Cornelius Grant (born April 27, 1943) is an American guitarist, composer, and band leader. He served as the musical director, guitar player, and live show arranger for Motown vocal group The Temptations from 1964 until 1982.
كورنيليوس غرانت (بالإنجليزية: Cornelius Grant) هو كاتب أغاني أمريكي، ولد في 27 أبريل 1943 في فيرفيلد في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
Cornelius Grant (born April 27, 1943) is an American guitarist, composer, and band leader. He served as the musical director, guitar player, and live show arranger for Motown vocal group The Temptations from 1964 until 1982. (en)
كورنيليوس غرانت (بالإنجليزية: Cornelius Grant) هو كاتب أغاني أمريكي، ولد في 27 أبريل 1943 في فيرفيلد في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
Cornelius Grant (born April 27, 1943) is an American guitarist, composer, and band leader. He served as the musical director, guitar player, and live show arranger for Motown vocal group The Temptations from 1964 until 1982. (en)