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Dean Smith (born 19 March 1971) is an English professional football manager and former player who is the head coach of EFL Championship club Norwich City. Starting his playing career as a defender with Walsall in 1989, over the course of five years he played 166 league and cup games. After signing for Hereford United in 1994, three years and 146 appearances later he moved on to Leyton Orient. In six years with Orient he made 309 appearances in all competitions, before earning a move to Sheffield Wednesday in 2003. After a season with Wednesday he moved on to Port Vale, retiring in January 2005. He scored 54 goals in 566 league games in a 16-year career in the Football League.

Property Value
  • 182.88
  • دينيسي سميث (بالإنجليزية: Dean Smith)‏ (و. 1971 م) هو لاعب ومدرب كرة قدم، من المملكة المتحدة، ولد في ويست بروميتش، يلعب كمُدَافِع. (ar)
  • Dean Smith (* 19. března 1971 West Bromwich) je anglický profesionální fotbalový trenér a bývalý fotbalový obránce, který trénuje anglický klub Norwich City FC. (cs)
  • Dean Smith (* 19. März 1971 in West Bromwich) ist ein englischer Fußballtrainer und ehemaliger -spieler. Der ehemalige Innenverteidiger verbrachte seine aktive Laufbahn in den unteren englischen Profiligen. Nach dem Wechsel ins Trainerfach feierte er zunächst beim FC Walsall erste Achtungserfolge. Mitte November 2021 übernahm Smith das Traineramt bei Norwich City. (de)
  • Dean Smith (born 19 March 1971) is an English professional football manager and former player who is the head coach of EFL Championship club Norwich City. Starting his playing career as a defender with Walsall in 1989, over the course of five years he played 166 league and cup games. After signing for Hereford United in 1994, three years and 146 appearances later he moved on to Leyton Orient. In six years with Orient he made 309 appearances in all competitions, before earning a move to Sheffield Wednesday in 2003. After a season with Wednesday he moved on to Port Vale, retiring in January 2005. He scored 54 goals in 566 league games in a 16-year career in the Football League. Returning to Leyton Orient, he worked as assistant manager until January 2009. In July 2009, he was appointed as Head of Youth at Walsall, before taking over as manager in January 2011. He took Walsall from the relegation zone to safety in his first four months in charge. He took Walsall to the 2015 final of the Football League Trophy, before leaving the club to manage Brentford in November 2015. Smith was appointed as Aston Villa manager in October 2018 and took the club from 14th in the Championship to the Premier League via the play-offs in the 2018–19 season, and then to the 2020 EFL Cup final. He was dismissed by Aston Villa in November 2021 and immediately took up the head coach role at Premier League rivals Norwich City. (en)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Inglaterra; 19 de marzo de 1971) es un entrenador y exjugador de fútbol inglés. Actualmente dirige al Norwich City​ Como jugador se desempeñaba en la posición de defensa central, hasta su retiro en Port Vale en 2005.​ (es)
  • Dean Smith, né le 19 mars 1971 est un ancien footballeur puis entraîneur. Il est actuellement entraîneur de Norwich City. (fr)
  • Dean Smith (lahir 19 Maret 1971) adalah seorang dan mantan pemain sepak bola profesional asal Inggris yang kini menjadi kepala pelatih Norwich City. Saat berkarier sebagai pemain, Smith biasa bermain sebagai bek tengah dan pernah bermain untuk Walsall, Hereford United, Leyton Orient, Sheffield Wednesday, dan Port Vale. Ia memulai karier kepelatihan dengan menjadi pelatih tim junior Leyton Orient. Ia pernah menjadi kepala pelatih Aston Villa sejak 2018 hingga 2021. (in)
  • 딘 스미스(1971년 3월 19일 ~ )는 잉글랜드의 전 축구 선수이자 현 축구 지도자로 최근 노리치 시티의 감독직을 맡았으며 현역 시절 포지션은 수비수였다. (ko)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, 19 marzo 1971) è un allenatore di calcio, dirigente sportivo ed ex calciatore inglese, di ruolo difensore, tecnico del Norwich City. (it)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, 19 maart 1971) is een Engels voetbalcoach en voormalig voetballer. (nl)
  • Dean Smith (ur. 19 marca 1971 w West Bromwich) – angielski piłkarz występujący na pozycji pomocnika oraz trener. Wychowanek Walsall, w trakcie swojej kariery grał także w takich zespołach, jak Hereford United, Leyton Orient, Sheffield Wednesday oraz Port Vale. Jako szkoleniowiec prowadził natomiast takie drużyny, jak Walsall oraz Brentford. (pl)
  • Dean Smith (nascido em 19 de março de 1971) é um treinador de futebol profissional inglês e ex-jogador. Seu último trabalho recente foi como treinador do clube Aston Villa, da Premier League. Começando sua carreira de jogador como defensor no Walsall em 1989, ele disputou, ao longo de cinco anos, 166 partidas entre liga e copas. Depois de assinar com o Hereford United em 1994, foi para o Leyton Orient, três anos e 146 jogos depois. Em seis anos com o Orient, ele fez 309 aparições, somando todas as competições, antes de ser transferido para o Sheffield Wednesday em 2003. Depois de uma temporada com o clube, mudou-se para Port Vale, aposentando-se em janeiro de 2005. Ele marcou 54 gols em 566 jogos da liga em uma carreira de 16 anos na English Football League. Retornando ao Leyton Orient, trabalhou como auxiliar técnico até janeiro de 2009. Em julho de 2009, ele foi nomeado chefe das categorias de base do Walsall, antes de assumir o cargo de treinador do profissional em janeiro de 2011. Ele tirou o Walsall da zona de rebaixamento e o colocou em uma posição de segurança em seus primeiros quatro meses no cargo. Ele levou o Walsall à de 2015 do Troféu da Liga de Futebol, antes de deixar o clube para dirigir o Brentford em novembro de 2015. Smith foi nomeado técnico do Aston Villa em outubro de 2018 e levou o clube da 14ª colocação na EFL Championship à Premier League por meio dos da temporada 2018-19 e, em seguida, à , antes de ser dispensado em novembro 2021. No dia 13 de novembro de 2021, o Norwich City anunciou Smith como treinador. (pt)
  • Дин Смит (англ. Dean Smith; род. 19 марта 1971, Уэст-Бромидж, Уэст-Мидлендс) — английский футболист и футбольный тренер. (ru)
  • 迪恩·史密夫(英語:Dean Smith,1971年3月19日-)是一名英格蘭前足球員,司職中堅,出身華素爾,曾效力赫里福特聯﹑奥連特﹑錫周三和維爾港,在聯賽上陣超過550場,獲首4支球隊委任為隊長,退役後擔任足球管理工作。 (zh)
  • Дін Сміт (англ. Dean Smith, нар. 19 березня 1971, Вест-Бромвіч) — англійський футболіст, що грав на позиції захисника. По завершенні ігрової кар'єри — тренер. З 2021 року очолює тренерський штаб клубу «Норвіч Сіті». (uk)
  • 1971-03-19 (xsd:date)
  • 1.828800 (xsd:double)
  • 10393359 (xsd:integer)
  • 53791 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1122230638 (xsd:integer)
  • 1971-03-19 (xsd:date)
  • West Bromwich, England (en)
  • 13 (xsd:integer)
  • 55 (xsd:integer)
  • 117 (xsd:integer)
  • 142 (xsd:integer)
  • 239 (xsd:integer)
  • Smith in 2011 (en)
  • Dean Smith (en)
  • 0 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 19 (xsd:integer)
  • 32 (xsd:integer)
  • 2011 (xsd:integer)
  • 2015 (xsd:integer)
  • 2018 (xsd:integer)
  • 2021 (xsd:integer)
  • Dean Smith (en)
  • Managerial positions (en)
  • 566 (xsd:integer)
  • 54 (xsd:integer)
  • 1989 (xsd:integer)
  • 1994 (xsd:integer)
  • 1997 (xsd:integer)
  • 2003 (xsd:integer)
  • 2004 (xsd:integer)
  • دينيسي سميث (بالإنجليزية: Dean Smith)‏ (و. 1971 م) هو لاعب ومدرب كرة قدم، من المملكة المتحدة، ولد في ويست بروميتش، يلعب كمُدَافِع. (ar)
  • Dean Smith (* 19. března 1971 West Bromwich) je anglický profesionální fotbalový trenér a bývalý fotbalový obránce, který trénuje anglický klub Norwich City FC. (cs)
  • Dean Smith (* 19. März 1971 in West Bromwich) ist ein englischer Fußballtrainer und ehemaliger -spieler. Der ehemalige Innenverteidiger verbrachte seine aktive Laufbahn in den unteren englischen Profiligen. Nach dem Wechsel ins Trainerfach feierte er zunächst beim FC Walsall erste Achtungserfolge. Mitte November 2021 übernahm Smith das Traineramt bei Norwich City. (de)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Inglaterra; 19 de marzo de 1971) es un entrenador y exjugador de fútbol inglés. Actualmente dirige al Norwich City​ Como jugador se desempeñaba en la posición de defensa central, hasta su retiro en Port Vale en 2005.​ (es)
  • Dean Smith, né le 19 mars 1971 est un ancien footballeur puis entraîneur. Il est actuellement entraîneur de Norwich City. (fr)
  • Dean Smith (lahir 19 Maret 1971) adalah seorang dan mantan pemain sepak bola profesional asal Inggris yang kini menjadi kepala pelatih Norwich City. Saat berkarier sebagai pemain, Smith biasa bermain sebagai bek tengah dan pernah bermain untuk Walsall, Hereford United, Leyton Orient, Sheffield Wednesday, dan Port Vale. Ia memulai karier kepelatihan dengan menjadi pelatih tim junior Leyton Orient. Ia pernah menjadi kepala pelatih Aston Villa sejak 2018 hingga 2021. (in)
  • 딘 스미스(1971년 3월 19일 ~ )는 잉글랜드의 전 축구 선수이자 현 축구 지도자로 최근 노리치 시티의 감독직을 맡았으며 현역 시절 포지션은 수비수였다. (ko)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, 19 marzo 1971) è un allenatore di calcio, dirigente sportivo ed ex calciatore inglese, di ruolo difensore, tecnico del Norwich City. (it)
  • Dean Smith (West Bromwich, 19 maart 1971) is een Engels voetbalcoach en voormalig voetballer. (nl)
  • Dean Smith (ur. 19 marca 1971 w West Bromwich) – angielski piłkarz występujący na pozycji pomocnika oraz trener. Wychowanek Walsall, w trakcie swojej kariery grał także w takich zespołach, jak Hereford United, Leyton Orient, Sheffield Wednesday oraz Port Vale. Jako szkoleniowiec prowadził natomiast takie drużyny, jak Walsall oraz Brentford. (pl)
  • Дин Смит (англ. Dean Smith; род. 19 марта 1971, Уэст-Бромидж, Уэст-Мидлендс) — английский футболист и футбольный тренер. (ru)
  • 迪恩·史密夫(英語:Dean Smith,1971年3月19日-)是一名英格蘭前足球員,司職中堅,出身華素爾,曾效力赫里福特聯﹑奥連特﹑錫周三和維爾港,在聯賽上陣超過550場,獲首4支球隊委任為隊長,退役後擔任足球管理工作。 (zh)
  • Дін Сміт (англ. Dean Smith, нар. 19 березня 1971, Вест-Бромвіч) — англійський футболіст, що грав на позиції захисника. По завершенні ігрової кар'єри — тренер. З 2021 року очолює тренерський штаб клубу «Норвіч Сіті». (uk)
  • Dean Smith (born 19 March 1971) is an English professional football manager and former player who is the head coach of EFL Championship club Norwich City. Starting his playing career as a defender with Walsall in 1989, over the course of five years he played 166 league and cup games. After signing for Hereford United in 1994, three years and 146 appearances later he moved on to Leyton Orient. In six years with Orient he made 309 appearances in all competitions, before earning a move to Sheffield Wednesday in 2003. After a season with Wednesday he moved on to Port Vale, retiring in January 2005. He scored 54 goals in 566 league games in a 16-year career in the Football League. (en)
  • Dean Smith (nascido em 19 de março de 1971) é um treinador de futebol profissional inglês e ex-jogador. Seu último trabalho recente foi como treinador do clube Aston Villa, da Premier League. Começando sua carreira de jogador como defensor no Walsall em 1989, ele disputou, ao longo de cinco anos, 166 partidas entre liga e copas. Depois de assinar com o Hereford United em 1994, foi para o Leyton Orient, três anos e 146 jogos depois. Em seis anos com o Orient, ele fez 309 aparições, somando todas as competições, antes de ser transferido para o Sheffield Wednesday em 2003. Depois de uma temporada com o clube, mudou-se para Port Vale, aposentando-se em janeiro de 2005. Ele marcou 54 gols em 566 jogos da liga em uma carreira de 16 anos na English Football League. (pt)
  • دينيسي سميث (لاعب كرة قدم) (ar)
  • Dean Smith (fotbalista) (cs)
  • Dean Smith (Fußballspieler) (de)
  • Dean Smith (footballer, born 1971) (en)
  • Dean Smith (futbolista) (es)
  • Dean Smith (football) (fr)
  • Dean Smith (pemain sepak bola kelahiran 1971) (in)
  • Dean Smith (calciatore) (it)
  • 딘 스미스 (ko)
  • Dean Smith (voetballer) (nl)
  • Dean Smith (ur. 1971) (pl)
  • Смит, Дин (футболист) (ru)
  • Dean Smith (futebolista) (pt)
  • 迪恩·史密斯 (zh)
  • Дін Сміт (футболіст) (uk)
  • Dean Smith (en)
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