- Food and Drug Administration (en)
- Industries (en)
- Textiles (en)
- Chief Minister (en)
- Medical Education (en)
- Command Area Development (en)
- Water Resources (en)
- Water supply & Sanitation, Disaster Management, Majority Welfare Development (Departments or portfolios not allocated to any minister.) (en)
- Education, Technical Education and Training, Sports, (en)
- Urban Development, Ex. Servicemen Welfare, Marketing (en)
- Irrigation, Special Assistance, and Legislative Affairs and Marathi language (en)
- Agriculture, and Labour (en)
- Employment, and Youth Welfare (en)
- Environment and Climate Change (en)
- Finance, Planning, Employment Guarantee Scheme, (en)
- Horticulture and Slum Improvement, Vimukta Jati (en)
- Housing, Ports Development (en)
- Khar Land Development (en)
- Protocol, Earthquake Rehabilitation (en)
- Revenue, Cooperation, Industry, Mining Department (en)
- General Administration, Home Affairs, Relief & Rehabilitation, (en)
- and Food and Civil Supplies (en)
- and Social Forestry (en)
- Public Works, Tribal Welfare, and Special Backward Classes Welfare, Socially And Educationally Backward Classes, Soil and Water Conservation (en)
- Urban Land Ceiling, Cultural Affairs, and Law and Judiciary (en)
- Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Other Backward Bahujan Welfare (en)
- Health and Family Welfare, Tourism, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Dairy Development, (en)
- Energy, Minority Development and Aukaf, Transport, and Forests (en)
- Rural Development & Woman and Child Development, Other Backward Classes, Nomadic Tribes (en)