- Α video codec is software or a device that provides encoding and decoding for digital video, and which may or may not include the use of video compression and/or decompression. Most codecs are typically implementations of video coding formats. The compression may employ lossy data compression, so that quality-measurement issues become important. Shortly after the compact disc became widely available as a digital-format replacement for analog audio, it became feasible to also store and use video in digital form. A variety of technologies soon emerged to do so. The primary goal for most methods of compressing video is to produce video that most closely approximates the fidelity of the original source, while simultaneously delivering the smallest file-size possible. However, there are also several other factors that can be used as a basis for comparison. (en)
- Videocodecs werden benötigt, um digitale Videodaten für bestimmte Anwendungen bereitzustellen und in einer Containerdatei zu speichern. Einige der aufgelisteten Programme sind genau genommen keine Codecs, da entweder der Encoder (kodieren/komprimieren) oder der Decoder (dekodieren/dekomprimieren) fehlen. Sie werden in der Regel aber trotzdem unter dem Begriff Codec subsumiert. (de)