents of the field . (en)
  • *Dalkeith Palace remains in the ownership of the Dukes, but is not presently inhabited by them or their family. (en)
  • Walter Scott, Earl of Dalkeith (en)
  • Amo (en)
  • the 1st Duke's heirs male of the body lawfully begotten (en)
  • Baron Scott of Tindale (en)
  • Earl of Buccleuch (en)
  • Earl of Dalkeith (en)
  • Earl of Doncaster (en)
  • Earl of Drumlanrig and Sanquhar (en)
  • Lord Douglas of Kilmount, Middlebie and Dornock (en)
  • Lord Scott of Buccleuch (en)
  • Lord Scott of Whitchester and Eskdaill (en)
  • Marquess of Dumfriesshire (en)
  • Viscount of Nith, Tortholwald and Ross (en)
  • On either side a Female Figure proper habited from the waist downwards in a Kirtle Azure gathered up at the knees the arms and bosom uncovered around the shoulders a Flowing Mantle as before suspended by the exterior hand girdle and sandals Gules and her head adorned with a Plume of three Ostrich Feathers Argent (en)
  • 1935 (xsd:integer)
  • Duke of Buccleuch [bəˈkluː] ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of Scotland. Der Titel ist nach dem Weiler Buccleuch in der Nähe von Selkirk, Scottish Borders, benannt. Der jeweilige Duke ist erblicher Clan Chief des Clan Scott. (de)
  • Hertog van Buccleuch (Engels: Duke of Buccleuch) is een Schotse adellijke titel. De titel hertog van Buccleuch werd gecreëerd in 1663 door Karel II voor zijn natuurlijke zoon James Scott en diens echtgenote Anne Scott. Beiden droegen de titel op eigen recht. Na zijn opstand tegen zijn oom Jacobus II verloor James de titel, maar zijn echtgenote mocht hem behouden. De titel wordt nog steeds door zijn nazaten gedragen, nu met de familienaam Montagu Douglas Scott. De hertog van Buccleuch is sinds 1810 ook hertog van Queensberry. (nl)
  • バクルー公爵(英: Duke of Buccleuch、発音:/bəˈkluː/)は、イギリスの公爵位。1663年4月20日、イングランド王チャールズ2世(スコットランド王としてもチャールズ2世)が、愛妾ルーシー・ウォルターとの間にもうけた庶子、初代モンマス公爵ジェイムズ・スコットにスコットランド貴族として授けた。1810年以降、クイーンズベリー公爵と継承者を一にする。次項では、前身となったバクルー伯爵の歴史についても触れる。 (ja)
  • Duca di Buccleuch, detto anche Duca di Buccleugh, è un titolo fra i pari di Scozia creato il 20 aprile 1663. (it)
  • Hertig av Buccleuch är en brittisk titel, som först gavs till James Scott, 1:e hertig av Monmouth, som var oäkta son till Karl II av England. Hans hustru, som var dotter till (av samma släkt som sir Walter Scott), fick titeln i sin egen rätt när de gifte sig. Den omfattades därför inte av indragningen av hans titlar 1685. Titeln ärvdes och utökades via gifte till familjen Montagu-Douglas-Scott, skotsk uradel. Den tredje hertigen ärvde också titeln hertig av Queensberry. (sv)
  • 巴克盧公爵(英語:Duke of Buccleuch)是一個蘇格蘭貴族爵位,1663年查理二世將此爵位冊封予其私生子詹姆斯·史考特。 (zh)
  • Duke of Buccleuch (pronounced /bəˈkluː/ bə-KLOO), formerly also spelt Duke of Buccleugh, is a title in the Peerage of Scotland created twice on 20 April 1663, first for James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth and second suo jure for his wife Anne Scott, 4th Countess of Buccleuch. Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II was attainted after rebelling against his uncle James II and VII, but his wife's title was unaffected and passed on to their descendants, who have successively borne the surnames Scott, Montagu-Scott, Montagu Douglas Scott and Scott again. In 1810, the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch inherited the Dukedom of Queensberry, also in the Peerage of Scotland, thus separating that title from the Marquessate of Queensberry. (en)
  • El ducado de Buccleuch fue creado en la nobleza de Escocia, en 1663, para James Scott, duque de Monmouth (hijo ilegítimo del rey Carlos II de Inglaterra) y su esposa, Anne Scott, 4.ª condesa de Buccleuch. El titular del ducado de Buccleuch es también jefe hereditario del Clan Scott. El hijo mayor del duque ostenta el título de cortesía de Conde de Dalkeith y el hijo mayor (heredero en línea) de este el de Lord Eskdaill. (es)
  • Le titre de duc de Buccleuch fut créé en pairie d'Écosse le 20 avril 1663 pour le duc de Monmouth, fils illégitime de Charles II d'Angleterre, qui est marié à Anne Scott, quatrième comtesse de Buccleuch. Le titre employé pour désigner le fils aîné du duc est comte de Dalkeith ; le fils aîné de Lord Dalkeith est Lord Eskdaill. (fr)
  • Lordowie Scott of Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1606–1611: * 1611–1619: Hrabiowie Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1619–1633: * 1633–1651: * 1651–1661: * 1661–1663: Książęta Buccleuch 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1663–1685: James Scott, 1. książę Monmouth i Buccleuch Książęta Buccleuch 2. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) Następca 10 księcia Buccleuch: (pl)
  • Герцог Баклю (англ. Duke of Buccleuch, варианты передачи на русский — Баклу, Бэклу, Баклей, Боклю и т. д.) — титул, созданный в Шотландии 20 апреля 1663 года для герцога Монмута, который был старшим незаконнорождённым сыном Карла II и был женат на Анне Скотт, 4-й графине Баклю. В том же году Анна была также возведена в титул 1-й герцогини Баклю в своём праве. В настоящее время титул герцога Баклю принадлежит Ричарду Уолтеру Джону Монтегю-Дуглас-Скотту (родился в 1954 году), потомку Монмута в одиннадцатом поколении. Его старший сын Уолтер Джон Фрэнсис по традиции носит титул графа Далкейт. (ru)
  • O título Duque de Buccleuch (AFI: [bəˈkluː]) foi criado no Pariato da Escócia em 20 de abril de 1663, para o duque de Monmouth, o filho ilegítimo mais velho de Carlos II da Inglaterra, que tinha sido casado com Anne Scott, 4.ª Condessa de Buccleuch. O condado de Doncaster e a baronia de Scott de Tindale tinham sido perdidos no tempo da confiscação do primeiro duque, mas foram recuperados pelo 2.º Duque de Buccleuch em 1742. (pt)
  • Duke of Buccleuch (de)
  • Ducado de Buccleuch (es)
  • Duke of Buccleuch (en)
  • Duc de Buccleuch (fr)
  • Duca di Buccleuch (it)
  • バクルー公 (ja)
  • Hertog van Buccleuch (nl)
  • Książę Buccleuch (pl)
  • Duque de Buccleuch (pt)
  • Герцог Баклю (ru)
  • Hertig av Buccleuch (sv)
  • 巴克盧公爵 (zh)
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