- Branch theory is an ecclesiological proposition that the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church includes various Christian denominations whether in formal communion or not. The theory is often incorporated in the Protestant notion of an invisible Christian Church structure binding them together. Anglican proponents of Anglo-Catholic churchmanship who support the theory include only the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Scandinavian Lutheran, Old Catholic, Moravian, Persian and Anglican churches as branches. On the other hand, the majority of Anglicans, including those of low church, broad church and high churchmanship, have "followed the major continental Reformers in their doctrine of the true church, identifiable by the authentic ministry of word and sacrament, in their rejection of the jurisdiction of the pope, and in their alliance with the civil authority ('the magistrate')". The Church of England historically considered itself "Protestant and Reformed" and recognized as true churches the Continental Reformed Churches, participating in the Synod of Dort in 1618–1619. As such, Anglicans have entered into full communion with bodies such as the Evangelical Church in Germany and in some countries, have merged with Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran denominations to form united Protestant Churches, such as the Church of North India, Church of Pakistan, Church of South India, and the Church of Bangladesh for example. For Anglicans of Evangelical churchmanship, the notion of apostolic continuity is seen as "fidelity to the teaching of the apostles as set out in scripture, rather than in historical or institutional terms" and thus they place focus on "the gospel, and the means by which this is proclaimed, articulated, and reinforced--namely, the ministers of word and sacrament." Other Protestant Christians, including Evangelical Anglicans, generally reject the Anglo-Catholic version of the branch theory and hold a theory in which the Christian Church "has no visible unity" but contains numerous denominations that are "invisibly connected." Fortescue states that "this theory is common among all Protestant bodies, although each one generally holds that it is the purest branch." In expounding upon branch theory, theologian Paul Evdokimov states that some view each distinct Christian tradition as contributing something special to the whole of Christendom: ... the famous "branch theory", according to which each ecclesiastical tradition possesses only part of the truth, so that the true Church will come into being only when they all join together; such a belief encourages the "churches" to continue as they are, confirming in their fragmented state, and the final result is Christianity without the Church. Each church, in its more pronounced form, displays, according to its own native spirit, a particular version of the unique revelation. So, for example, Roman Christianity is characterized by filial love and obedience expressed towards the fatherly authority hypostatized in the first Person of the Trinity: the Church is there to teach and to obey. For the Reformed Churches the vital thing is sacramental reverence for the Word; it is the Church's duty to listen and reform itself. The Orthodox treasure the liberty of the children of God that flowers in liturgical communion, while the Church hymns the love of God for the human race. (en)
- Teoria da ramificação é uma proposição eclesiológica protestante de que a Igreja única, santa, católica e apostólica inclui várias denominações cristãs, seja na comunhão formal ou não. Os defensores anglicanos da teoria costumam incluir apenas as igrejas da Igreja Católica Romana, Ortodoxa Oriental e Anglicana, enquanto outros também podem incluem as igrejas ortodoxas orientais, a Igreja do Oriente, a Velha Igreja Católica e a Igreja Luterana. (pt)
- Теорія гілок (англ. Branch theory) — богословська концепція, розроблена в Англіканстві, згідно з якою Римо-католицька церква, Східно-православні церкви і Англіканське співтовариство є трьома гілками Єдиної, Святої, Кафоличної (Соборної) і Апостольської церкви. В подальшому в різних авторів теорія гілок отримала розвиток. Одні автори приєднали до "загального-християнського дерева" Орієнтальні церкви, інші автори інші протестантські конфесії. Третя частина прихильників теорії гілок розвивала ідею про те, що одні гілки більш сильні, а інші менш сильні (в залежності від збереження чистоти догматів). (uk)
- Теори́я ветве́й (англ. Branch theory) — богословская концепция, разработанная в Англиканстве, согласно которой Римско-католическая церковь, восточноправославные церкви и Англиканское сообщество суть три ветви Единой, Святой, Кафолической (Соборной) и Апостольской церкви. В дальнейшем у разных авторов теория ветвей получила развитие. Одни авторы присоединили к общему «христианскому дереву» Древние восточные церкви, другие авторы остальные протестантские конфессии. Третья часть сторонников теории ветвей развивало идею о том, что одни ветви более сильные, а другие менее сильные (в зависимости от сохранения чистоты догматов). (ru)
- Teoria da ramificação é uma proposição eclesiológica protestante de que a Igreja única, santa, católica e apostólica inclui várias denominações cristãs, seja na comunhão formal ou não. Os defensores anglicanos da teoria costumam incluir apenas as igrejas da Igreja Católica Romana, Ortodoxa Oriental e Anglicana, enquanto outros também podem incluem as igrejas ortodoxas orientais, a Igreja do Oriente, a Velha Igreja Católica e a Igreja Luterana. (pt)
- Branch theory is an ecclesiological proposition that the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church includes various Christian denominations whether in formal communion or not. The theory is often incorporated in the Protestant notion of an invisible Christian Church structure binding them together. In expounding upon branch theory, theologian Paul Evdokimov states that some view each distinct Christian tradition as contributing something special to the whole of Christendom: (en)
- Теори́я ветве́й (англ. Branch theory) — богословская концепция, разработанная в Англиканстве, согласно которой Римско-католическая церковь, восточноправославные церкви и Англиканское сообщество суть три ветви Единой, Святой, Кафолической (Соборной) и Апостольской церкви. (ru)
- Теорія гілок (англ. Branch theory) — богословська концепція, розроблена в Англіканстві, згідно з якою Римо-католицька церква, Східно-православні церкви і Англіканське співтовариство є трьома гілками Єдиної, Святої, Кафоличної (Соборної) і Апостольської церкви. (uk)