An Entity of Type: Manga, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Aria the Scarlet Ammo (Japanese: 緋弾のアリア, Hepburn: Hidan no Aria) is a Japanese light novel series written by Chūgaku Akamatsu and illustrated by Kobuichi. As of June 2022, 37 main volumes have been published by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J label. A manga adaptation by Yoshino Koyoka started serialization in the seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive in September 2009. An anime adaptation aired between April and June 2011. An original video animation (OVA) episode was released on December 21, 2011. A spin-off manga titled Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA by Shogako Tachibana was serialized in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine from November 2010 to August 2018, with an anime adaptation by Doga Kobo airing between October and December 2015.

Property Value
  • أريا الرصاصة القرمزية (باليابانية: 緋弾のアリア، بالروماجي: Hidan no Aria) هي رواية خفيفة من تأليف تشوغاكو أكاماتسو ورسم كوبويتشي، نشرت من قبل ميديا فاكتوري منذ 25 أغسطس عام 2008، اقتبست إلى سلسلة مانغا، نشرت من قبل ميديا فاكتوري في مجلة كومك ألايف الشهرية، منذ 26 سبتمبر عام 2009، أنتجت إلى أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو جاي سي ستاف، عرض الأنمي في 15 أبريل عام 2011 واستمر عرضه حتى 1 يوليو عام 2011، وتكون من 12 حلقة + 1 أوف، أنتج الموسم الثاني للأنمي من قبل استوديو دوغا كوبو، عرض في 6 أكتوبر عام 2015 واستمر عرضه حتى 22 ديسمبر عام 2015، وتكون من 12 حلقة. (ar)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (Japanese: 緋弾のアリア, Hepburn: Hidan no Aria) is a Japanese light novel series written by Chūgaku Akamatsu and illustrated by Kobuichi. As of June 2022, 37 main volumes have been published by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J label. A manga adaptation by Yoshino Koyoka started serialization in the seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive in September 2009. An anime adaptation aired between April and June 2011. An original video animation (OVA) episode was released on December 21, 2011. A spin-off manga titled Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA by Shogako Tachibana was serialized in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine from November 2010 to August 2018, with an anime adaptation by Doga Kobo airing between October and December 2015. (en)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア, Aria the Scarlet Ammo) est un light novel japonais, créé par Akamatsu Chuugaku, contenant des illustrations de Kobuichi. Il parait depuis août 2008, et trente-sept volumes ont été publiés au Japon en août 2022. Il est adapté en manga par Yoshino Koyoka depuis septembre 2009, lui-même adapté en anime de douze épisodes entre avril 2011 et juin 2011. Une série dérivée de Shogako Tachibana nommée Hidan no Aria AA est prépubliée dans le magazine Young Gangan depuis novembre 2010. Une adaptation en anime produite par Doga Kobo est diffuse entre octobre et décembre 2015. (fr)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア lit. Aria, la bala escarlata?) es una novela ligera japonesa escrita por Chūgaku Akamatsu e ilustrada por Kobuichi. Hasta marzo de 2011, 9 volúmenes han sido publicados por Media Factory en su revista MF Bunko J. Una adaptación a manga realizada por Yoshino Koyoka comenzó a serializarse en la revista manga seinen Gekkan Comic Alive el 26 de septiembre de 2009. Una adaptación a serie de anime fue anunciada y comenzó a emtirse el 14 de abril de 2011.​Un manga Spin-off titulado Hidan no Aria AA realizado por Shogako Tachibana comenzó a publicarse en la editorial Square Enix en su revista Young Gangan el 5 de noviembre de 2010.​ Una adaptación a anime comenzó a emitirse el 6 de octubre de 2015. (es)
  • 『緋弾のアリア』(ひだんのアリア、Aria The Scarlet Ammo)は、赤松中学による日本のライトノベル。イラストはこぶいちが担当。MF文庫J(メディアファクトリー→KADOKAWA)より2008年8月から刊行されている。略称は「緋弾」「アリア」「緋アリ」など。2020年12月時点で電子版を含めたシリーズ累計部数は900万部を突破している。 TBSほかにてテレビアニメ化され、2011年4月から同年7月まで放送された。また、アニメ放送と連動する形でソーシャルゲームがGREEおよびMobageにて配信された。 作者が同じ『やがて魔剱のアリスベル』(電撃文庫より刊行)と世界観を共有しており、登場人物も一部共通している。 2014年12月18日にはスピンオフ漫画『緋弾のアリアAA』(ひだんのアリア ダブルエー、Aria The Scarlet Ammo AA)のアニメ化が原作公式サイトなどで発表され、2015年10月から12月まで放送された。 (ja)
  • 《비탄의 아리아》(일본어: 緋弾のアリア)는 일본의 소설가인 가 집필하고 코부이치가 일러스트를 담당하여 미디어 팩토리가 MF문고 J 브랜드로 발간하고 있는 라이트노벨로, 대한민국에서는 서울문화사가 제이노블을 통해 번역 출간하고 있다.일본을 기준으로 6권 발간과 동시에 애니메이션 화가 발표되었다. (ko)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア?) è una serie di light novel scritta da Chūgaku Akamatsu e illustrata da Kobuichi. Ventiquattro volumi sono stati pubblicati da Media Factory, sotto l'etichetta MF Bunko J, a partire da agosto 2008. Un adattamento manga di Yoshino Koyoka ha iniziato la serializzazione sulla rivista Monthly Comic Alive di Media Factory il 26 settembre 2009. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da J.C.Staff, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 14 aprile e il 30 giugno 2011. Un OAV è stato pubblicato il 21 dicembre 2011. Un manga spin-off, dal titolo Hidan no Aria AA e disegnato da Shogako Tachibana, ha iniziato la serializzazione sul Young Gangan di Square Enix il 5 novembre 2010. Una seconda stagione anime, intitolata Hidan no Aria AA e prodotta da Doga Kobo, è andata in onda dal 6 ottobre al 22 dicembre 2015. (it)
  • Hidan no Aria (яп. 緋弾のアリア Хидан но Ариа, букв. «Ария по прозвищу Алая Пуля») — серия лайт-новел Тюгаку Акамацу с иллюстрациями художника Кобуити. Выпускается издательством Media Factory под лейблом MF Bunko J. Манга-адаптация серии с иллюстрациями Ёсино Коёки начала выходить в сентябре 2009 года в сэйнэн-журнале Monthly Comic Alive. О производстве аниме-сериала по сюжету лайт-новел было объявлено 19 апреля 2010 года. Премьера состоялась 15 апреля 2011 года. Открывающую композицию Scarlet Ballet исполнила May'n, а закрывающую Camellia no Hitomi — . Эпизод OVA был выпущен 21 декабря 2011 года. Спин-офф манга под названием Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA(«Ария по прозвищу Алая Пуля: Дважды А») с иллюстрациями начала сериализацию в Square Enix журнале Young Gangan 5 ноября 2010 года. Аниме-адаптация компании Doga Kobo вышла в эфир 6 октября 2015. (ru)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (яп. 緋弾のアリア Хідан но Аріа, укр. «Арія на прізвище Червона Куля») — японська серія лайт-новел Тоґаку Акамацу з ілюстраціями художника Кобуїчі. Видається видавництвом Media Factory під лейблом . Адаптація манґи з ілюстраціями Йошіно Койока почала виходити в сейнен-журналі «Monthly Comic Alive» з 26 вересня 2009 року. Виробництво аніме-серіалу на основі лайт-новел оголошено 19 квітні 2010. Аніме-серіал виходив з 15 квітня по 1 липня 2011 року. OVA був випущений 21 грудня 2011 року. Спін-оф серіалу на основі манґи, під назвою Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA (яп. 緋弾のアリアAA Хідан но Аріа AA, укр. «Арія на прізвище Червона Куля: Подвійне А»), показували з 6 жовтня по 22 грудня 2015 року. (uk)
  • 《緋彈的亞莉亞》(緋弾のアリア)是MF文庫J出版的輕小說系列,通稱「亞莉亞」、「緋亞莉」,作者赤松中學,插圖小舞一,目前日本已推出至第37卷。繁體中文版由尖端出版代理。简体中文版由天闻角川代理發行,湖南美术出版社出版。本作與同作者作品《》共有世界觀,主角原田靜刃與愛莉絲貝兒亦於本作登場。截至2020年12月為止,輕小說日版累計發行量突破900萬本。 同名漫畫《緋彈的亞莉亞》和四格漫畫《緋彈的小亞莉亞》均於《月刊Comic Alive》連載。外傳漫畫《緋彈的亞莉亞AA》於2010年11月發售的雜誌《YOUNG GANGAN》開始連載。2011年4月至6月播放電視動畫《緋彈的亞莉亞》。2015年10月至12月播放《緋彈的亞莉亞AA》。 (zh)
  • 2008-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-09-26 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-11-05 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 14 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 25 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 37 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 27126690 (xsd:integer)
  • 97614 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1122741121 (xsd:integer)
  • Chūgaku Akamatsu (en)
  • Shogako Tachibana (en)
  • Cover of the first light novel volume, featuring Aria H. Kanzaki (en)
  • Male (en)
  • Seinen (en)
  • List of Aria the Scarlet Ammo episodes (en)
  • List of Aria the Scarlet Ammo episodes#Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA (en)
  • 12 (xsd:integer)
  • 2008-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-09-26 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-11-05 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-04-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-10-06 (xsd:date)
  • Kobuichi (en)
  • Yoshino Koyoka (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア (en)
  • Hidan no Aria (en)
  • 2011-07-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-12-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 978 (xsd:integer)
  • 2013-08-28 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-04-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-05-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-05-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-05-29 (xsd:date)
  • (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXV: The Legend of the Scarlet Star (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo II: Blazing Diamond Dust (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo III: Honey Trap (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo IV: Fall of the Scarlet Ammo (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo IX: Spark Out (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo Reloaded: Castoff Table (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo V: Overture's Fine (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo VI: Killing Range 2051 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo VII: Castling Turn (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo VIII: Tornado High (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo X: Arcanum Duo (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XI: Collateral Bros (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XII: Fall Oblige (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XIII: Kowloon Reverse (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XIV: Aquamarine Kreuz (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XIX: Together with Minuet (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XV: Constellation (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XVI: Gevaudan (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XVII: Recitativo (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XVIII: Trans-Am (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XX: Superconductivity (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXI: Rigorous Suspect (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXII: Anonymous Death (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXIII: Unknown Bullet (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXVI: Dark Penetration (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXVII: N (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXX: Chasing the Melancholy (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXI: Silent Demon (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXII Aria the Scarlet Ammo (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXV Invasion Bride (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXVI Go to Kiratsuki (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXVII Third Man (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXIV: Reunion Alumni Association (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXIII Corolla Return Soldier (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXIX: The Shadow Lord's Pact-Espionage (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXVIII: Coral Reef of Unexpected Island (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo XXXIV Flotilla Leader of the Early Sky (en)
  • Takumi Ozawa (en)
  • Takuro Iga (en)
  • 978 (xsd:integer)
  • 9784040642604 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040647319 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040650968 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040653877 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040657943 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040696072 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784040698632 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784046800749 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784046805140 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784046809995 (xsd:decimal)
  • 9784046814791 (xsd:decimal)
  • 0978-04-04 (xsd:date)
  • 2008-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2008-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-03-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-04-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-12-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-03-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-03-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-07-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-07-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-12-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-05-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-05-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-08-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-12-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-04-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-12-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-04-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-12-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-05-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-08-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-08-25 (xsd:date)
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  • 2017-04-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2017-09-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2017-09-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-01-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-05-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-05-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-12-25 (xsd:date)
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  • 2019-06-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-02-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-06-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-08-20 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-12-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-02-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-06-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-07-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-12-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2022-02-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2022-06-24 (xsd:date)
  • 緋弾のアリアX 禁忌の双極(アルカナム・デュオ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアIII 蜂蜜色の罠(ハニー・トラップ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアVII 火と風の円舞(キャスリング・ターン) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXII 狼狗に降る雪(フォル・オブリージュ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXIX 小舞曲を御一緒に(メヌエット) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXI 秋霜烈日の獅子(リゴラス・サスペクト) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアIX 蒼き閃光(スパーク・アウト) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアVI 絶対半径(キリングレンジ)2051 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXIV 狂逸の同窓会(イ・ウー・リユニオン) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXVIII 星条旗の覇道(トランザム) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXX 恋と戦の超伝導(スーパーコンダクティビティ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア リローデッド キャストオフ・テーブル (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXIII 不可知の銃弾(ゼロ・インフィニット) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXIII 反撃の九龍(ガウロン・リバース) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXI Gの血族(コラテラル・ブロス) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXV 羅馬の軍神星(イル・マルテ・ディ・ローマ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアIV 堕ちた緋弾(スカーレット) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXVI 星の砦の秂狼(ジェヴォーダン) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXVI 闇穿つ大蛇(アナコンダ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXIV 哿と銀氷(コンステラシオン) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアII 燃える銀氷(ダイヤモンドダスト) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXII 彗星よ白昼夢に眠れ(アノニマス・デス) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアV 序曲の終止線(プレリュード・フィーネ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXVII 緋弾の叙唱(レチタティーヴォ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 1 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 10 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 11 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 12 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 13 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 14 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 15 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 16 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 17 紫電の魔女 I (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 18 紫電の魔女 II (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 19 紫電の魔女 III (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 2 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 20 紫電の魔女 IV (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 21 Gの血族 I (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 22 Gの血族 II (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 23 Gの血族 III (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 24 Gの血族 IV (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 25 Gの血族 V (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 3 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 4 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 5 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 6 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 7 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 8 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリア 9 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXIX 盟約の諜侯 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXVII 那由多の弾奏 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXVIII 絶島の珊瑚礁 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXX 茉莉花を追え (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXI 静かなる鬼 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXII 蒼穹の密使 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXIII 花冠の帰還兵 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXIV 早天の嚮導艦 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXV 侵掠の花嫁 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXVI 綺羅月に翔べ (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXXXVII 第三の男 (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアVIII 螺旋の天空樹(トルネード・ハイ) (en)
  • 緋弾のアリアXIV 招かれざる海霧(アクアマリン・クロイツ) (en)
  • 4800.0
  • 9.46728E7
  • Throughout his adventures, Kinji's racked up many astonishing accomplishments, and lived up to the nickname "Enable", the man who can make the impossible, possible. But now, a fighter has entered Rome to engage him in batitle, who can overturn this name. Kinji's self-proclaimed "opposite number", Admiral Nemo of N is "Disenable", the woman who can make the impossible, impossible. Her power on par with Aria's, her appearance triggers the duo's toughest challenge yet. (en)
  • Ranpan is overpowered in a representative duel with Kinji. But the battlefield that Hong Kong has become only gets more dangerous following this victory. The Witch of Cursed Water and former Commander-in-Chief of IU Katze Grasse, and the terrorists known as Regiment Hex, make a dangerous move. An oil tanker anchored in Victoria Bay is hijacked, placing the city of Hong Kong in danger. Now its up to Kinji, Aria, and their allies to avert disaster and save countless lives. (en)
  • Included with the limited edition BD/DVD volumes of the anime, this a collection of seven short stories set around Summer Break. Riko has coerced Kinji and the girls into a playing a series of games. There's a catch to these games however, and it seems to spell trouble for Kinji. (en)
  • Public Division 0, a reformed Japanese secret police force, took Kinji in for crimes he did not commit. Their true intent, to recruit so-called "Enable" for his skills. An organization known as N, claiming power beyond anything Kinji's ever faced, has arisen with plans to stir up new war. Amongst their ranks is Makiri Ito, a traitor to Public Division 0 and Kinji's father's killer. With such a personal enemy targeting him and magazine reporter Hibari Yamane caught in the middle, Kinji must make a life-changing decision. (en)
  • Things seem to be going well. Hilda was defeated without casualties, one of the five stars has been recovered, and the Cultural Festival was actually successful. Unfortunately, this streak of fortune ends here. The four girls of Team Baskerville have been savagely beaten by GIII, a violent neutral in the Far Eastern Warfare, and his subordinate GIV. (en)
  • Turning the role of Tohyama Warrior Office President over to retired Butei Misaki Nakasorachi, Kinji has managed to retain legal access to arms. Just because he can defend himself from N, doesn't mean things will get any easier for him. Having escaped from a lab in Los Alamos, the vessel of the Reverse Irokane, codenamed GV, appears before Kinji. Like GIII and GIV, she is his genetic younger sister, created to oppose those with power close to deities. Naming her Kanade Tohyama, Kinji seeks to remove the Reverse Irokane from her, whilst taking care of her. Of course, this is no simple task, escalating into a large-scale conflict involving the five Tohyama siblings and a military conspiracy. (en)
  • After longing for it for some time, Kinji is finally able to transfer out of Butei High to a normal school, with an over attached Reki tagging along. He even manages to make a normal friend in Moe Mochizuki. But this average life is short lived as his new friend is taken hostage by the Kagataka Family Syndicate. (en)
  • The Scarlet Goddess is now whole, and Aria is her vessel. Fueled by love and war, even the Hotogi Shrine maidens could only prolong her awakening. Despite his best efforts and many hard-fought battles, Kinji was unable to prevent this tragedy. But the boy still perseveres. With Shirayuki's help, the man who can make the impossible, possible, aims to defuse this threat without killing their friend. And as the boy determines, the best option to victory, is to make the Goddess fall for him. (en)
  • Regiment Hex, a terrorist organization with ties to one of history's greatest evils. With great struggle, Kinji managed to prevent their initial attack from ending in catastrophe. But now, the European frontline is about to be absorbed by the flames of all-out war. In the midst of all this, suspicions amongst his team bring Kinji trouble, all coming to a head when he runs into the cowardly soldier who fled the fighting, a werewolf girl named Lisa. (en)
  • After learning the secret of Elle Watson and saving Aria from her, Kinji faces an attack from Vlad's daughter Hilda, the Spark Witch who extracted five of the "Seven Stars of the Golden Shell" from Aria's body. The power she wields might even exceed that of her father's. When Riko gets thrown into the frey, the three man team who beat Vlad must pull out all the stops to overpower this foe. (en)
  • Supporedly, Aria's sister Minuet is currently the only free person who knows the information needed to save Aria from the Scarlet Ammo's influence. The girl resides in London and has a unique power which she was forced to rely on during a sad moment in her past. With her knowledge and deductive capability, she could be a valuable ally. But for Kinji, who'd pleaded for the Ruruirokane's help, a Ririirokane possessed Reki by his side, nothing is ever that simple. As to be expected, a form of violent opposition awaits in the UK. (en)
  • Kinji has managed to acquire some info on GIII. This enemy and his GIII League are mighty enough to stand alone in the Far Eastern Warfare. Now that they're targeting him, Kinji finds himself up against one of the seven R-Rank Butei in the world, and he's much closer to Kinji than the boy could've imagined. (en)
  • The world is in a delicate position following the Far Eastern Warfare, and so is Aria's life. The "Scarlet Blazing God" within her is on the verge of fully awakening and throwing the world into a new supernatural war. As she gains strength from love, Kinji and Aria are to be separated, with Aria being sent off to meet her sister Minuet in London. GIII contacts Kinji for help in storming Area 51 to find the Ruruirokane, another form of Irokane which can suppress the Hihiirokane. One problem, a fellow Genion, codenamed RIII, is guarding the legendary metal. And this obstacle boasts power far beyond GIII's. (en)
  • On the last day of August, Reki appears to Kinji on the rooftop, aiming her Dragunov at him. She demands his hand in marriage and threatens him to stay away from Aria. Held prisoner by her weapon, he is forced to spend weeks cohabiting with Reki. With a field trip coming up, Kinji must use the time to persuade her to free him. But it seems there is more behind her marriage than what he thinks. (en)
  • Returning from his odd living arrangement with Nemo, Kinji is reunited with the girls of Team Baskerville and tasked by Public Division 0 with investigating the all girls school, the Agnes Institute. Apparently, an agent of N named "Hydra" is hiding amongst the students. In order to proceed with the infiltration, Kinji assumes his crossdressing alter-ego Clomaetel Belmondo, and befriends class President Misery Adachi. Unfortunately, Hydra's stealth skills are making things difficult and, as Kinji prolongs his stay at the school, he dodges more than a few bullets in maintaining his disguise. (en)
  • Atop the roof of the Kagataka Family Mansion, GIII, the seemingly unmatchable foe whom brought Team Baskerville devastation, was taken out in one attack. The assailant is Kou, Ranpan's secret weapon. As the organization flee back to Hong Kong, Kinji abandons his quest for a "normal life" and returns to his team in Butei High. No longer content with awaiting Grenada's next attack, he eggs the team on to strike first and attack Ranpan in Hong Kong. For Kinji this is personal, for not only did they injure his younger brother, but Ranpan also holds one of the seven Karagane shells needed to save Aria's future. (en)
  • Riko comes to Kinji and Aria, requesting their help. An item she holds dear has been stolen from her by the #2 of an organization known as IU, and stored in a mansion somewhere in Yokohama. Riko makes a deal with the duo, promising to testify for Aria's mom if they infiltrate the mansion and reclaim her treasure. As they attempt this, her tragic past and her fear of it are revealed to them. (en)
  • Beretta Beretta, a student of Rome Butei High and a gunsmith from Fabbrica D'Armi Pietro Beretta Company, captures Kinji. She's apparently responsible for the loan he received during his struggle with Ranpan, and now she seeks a form of repayment from him. With N targeting him to return the world to a state of war and many powerful figures converging in Rome, Kinji's survival depends on his luck and his friends. (en)
  • Finally, after all the violence and strife, the war over the Irokane reaches its conclusion, and Aria, having taken on the Scarlet Goddess' power, is free of the supernatural metal's burden. With all of the convoluted conspiracy wrapped up and done away with, Aria's mother is finally cleared of all crimes and released from her imprisonment. The world now restored to a peaceful state, all of Kinji's friends and classmates have high hopes for their futures. While Kinji himself, does not. As he struggles with what he'll do next, now that his life is battle-free, the boy is arrested for murder. Whatever's going on, familiar faces like Shiranui and the Demon Blade duo seem to be involved. (en)
  • The Far East Warfare nears its conclusion, as Kinji and his allies set their sights on a final confrontation with Regiment Hex and Grenada. With two more Karagane shells on the line, the boy gives everything he's got to bring peace to both the world, and his partner. But unbeknownst to him, another deadly opponent looms behind the scenes, and this ominous darkness is all too familiar with the Tohyama family. (en)
  • Following IU's collapse, some of the world's most powerful secret organizations meet up on Empty Island for the Bandire, a conference to ally with either Deen or Grenada in the upcoming Far Eastern Warfare . Despite just being a Butei team, Team Baskerville is forced to choose a side as Kinji and Aria were partly responsible for IU's fate. To add to his problems, Butei High's preparations for the Cultural Festival come with a transfer student calling himself "L" Watson, who seems to have trouble in store for Kinji. (en)
  • Kinji's brother, who was thought to have died half a year ago, appeared in front of him asking for his assistance in assassinating Aria. Stuck between relative and partner he finally gathers his resolution to go up against him. At the moment of Kinji's defeat, he awakens, realizing that he had fallen asleep in front of his PC. Even if it was just a strange nightmare, it leaves fear in his heart, causing him to fear for his partner. (en)
  • Kou might be Ranpan's most powerful, but she seems to be a sweet girl. In reality, it is the consciousness she shares with Fighting Buddha God Sun Wukong which makes her so violent and dangerous. She tries to hold Sun back but Ranpan force it to take control when needed, using a special key made by Patra. Kinji sets out to save Kou by attenuating Sun so only Kou can control her body, thus enabling a potential end to the conflict with Ranpan. But things take an odd turn when senior Ranpan member Seigen Shokatsu approaches him and the girls of Baskerville for negotiations at Ranpan Castle. (en)
  • Kinji Tohyama is a boy plagued by Hysteria Savant Syndrome, a condition that runs in his family which enhances their members when they're aroused. He has always wanted to give up being a Butei for a normal teenage life. All chance of this goes out the window when he gets caught up in a bike bombing by the Butei Killer. He is saved by a girl who fell from the sky, later transferring to his class and introducing herself as Aria Holmes Kanzaki. Apparently, she intends for Kinji to become her "slave". (en)
  • Thought deceased, Sherlock Holmes "reunites" with Kinji, as did Kou of Ranpan. With the kinokuni Oni of the Republic of Palau making their next move, and challenge the troubled boy. With those closest to the Scarlet Irokane congregated in one area, the Scarlet Goddess moves to fully restore its form. Time is running out, and with Aria at stake, Kinji must win this battle, or lose his partner. (en)
  • Konza Tohyama, supposedly deceased father of the Tohyama Siblings, is actually alive, and Makiri Ito, his supposed killer, knows more. Apparently, the former Armed-Prosecutor is hiding in America, currently under contract to assassinate Nemo. In order to find their father and prevent him from committing such a violent act, Kinji and GIII, accompanied by Kinji's Amica Hina Fuuma, travel to America. As to be expected, their travels don't go as planned and the unique trio must battle to reach their goal. (en)
  • Stranded on an abandoned Island near the South Sea, enemies Kinji and Admiral Nemo Rinkarun are isolated from their allies, the rest of society, and resources integral for survival. In order to escape the severe, yet extremely awkward dilemma with their lives, the two must put aside their differences and work together. In the process, they grow closer, and Nemo falls in love with Kinji. (en)
  • Adseard is fast approaching, and Butei High is currently in a flurry. A rumor about a kidnapper named Durandal has the Masters worried that Shirayuki Hotogi, Butei High's ace, might be abducted. Hearing this, Aria volunteers to become Shirayuki's bodyguard. As he is her partner, she drags Kinji into the mission. (en)
  • The mysterious leader of IU has finally made his move, abducting Aria. Kinji goes alone to rescue his partner. Behind enemy lines, the secret of the Scarlet Ammo is finally revealed to him. Now he faces his toughest challenge yet, a face off with IU's leader, to settle matters with the organization once and for all. (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 1 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 10 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 11 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 12 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 13 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 14 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 15 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 16 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 17 Shiden Witch I (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 18 Shiden Witch II (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 19 Shiden Witch III (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 2 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 20 Shiden Witch IV (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 21 G's Blood I (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 22 G's Blood II (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 23 G's Blood III (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 24 G's Blood IV (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 25 G Blood Family V (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 3 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 4 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 5 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 6 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 7 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 8 (en)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo 9 (en)
  • Hidan no Aria (en)
  • Hidan no Aria II Moeru Ginhyō (en)
  • Hidan no Aria III Hachimitsu-iro no Wana (en)
  • Hidan no Aria IV Ochita Hidan (en)
  • Hidan no Aria IX Aoki Senkō (en)
  • Hidan no Aria Rirōdeddo Kyasutoofu Tēburu (en)
  • Hidan no Aria V Jokyoku no Shūshisen (en)
  • Hidan no Aria VI Zettai Hankei 2051 (en)
  • Hidan no Aria VII Hi to Kaze no Embu (en)
  • Hidan no Aria VIII Rasen no Tenkūki (en)
  • Hidan no Aria X Kinki no Sōkyoku (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XI G no Ketsuzoku (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XII Ookami Inu ni furu Yuki (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XIII Hangeki no Kyuryu (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XIV Manekarezaru Kaimu (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XIX (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XV (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XVI (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XVII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XVIII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XX (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXI (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXIII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXIV (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXIX (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXV (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXVI (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXVII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXVIII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXX (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXI (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXIII (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXIV (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXV (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXVI (en)
  • Hidan no Aria XXXVII (en)
  • manga (en)
  • tv series (en)
  • light novel (en)
  • #Manga (en)
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  • أريا الرصاصة القرمزية (باليابانية: 緋弾のアリア، بالروماجي: Hidan no Aria) هي رواية خفيفة من تأليف تشوغاكو أكاماتسو ورسم كوبويتشي، نشرت من قبل ميديا فاكتوري منذ 25 أغسطس عام 2008، اقتبست إلى سلسلة مانغا، نشرت من قبل ميديا فاكتوري في مجلة كومك ألايف الشهرية، منذ 26 سبتمبر عام 2009، أنتجت إلى أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو جاي سي ستاف، عرض الأنمي في 15 أبريل عام 2011 واستمر عرضه حتى 1 يوليو عام 2011، وتكون من 12 حلقة + 1 أوف، أنتج الموسم الثاني للأنمي من قبل استوديو دوغا كوبو، عرض في 6 أكتوبر عام 2015 واستمر عرضه حتى 22 ديسمبر عام 2015، وتكون من 12 حلقة. (ar)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (Japanese: 緋弾のアリア, Hepburn: Hidan no Aria) is a Japanese light novel series written by Chūgaku Akamatsu and illustrated by Kobuichi. As of June 2022, 37 main volumes have been published by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J label. A manga adaptation by Yoshino Koyoka started serialization in the seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive in September 2009. An anime adaptation aired between April and June 2011. An original video animation (OVA) episode was released on December 21, 2011. A spin-off manga titled Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA by Shogako Tachibana was serialized in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine from November 2010 to August 2018, with an anime adaptation by Doga Kobo airing between October and December 2015. (en)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア, Aria the Scarlet Ammo) est un light novel japonais, créé par Akamatsu Chuugaku, contenant des illustrations de Kobuichi. Il parait depuis août 2008, et trente-sept volumes ont été publiés au Japon en août 2022. Il est adapté en manga par Yoshino Koyoka depuis septembre 2009, lui-même adapté en anime de douze épisodes entre avril 2011 et juin 2011. Une série dérivée de Shogako Tachibana nommée Hidan no Aria AA est prépubliée dans le magazine Young Gangan depuis novembre 2010. Une adaptation en anime produite par Doga Kobo est diffuse entre octobre et décembre 2015. (fr)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア lit. Aria, la bala escarlata?) es una novela ligera japonesa escrita por Chūgaku Akamatsu e ilustrada por Kobuichi. Hasta marzo de 2011, 9 volúmenes han sido publicados por Media Factory en su revista MF Bunko J. Una adaptación a manga realizada por Yoshino Koyoka comenzó a serializarse en la revista manga seinen Gekkan Comic Alive el 26 de septiembre de 2009. Una adaptación a serie de anime fue anunciada y comenzó a emtirse el 14 de abril de 2011.​Un manga Spin-off titulado Hidan no Aria AA realizado por Shogako Tachibana comenzó a publicarse en la editorial Square Enix en su revista Young Gangan el 5 de noviembre de 2010.​ Una adaptación a anime comenzó a emitirse el 6 de octubre de 2015. (es)
  • 『緋弾のアリア』(ひだんのアリア、Aria The Scarlet Ammo)は、赤松中学による日本のライトノベル。イラストはこぶいちが担当。MF文庫J(メディアファクトリー→KADOKAWA)より2008年8月から刊行されている。略称は「緋弾」「アリア」「緋アリ」など。2020年12月時点で電子版を含めたシリーズ累計部数は900万部を突破している。 TBSほかにてテレビアニメ化され、2011年4月から同年7月まで放送された。また、アニメ放送と連動する形でソーシャルゲームがGREEおよびMobageにて配信された。 作者が同じ『やがて魔剱のアリスベル』(電撃文庫より刊行)と世界観を共有しており、登場人物も一部共通している。 2014年12月18日にはスピンオフ漫画『緋弾のアリアAA』(ひだんのアリア ダブルエー、Aria The Scarlet Ammo AA)のアニメ化が原作公式サイトなどで発表され、2015年10月から12月まで放送された。 (ja)
  • 《비탄의 아리아》(일본어: 緋弾のアリア)는 일본의 소설가인 가 집필하고 코부이치가 일러스트를 담당하여 미디어 팩토리가 MF문고 J 브랜드로 발간하고 있는 라이트노벨로, 대한민국에서는 서울문화사가 제이노블을 통해 번역 출간하고 있다.일본을 기준으로 6권 발간과 동시에 애니메이션 화가 발표되었다. (ko)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (яп. 緋弾のアリア Хідан но Аріа, укр. «Арія на прізвище Червона Куля») — японська серія лайт-новел Тоґаку Акамацу з ілюстраціями художника Кобуїчі. Видається видавництвом Media Factory під лейблом . Адаптація манґи з ілюстраціями Йошіно Койока почала виходити в сейнен-журналі «Monthly Comic Alive» з 26 вересня 2009 року. Виробництво аніме-серіалу на основі лайт-новел оголошено 19 квітні 2010. Аніме-серіал виходив з 15 квітня по 1 липня 2011 року. OVA був випущений 21 грудня 2011 року. Спін-оф серіалу на основі манґи, під назвою Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA (яп. 緋弾のアリアAA Хідан но Аріа AA, укр. «Арія на прізвище Червона Куля: Подвійне А»), показували з 6 жовтня по 22 грудня 2015 року. (uk)
  • 《緋彈的亞莉亞》(緋弾のアリア)是MF文庫J出版的輕小說系列,通稱「亞莉亞」、「緋亞莉」,作者赤松中學,插圖小舞一,目前日本已推出至第37卷。繁體中文版由尖端出版代理。简体中文版由天闻角川代理發行,湖南美术出版社出版。本作與同作者作品《》共有世界觀,主角原田靜刃與愛莉絲貝兒亦於本作登場。截至2020年12月為止,輕小說日版累計發行量突破900萬本。 同名漫畫《緋彈的亞莉亞》和四格漫畫《緋彈的小亞莉亞》均於《月刊Comic Alive》連載。外傳漫畫《緋彈的亞莉亞AA》於2010年11月發售的雜誌《YOUNG GANGAN》開始連載。2011年4月至6月播放電視動畫《緋彈的亞莉亞》。2015年10月至12月播放《緋彈的亞莉亞AA》。 (zh)
  • Hidan no Aria (緋弾のアリア?) è una serie di light novel scritta da Chūgaku Akamatsu e illustrata da Kobuichi. Ventiquattro volumi sono stati pubblicati da Media Factory, sotto l'etichetta MF Bunko J, a partire da agosto 2008. Un adattamento manga di Yoshino Koyoka ha iniziato la serializzazione sulla rivista Monthly Comic Alive di Media Factory il 26 settembre 2009. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da J.C.Staff, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 14 aprile e il 30 giugno 2011. Un OAV è stato pubblicato il 21 dicembre 2011. Un manga spin-off, dal titolo Hidan no Aria AA e disegnato da Shogako Tachibana, ha iniziato la serializzazione sul Young Gangan di Square Enix il 5 novembre 2010. Una seconda stagione anime, intitolata Hidan no Aria AA e prodotta da Doga Kobo, è andata in onda dal 6 ottobre (it)
  • Hidan no Aria (яп. 緋弾のアリア Хидан но Ариа, букв. «Ария по прозвищу Алая Пуля») — серия лайт-новел Тюгаку Акамацу с иллюстрациями художника Кобуити. Выпускается издательством Media Factory под лейблом MF Bunko J. Манга-адаптация серии с иллюстрациями Ёсино Коёки начала выходить в сентябре 2009 года в сэйнэн-журнале Monthly Comic Alive. О производстве аниме-сериала по сюжету лайт-новел было объявлено 19 апреля 2010 года. Премьера состоялась 15 апреля 2011 года. Открывающую композицию Scarlet Ballet исполнила May'n, а закрывающую Camellia no Hitomi — . Эпизод OVA был выпущен 21 декабря 2011 года. Спин-офф манга под названием Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA(«Ария по прозвищу Алая Пуля: Дважды А») с иллюстрациями начала сериализацию в Square Enix журнале Young Gangan 5 ноября 2010 года. Аниме-адаптация (ru)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (en)
  • أريا الرصاصة القرمزية (ar)
  • Hidan no Aria (es)
  • Hidan no Aria (fr)
  • Hidan no Aria (it)
  • 緋弾のアリア (ja)
  • 비탄의 아리아 (ko)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (ru)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo (uk)
  • 緋彈的亞莉亞 (zh)
  • Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA (en)
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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy