About: Billy Martin

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Alfred Manuel Martin Jr. (May 16, 1928 – December 25, 1989), commonly called "Billy", was an American Major League Baseball second baseman and manager who, in addition to leading other teams, was five times the manager of the New York Yankees. First known as a scrappy infielder who made considerable contributions to the championship Yankee teams of the 1950s, he then built a reputation as a manager who would initially make bad teams good, before ultimately being fired amid dysfunction. In each of his stints with the Yankees he managed them to winning records before being fired by team owner George Steinbrenner or resigning under fire, usually amid a well-publicized scandal such as Martin's involvement in an alcohol-fueled fight.

Property Value
  • ألفرد مارتن (بالإنجليزية: Billy Martin)‏ (و. 1928 – 1989 م) هو لاعب كرة قاعدة، وكاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في بيركيلي، كاليفورنيا، مركز لعبه هو ‏، توفي في نيويورك، عن عمر يناهز 61 عاماً، بسبب حادث مرور. (ar)
  • Alfred Manuel Martin Jr. (May 16, 1928 – December 25, 1989), commonly called "Billy", was an American Major League Baseball second baseman and manager who, in addition to leading other teams, was five times the manager of the New York Yankees. First known as a scrappy infielder who made considerable contributions to the championship Yankee teams of the 1950s, he then built a reputation as a manager who would initially make bad teams good, before ultimately being fired amid dysfunction. In each of his stints with the Yankees he managed them to winning records before being fired by team owner George Steinbrenner or resigning under fire, usually amid a well-publicized scandal such as Martin's involvement in an alcohol-fueled fight. Martin was born in a working-class section of Berkeley, California. His skill as a baseball player gave him a route out of his home town. Signed by the Pacific Coast League Oakland Oaks, Martin learned much from Casey Stengel, the man who would manage him both in Oakland and in New York, and enjoyed a close relationship with him. Martin's spectacular catch of a wind-blown Jackie Robinson popup late in Game Seven of the 1952 World Series saved that series for the Yankees, and he was the hitting star of the 1953 World Series, earning the Most Valuable Player award in the Yankee victory. He missed most of two seasons, 1954 and 1955, after being drafted into the Army, and his abilities never fully returned; the Yankees traded him after a brawl at the Copacabana club in New York during the 1957 season. Martin bitterly resented being traded, and did not speak to Stengel for years, a time during which Martin completed his playing career, appearing with a series of also-ran baseball teams. The last team for whom Martin played, the Minnesota Twins, gave him a job as a scout, and he spent most of the 1960s with them, becoming a coach in 1965. After a successful managerial debut with the Twins' top minor league affiliate, the Denver Bears, Martin was made Twins manager in 1969. He led the club to the American League West title, but was fired after the season. He then was hired by a declining Detroit Tigers franchise in 1971, and led the team to an American League East title in 1972 before being fired by the Tigers late in the 1973 season. He was quickly hired by the Texas Rangers, and turned them for a season (1974) into a winning team, but was fired amid conflict with ownership in 1975. He was almost immediately hired by the Yankees. As Yankee manager, Martin led the team to consecutive American League pennants in 1976 and 1977; the Yankees were swept in the 1976 World Series by the Cincinnati Reds but triumphed over the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games in the 1977 World Series. The 1977 season saw season-long conflict between Martin and Steinbrenner, as well as between the manager and Yankee slugger Reggie Jackson, including a near brawl between the two in the dugout on national television, but culminated in Martin's only world championship as a manager. He was forced to resign midway through the 1978 season after saying of Jackson and Steinbrenner, "one's a born liar, and the other's convicted"; less than a week later, the news that he would return as manager in a future season was announced to a huge ovation from the Yankee Stadium crowd. He returned in 1979, but was fired at season's end by Steinbrenner. From 1980 to 1982, he managed the Oakland Athletics, earning a division title with an aggressive style of play known as "Billyball" that led them to the ALCS in 1981, but he was fired after the 1982 season. He was rehired by the Yankees, whom he managed three more times, each for a season or less, and each ending in his firing by Steinbrenner. Martin died in an automobile accident in upstate New York on Christmas night in 1989, and he is fondly remembered by many Yankee fans. (en)
  • Alfred Manuel „Billy“ Martin (* 16. Mai 1928 in Berkeley, Kalifornien; † 25. Dezember 1989 in , New York) war ein US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler und -manager in der Major League Baseball (MLB). Seine Spitznamen waren „The Brat“ und „Billy the Kid“. (de)
  • Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin (Berkeley, California; 16 de mayo de 1928-Johnson City, Nueva York; 25 de diciembre de 1989) fue jugador de la segunda base y mánager de las Grandes Ligas. Su padre era de origen portugués. Durante su juventud y mientras cursaba estudios en secundaria jugó al béisbol de forma constante y tras graduarse en 1946, comenzó a jugar en la liga del Pacífico, con los Oakland Oaks, dirigidos entonces por Casey Stengel. Cuando Stengel due nombrado mánager de los Yankees en 1949, llevó consigo a Martin, quien debutó en las Grandes Ligas en 1950 con este equipo. Fue un segunda base de regular desempeño a lo largo de su carrera de doce años como jugador. Durante este tiempo, mantuvo una fama de controvertido y en varias oportunidades tuvo encuentros violentos con otros jugadores y mánagers. Es más conocido por haber sido mánager de los Yankees de Nueva York en cinco ocasiones, ganando el banderín de la Liga Americana dos veces y la Serie Mundial de 1977 con este equipo, además de liderar la Liga Americana con otros cuatro equipos diferentes. * Datos: Q863184 * Multimedia: Billy Martin (baseball) / Q863184 (es)
  • Alfred Manuel « Billy » Martin (16 mai 1928 – 25 décembre 1989) est un joueur de baseball américain. Il fut entraineur de l'équipe des New York Yankees à cinq reprises. Il remporta deux championnats de la ligue américaine. (fr)
  • アルフレッド・マニュエル・マーチン(Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, 1928年5月16日 - 1989年12月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州バークレー出身の元プロ野球選手(二塁手)・監督。右投右打。 (ja)
  • ( 같은 이름을 가진 음악가에 대해서는 빌리 마틴 (1981년) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 알프레드 매뉴얼 "빌리" 마틴 주니어(Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr., 1928년 5월 16일~ 1989년 12월 25일)은 전 메이저 리그 베이스볼에서 활약한 2루수였고, 감독이었다. 양키스의 감독자리를 5번 맡았다가 해임된 것으로 유명한데, 1976년~1977년 시즌 동안 2년 연속 월드시리즈에 진출해 1976년 시즌에는 신시내티 레즈에 4-0으로 졌으나 1977년 시즌에는 LA 다저스를 4-2로 물리치고 우승했다. 다른 팀에서도 4번의 지구 우승을 시켰는데 약팀을 맡아 강팀으로 변모시키는 데 능했다. 그 외 심판들에게 발로 먼지를 날리는 식의 격렬한 항의로도 유명했다. 다만 베테랑 선수들과 구단주와는 불화를 자주 겪었고, 젊은 투수들을 혹사시키며 알콜 중독증이 있다는 비판을 받기도 했다. 그의 등번호 1번은 뉴욕 양키스에서 영구 결번으로 지정되어 있다 (ko)
  • Alfred Manuel Martin Jr. (Berkeley, 16 maggio 1928 – New York, 25 dicembre 1989) è stato un giocatore di baseball statunitense. (it)
  • Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr. (16 de maio de 1928 – 25 de dezembro de 1989) foi um jogador e treinador americano de beisebol que passou boa parte da carreira na Major League Baseball. Martin fez fama jogando e treinando pelo New York Yankees. Como treinador, ele chegou as finais da Liga Americana em 1976 e em 1977 ele foi campeão com os Yankees. Além disso, ele também tem quatro títulos de divisão no currículo. Como treinador, Martin teve também uma carreira de sucesso mas ficou mais conhecido por seu temperamento nervoso e pelas brigas com os árbitros. Ele também era criticado por não se dar bem com os jogadores veteranos e com os donos dos times em que atuou. Ele morreu em 1989 em um acidente de carro. (pt)
  • 阿爾弗瑞德·曼紐·馬丁(英語:Alfred Manuel Martin,1928年5月16日-1989年12月25日),美國職棒大聯盟球員,身高180公分,體重74公斤,守位為二壘。他是紐約洋基在五〇年代的主力二壘手,退休後五次擔任洋基總教練,拿下三次美國聯盟冠軍和二次世界大賽冠軍。 馬丁以拼勁和火爆的脾氣著稱,他強烈的領軍風格雖具爭議,被他帶領的球隊往往戰績優異。 1975年比利馬丁首度擔任洋基教練,後來因得罪大老闆喬治·史坦布瑞納被開除。1980年洋基隊重新給他機會,再次雇用他為總教練,電影《十三王牌》"比利馬丁"指涉的「第二次機會」,正是這個典故。美國ESPN體育台於2007年7月推出以棒球為主題的影集"The Bronx Is Burning",片中就是描述比利馬丁第一次領軍時期1977年的洋基隊,他和老闆史坦布瑞納以及明星球員瑞吉·傑克森之間的緊張關係。 (zh)
  • Альфред Мануель «Билли» Марти младший (англ. Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr., 16 мая 1928 — 25 декабря 1989) — американский профессиональный бейсболист, игравший в Главной лиге бейсбола на позиции игрока второй базы, и . За свою карьеру Мартин выступал за пять разных команд. Как главный менеджер он помог «Нью-Йорк Янкиз» завоевать титул чемпиона Американской лиги в 1976 и 1977 годах, и одержал победу в Мировой серии 1977 года. Он также работал менеджером ещё нескольких команд АЛ и четверым из них помог завоевать титул чемпиона дивизиона. Мартин был известен как менеджер, способный сделать из плохих команд команды-победители, а также за свои споры с арбитрами. Однако его часто критиковал и за то, что он не ладил с игроками ветеранами и владельцами клубов, интенсивно использовал молодых питчеров и имел проблемы с алкоголем. В период с 1969 по 1988 год на посту менеджера Мартин одержал 1253 победы, а его процент выигранных матчей составил 55,3 %. (ru)
  • 1928-05-16 (xsd:date)
  • 1989-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 287341 (xsd:integer)
  • 124980 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123376604 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Right (en)
  • 1928-05-16 (xsd:date)
  • Berkeley, California, US (en)
  • m/martibi02 (en)
  • martin003alf (en)
  • Martin with the Yankees in 1954 (en)
  • 1989-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • Johnson City, New York, US (en)
  • 0001-04-18 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • MLB (en)
  • New York Yankees (en)
  • 1950 (xsd:integer)
  • 24683 (xsd:integer)
  • 1008155 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-10-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • MLB (en)
  • Minnesota Twins (en)
  • 1961 (xsd:integer)
  • * All-Star * 5× World Series champion * New York Yankees No. 1 retired * Monument Park honoree (en)
  • 118330 (xsd:integer)
  • Billy Martin (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • The only job. The Yankee job. This is the only job I ever wanted. (en)
  • During my baseball travels, I never met a man who didn't know Billy Martin. Billy must have been on a first-name basis with probably 10,000 notable Americans. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, the presidential peace candidate who had become chums with Billy when he managed the Twins, came to [1975 Rangers spring training in] Pompano Beach and stayed a week. So too did entire squadrons of automobile dealers, tavern owners ... backslappers and hucksters and hustlers, all wanting to say hello to the Little Dago. A district judge from New Orleans who had known Martin from God could only guess where arrived at Billy's springtime cavalcade of thrills, claiming that he was in town "looking for a little keister for Easter". (en)
  • On the night that the firing [from the Rangers] was announced Billy sat with a group of sportswriters in his office and, I'm told, wept ... There is a term that describes Billy's emotional state at that point. Crocodile tears, I believe they call it. The next time I laid eyes on Billy Martin was in the Pontchartrain Hotel in Detroit. Billy was on television, appearing on the game of the week. He was wearing his proud number 1 on the back of a uniform that had pinstripes ... The new field manager of the New York Yankees looked real happy. Like I said, say what you want about Billy Martin, he was smart. (en)
  • M/Pmartb105 (en)
  • right (en)
  • 0001-06-19 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • —Billy Martin on being hired by the New York Yankees, 1975. (en)
  • —Mike Shropshire, Seasons in Hell: With Billy Martin, Whitey Herzog, and the Worst Baseball Team in History, the 1973–1975 Texas Rangers , Kindle locations 2823–2827 (en)
  • —Mike Shropshire, Seasons in Hell: With Billy Martin, Whitey Herzog, and the Worst Baseball Team in History, the 1973–1975 Texas Rangers , Kindle locations 3134–3138 (en)
  • 0.257000 (xsd:double)
  • Home runs (en)
  • 64 (xsd:integer)
  • 333 (xsd:integer)
  • Managerial record (en)
  • 1253 (xsd:integer)
  • Winning % (en)
  • MLB (en)
  • New York Yankees (en)
  • As player * New York Yankees * Kansas City Athletics * Detroit Tigers * Cleveland Indians * Cincinnati Reds * Milwaukee Braves * Minnesota Twins As manager * Minnesota Twins * Detroit Tigers * Texas Rangers * New York Yankees * Oakland Athletics * New York Yankees As coach * Minnesota Twins (en)
  • Right (en)
  • 22 (xsd:integer)
  • 24 (xsd:integer)
  • 29 (xsd:integer)
  • 1986 (xsd:integer)
  • 1965 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-05-27 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • ألفرد مارتن (بالإنجليزية: Billy Martin)‏ (و. 1928 – 1989 م) هو لاعب كرة قاعدة، وكاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في بيركيلي، كاليفورنيا، مركز لعبه هو ‏، توفي في نيويورك، عن عمر يناهز 61 عاماً، بسبب حادث مرور. (ar)
  • Alfred Manuel „Billy“ Martin (* 16. Mai 1928 in Berkeley, Kalifornien; † 25. Dezember 1989 in , New York) war ein US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler und -manager in der Major League Baseball (MLB). Seine Spitznamen waren „The Brat“ und „Billy the Kid“. (de)
  • Alfred Manuel « Billy » Martin (16 mai 1928 – 25 décembre 1989) est un joueur de baseball américain. Il fut entraineur de l'équipe des New York Yankees à cinq reprises. Il remporta deux championnats de la ligue américaine. (fr)
  • アルフレッド・マニュエル・マーチン(Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, 1928年5月16日 - 1989年12月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州バークレー出身の元プロ野球選手(二塁手)・監督。右投右打。 (ja)
  • ( 같은 이름을 가진 음악가에 대해서는 빌리 마틴 (1981년) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 알프레드 매뉴얼 "빌리" 마틴 주니어(Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr., 1928년 5월 16일~ 1989년 12월 25일)은 전 메이저 리그 베이스볼에서 활약한 2루수였고, 감독이었다. 양키스의 감독자리를 5번 맡았다가 해임된 것으로 유명한데, 1976년~1977년 시즌 동안 2년 연속 월드시리즈에 진출해 1976년 시즌에는 신시내티 레즈에 4-0으로 졌으나 1977년 시즌에는 LA 다저스를 4-2로 물리치고 우승했다. 다른 팀에서도 4번의 지구 우승을 시켰는데 약팀을 맡아 강팀으로 변모시키는 데 능했다. 그 외 심판들에게 발로 먼지를 날리는 식의 격렬한 항의로도 유명했다. 다만 베테랑 선수들과 구단주와는 불화를 자주 겪었고, 젊은 투수들을 혹사시키며 알콜 중독증이 있다는 비판을 받기도 했다. 그의 등번호 1번은 뉴욕 양키스에서 영구 결번으로 지정되어 있다 (ko)
  • Alfred Manuel Martin Jr. (Berkeley, 16 maggio 1928 – New York, 25 dicembre 1989) è stato un giocatore di baseball statunitense. (it)
  • 阿爾弗瑞德·曼紐·馬丁(英語:Alfred Manuel Martin,1928年5月16日-1989年12月25日),美國職棒大聯盟球員,身高180公分,體重74公斤,守位為二壘。他是紐約洋基在五〇年代的主力二壘手,退休後五次擔任洋基總教練,拿下三次美國聯盟冠軍和二次世界大賽冠軍。 馬丁以拼勁和火爆的脾氣著稱,他強烈的領軍風格雖具爭議,被他帶領的球隊往往戰績優異。 1975年比利馬丁首度擔任洋基教練,後來因得罪大老闆喬治·史坦布瑞納被開除。1980年洋基隊重新給他機會,再次雇用他為總教練,電影《十三王牌》"比利馬丁"指涉的「第二次機會」,正是這個典故。美國ESPN體育台於2007年7月推出以棒球為主題的影集"The Bronx Is Burning",片中就是描述比利馬丁第一次領軍時期1977年的洋基隊,他和老闆史坦布瑞納以及明星球員瑞吉·傑克森之間的緊張關係。 (zh)
  • Alfred Manuel Martin Jr. (May 16, 1928 – December 25, 1989), commonly called "Billy", was an American Major League Baseball second baseman and manager who, in addition to leading other teams, was five times the manager of the New York Yankees. First known as a scrappy infielder who made considerable contributions to the championship Yankee teams of the 1950s, he then built a reputation as a manager who would initially make bad teams good, before ultimately being fired amid dysfunction. In each of his stints with the Yankees he managed them to winning records before being fired by team owner George Steinbrenner or resigning under fire, usually amid a well-publicized scandal such as Martin's involvement in an alcohol-fueled fight. (en)
  • Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin (Berkeley, California; 16 de mayo de 1928-Johnson City, Nueva York; 25 de diciembre de 1989) fue jugador de la segunda base y mánager de las Grandes Ligas. Su padre era de origen portugués. Durante su juventud y mientras cursaba estudios en secundaria jugó al béisbol de forma constante y tras graduarse en 1946, comenzó a jugar en la liga del Pacífico, con los Oakland Oaks, dirigidos entonces por Casey Stengel. Cuando Stengel due nombrado mánager de los Yankees en 1949, llevó consigo a Martin, quien debutó en las Grandes Ligas en 1950 con este equipo. (es)
  • Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr. (16 de maio de 1928 – 25 de dezembro de 1989) foi um jogador e treinador americano de beisebol que passou boa parte da carreira na Major League Baseball. Martin fez fama jogando e treinando pelo New York Yankees. Como treinador, ele chegou as finais da Liga Americana em 1976 e em 1977 ele foi campeão com os Yankees. Além disso, ele também tem quatro títulos de divisão no currículo. (pt)
  • Альфред Мануель «Билли» Марти младший (англ. Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr., 16 мая 1928 — 25 декабря 1989) — американский профессиональный бейсболист, игравший в Главной лиге бейсбола на позиции игрока второй базы, и . За свою карьеру Мартин выступал за пять разных команд. Как главный менеджер он помог «Нью-Йорк Янкиз» завоевать титул чемпиона Американской лиги в 1976 и 1977 годах, и одержал победу в Мировой серии 1977 года. Он также работал менеджером ещё нескольких команд АЛ и четверым из них помог завоевать титул чемпиона дивизиона. (ru)
  • Billy Martin (en)
  • ألفرد مارتن (ar)
  • Billy Martin (Baseballspieler) (de)
  • Billy Martin (béisbol) (es)
  • Billy Martin (baseball) (fr)
  • Billy Martin (giocatore di baseball) (it)
  • ビリー・マーチン (ja)
  • 빌리 마틴 (ko)
  • Billy Martin (pt)
  • Мартин, Билли (ru)
  • 比利·馬丁 (zh)
  • Billy Martin (en)
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