Dhoad, also known under the name Dhoad gypsies of Rajasthan, or Dhoad gypsies from Rajasthan is a group created in France in 2002 and directed by Rahis Bharti which brings together musicians from Rajasthan, India.
Dhoad, also known under the name Dhoad gypsies of Rajasthan, or Dhoad gypsies from Rajasthan is a group created in France in 2002 and directed by Rahis Bharti which brings together musicians from Rajasthan, India. (en)
Dhoad gitans du Rajasthan est un groupe créé en France en 2002 et dirigé par Rahis Bharti qui rassemble des musiciens originaires du Rajasthan (Inde) issus de provinces, de communautés, de castes et de religions différentes[réf. souhaitée]. (fr)
Dhoad, also known under the name Dhoad gypsies of Rajasthan, or Dhoad gypsies from Rajasthan is a group created in France in 2002 and directed by Rahis Bharti which brings together musicians from Rajasthan, India. (en)
Dhoad gitans du Rajasthan est un groupe créé en France en 2002 et dirigé par Rahis Bharti qui rassemble des musiciens originaires du Rajasthan (Inde) issus de provinces, de communautés, de castes et de religions différentes[réf. souhaitée]. (fr)