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The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (IAST: Raksā Anūsandhān Evam Vikās Sangaṭhan) is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production of the Indian Ordnance Factories with the Defence Science Organisation. Subsequently, Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) was constituted in 1979 as a service of Group 'A' Officers / Scientists directly under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence.

Property Value
  • Die Defence Research and Development Organisation (kurz: DRDO) ist eine Behörde der Republik Indien, die mit Forschung und Entwicklung für das Militär beauftragt ist und ihren Sitz in Neu-Delhi hat. Sie entstand 1958 durch den Zusammenschluss der „Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Productions“ mit der indischen „Defence Science Organisation“. Sie steht unter der administrativen Kontrolle des indischen Verteidigungsministeriums. Mit einem Netzwerk von 52 Laboratorien, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Verteidigungstechnologien in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Luftfahrt, Rüstung, Elektronik, Bodenkampf, Biowissenschaften, Materialwissenschaften, Raketen und Marinesystemen beschäftigen, ist DRDO die größte und diversifizierteste Forschungsorganisation Indiens. Die Organisation beschäftigt direkt rund 5.000 Wissenschaftler des „Defence Research & Development Service“ (DRDS) und rund 25.000 weitere wissenschaftliche, technische und unterstützende Mitarbeiter. (de)
  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (IAST: Raksā Anūsandhān Evam Vikās Sangaṭhan) is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production of the Indian Ordnance Factories with the Defence Science Organisation. Subsequently, Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) was constituted in 1979 as a service of Group 'A' Officers / Scientists directly under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence. With a network of 52 laboratories, which are engaged in developing defence technologies, covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, land combat engineering, life sciences, materials, missiles, and naval systems, DRDO is India's largest and most diverse research organisation. The organisation includes around 5,000 scientists belonging to the DRDS and about 25,000 other subordinate scientific, technical and supporting personnel. (en)
  • Le Organisation de Recherche et Développement pour la Défense (anglais : Defence Research and Development Organisation) (DRDO) (hindi : रक्षा अनुसन्धान एवं विकास सङ्गठन, Rakṣā Anusandhān evaṃ Vikās Sangaṭhan) est une agence gouvernementale indienne responsable du développement de technologies militaires. Son quartier-général est situé à New Delhi. L'agence a été fondée en 1958 par la fusion du Technical Development Establishment et du Directorate of Technical Development and Production dans la Defence Science Organisation. En 2010, le DRDO exploite un réseau de 52 laboratoires qui recherchent différentes technologies pouvant s'appliquer à l'aéronautique, à l'armement, à l'électronique, à l'informatique, aux ressources humaines, aux sciences de la vie, aux matériaux, aux missiles, aux véhicules de combat et à la marine militaire. Il développe entre autres le programme de défense antimissile balistique indien. Ce réseau embauche plus de 5 000 scientifiques et plus 25 000 personnes de soutien. Un centre d'essai intégré pour le tir de missiles balistiques se situe depuis les années 1990 sur l'île Wheeler renommée en 2015 île du docteur Abdul Kalam. (fr)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) adalah lembaga Republik India, bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan teknologi untuk digunakan oleh militer, yang berkantor pusat di New Delhi, India. Ini dibentuk pada tahun 1958 oleh penggabungan Technical Development Establishment dan Directorate of Technical Development dengan Defence Science Organisation. Hal ini di bawah kontrol administratif dari Departemen Pertahanan, Pemerintah India. Dengan jaringan 52 laboratorium, yang terlibat dalam pengembangan teknologi pertahanan yang meliputi berbagai bidang, seperti aeronautika, persenjataan, elektronik, teknik tanah tempur, ilmu kehidupan, bahan, rudal, dan sistem angkatan laut, DRDO adalah organisasi penelitian terbesar dan paling beragam di India. Organisasi mencakup sekitar 5.000 ilmuwan milik Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) dan sekitar 25.000 personil ilmiah, teknis dan pendukung lainnya. (in)
  • 국방연구개발기구(Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO)는 인도의 국방과학연구소이다. 한국의 국방과학연구소인 ADD나 미국의 국방과학연구소인 DARPA와 비슷한 곳이다. 5000명의 과학자, 25000명 과학, 기술, 행정 직원으로 구성되어 있다. (ko)
  • Il Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (hindi रक्षा अनुसन्धान एवं विकास सङ्गठन, Rakṣā Anusandhān evaṃ Vikās Sangaṭhan) è una agenzia pubblica indiana responsabile dello sviluppo della tecnologia militare e degli armamenti. Il suo quartier generale è a Nuova Delhi. Il Defence Research and Development Organisation è stato istituito nel 1958. Nel 2010 il DRDO disponeva 52 laboratori impegnati nello sviluppo della tecnologia militari in vari campi quali l'aeronautica, gli armamenti, l'elettronica, l'informatica, la gestione delle risorse umane, materiali, missili, veicoli da combattimento, sistemi navali. tra i programmi di ricerca Sistema di difesa missilistico ABM per contrastare la minaccia dei missili balistici. L'organizzazione comprende 5000 scienziati appartenenti al Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) e circa 25000 tra tecnici, ufficiali delle forze armate e personale di supporto. (it)
  • Организация оборонных исследований и разработок (англ. Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO) — орган государственной власти Индии, отвечающий за развитие технологий в военных целях и находящийся в подчинении Министерства обороны Индии. Целью DRDO является содействие процветанию Индии путем становления науки и техники мирового класса, создания основ самообеспеченности в области критических военных технологий и обеспечения решающего преимущества в техническом оснащении национальных Вооруженных сил. (ru)
  • Організація оборонних досліджень і розробок (англ. Defence Research and Development Organisation) — орган державної влади Індії, що відповідає за розвиток технологій для військових цілей та підпорядковується . (uk)
  • 國防研究及發展組織 (DRDO) 為印度的政府組織,負責該國軍事的研究開發,總部位於印度新德里,係1958年合併科技發展機構(Technical Development Establishment)、科技研發生產委員會(Directorate of Technical Development)及國防科學組織(Defence Science Organisation)等機構而成立,為印度政府之印度國防部下轄機構。 國防研究及發展組織共計有52個實驗室,致力於各方面國防科技的研究,如航空、軍備、電子、地面戰鬥工程、生命科學、材料科學、飛彈、航海系統等,國防研究及發展組織為印度最大且多樣化的研究機構,機構內有5,000名科學家及25,000名科學、技術人員。 (zh)
  • 1958-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 30000 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 745675 (xsd:integer)
  • 42894 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118693115 (xsd:integer)
  • Chairman, DRDO (en)
  • 30000 (xsd:integer)
  • DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi (en)
  • "Strength's Origin is in Science" (en)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation of India (en)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation Logo.png (en)
  • 국방연구개발기구(Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO)는 인도의 국방과학연구소이다. 한국의 국방과학연구소인 ADD나 미국의 국방과학연구소인 DARPA와 비슷한 곳이다. 5000명의 과학자, 25000명 과학, 기술, 행정 직원으로 구성되어 있다. (ko)
  • Организация оборонных исследований и разработок (англ. Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO) — орган государственной власти Индии, отвечающий за развитие технологий в военных целях и находящийся в подчинении Министерства обороны Индии. Целью DRDO является содействие процветанию Индии путем становления науки и техники мирового класса, создания основ самообеспеченности в области критических военных технологий и обеспечения решающего преимущества в техническом оснащении национальных Вооруженных сил. (ru)
  • Організація оборонних досліджень і розробок (англ. Defence Research and Development Organisation) — орган державної влади Індії, що відповідає за розвиток технологій для військових цілей та підпорядковується . (uk)
  • 國防研究及發展組織 (DRDO) 為印度的政府組織,負責該國軍事的研究開發,總部位於印度新德里,係1958年合併科技發展機構(Technical Development Establishment)、科技研發生產委員會(Directorate of Technical Development)及國防科學組織(Defence Science Organisation)等機構而成立,為印度政府之印度國防部下轄機構。 國防研究及發展組織共計有52個實驗室,致力於各方面國防科技的研究,如航空、軍備、電子、地面戰鬥工程、生命科學、材料科學、飛彈、航海系統等,國防研究及發展組織為印度最大且多樣化的研究機構,機構內有5,000名科學家及25,000名科學、技術人員。 (zh)
  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (IAST: Raksā Anūsandhān Evam Vikās Sangaṭhan) is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production of the Indian Ordnance Factories with the Defence Science Organisation. Subsequently, Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) was constituted in 1979 as a service of Group 'A' Officers / Scientists directly under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence. (en)
  • Die Defence Research and Development Organisation (kurz: DRDO) ist eine Behörde der Republik Indien, die mit Forschung und Entwicklung für das Militär beauftragt ist und ihren Sitz in Neu-Delhi hat. Sie entstand 1958 durch den Zusammenschluss der „Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Productions“ mit der indischen „Defence Science Organisation“. Sie steht unter der administrativen Kontrolle des indischen Verteidigungsministeriums. (de)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) adalah lembaga Republik India, bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan teknologi untuk digunakan oleh militer, yang berkantor pusat di New Delhi, India. Ini dibentuk pada tahun 1958 oleh penggabungan Technical Development Establishment dan Directorate of Technical Development dengan Defence Science Organisation. Hal ini di bawah kontrol administratif dari Departemen Pertahanan, Pemerintah India. (in)
  • Le Organisation de Recherche et Développement pour la Défense (anglais : Defence Research and Development Organisation) (DRDO) (hindi : रक्षा अनुसन्धान एवं विकास सङ्गठन, Rakṣā Anusandhān evaṃ Vikās Sangaṭhan) est une agence gouvernementale indienne responsable du développement de technologies militaires. Son quartier-général est situé à New Delhi. L'agence a été fondée en 1958 par la fusion du Technical Development Establishment et du Directorate of Technical Development and Production dans la Defence Science Organisation. (fr)
  • Il Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (hindi रक्षा अनुसन्धान एवं विकास सङ्गठन, Rakṣā Anusandhān evaṃ Vikās Sangaṭhan) è una agenzia pubblica indiana responsabile dello sviluppo della tecnologia militare e degli armamenti. Il suo quartier generale è a Nuova Delhi. Il Defence Research and Development Organisation è stato istituito nel 1958. (it)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (en)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (de)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (in)
  • Organisation de recherche et développement pour la défense (fr)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (it)
  • 국방연구개발기구 (ko)
  • Организация оборонных исследований и разработок (ru)
  • Організація оборонних досліджень і розробок (uk)
  • 國防研究及發展組織 (zh)
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