About: Amoco

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Amoco (/æməkoʊ/) is a brand of fuel stations operating in the United States, and owned by BP since 1998. The Amoco Corporation was an American chemical and oil company, founded by Standard Oil Company in 1889 around a refinery in Whiting, Indiana, and was officially the Standard Oil Company of Indiana until 1985. Originally part of the Standard Oil Company trust, it focused on producing gasoline for the new automobile market. In 1911, as part of the break-up of the Standard Oil trust, it became an independent corporation. Incorporated in Indiana, it was headquartered in Chicago, and formally adopted the name Amoco in 1985. Although the Amoco Corporation merged in 1998 into BP Amoco, the Amoco name was resurrected in 2017 as a brand that service station owners could choose to use when they

Property Value
  • Amoco ist der abgekürzte Name der American Oil Company, des ehemals drittgrößten Ölkonzerns der Welt. Die Amoco Oil Corporation wurde 1889 von John D. Rockefeller als Teil der Standard Oil Company gegründet, die 1911 wegen kartellrechtlicher Bedenken zerschlagen wurde. Amoco hieß zunächst Standard Oil of Indiana, was aber nur der Name des Vertriebsgeschäftes für Kraftstoffe war. 1998 fusionierte Amoco mit British Petroleum zu BP Amoco, welche später wieder in BP umbenannt wurde, weil die Marke BP bereits bekannt war. (de)
  • Amoco (/æməkoʊ/) is a brand of fuel stations operating in the United States, and owned by BP since 1998. The Amoco Corporation was an American chemical and oil company, founded by Standard Oil Company in 1889 around a refinery in Whiting, Indiana, and was officially the Standard Oil Company of Indiana until 1985. Originally part of the Standard Oil Company trust, it focused on producing gasoline for the new automobile market. In 1911, as part of the break-up of the Standard Oil trust, it became an independent corporation. Incorporated in Indiana, it was headquartered in Chicago, and formally adopted the name Amoco in 1985. Although the Amoco Corporation merged in 1998 into BP Amoco, the Amoco name was resurrected in 2017 as a brand that service station owners could choose to use when they purchased supplies from BP in selected areas of the United States. In 1925, Standard Oil of Indiana absorbed the American Oil Company, founded in Baltimore in 1910, and incorporated in 1922, by Louis Blaustein and his son Jacob. The combined corporation operated or licensed gas stations under both the Standard name and the American or Amoco name (the latter from American oil company) and its logo using these names became a red, white and blue oval with a torch in the center. By the mid-twentieth century it was ranked the largest oil company in the United States. In 1985, it changed its corporate name to Amoco. Amoco merged with British Petroleum in December 1998 to form BP Amoco, renamed BP in 2001. The firm's innovations included two essential parts of the modern industry, the gasoline tanker truck and the drive-through filling station. Its "Amoco Super-Premium" lead-free gasoline was marketed decades before environmental concerns led to the eventual phase out of leaded gasoline throughout the United States. Amoco's headquarters were located in the Amoco Building (also called the Standard Oil Building, and nicknamed "Big Stan", now the Aon Center) in Chicago, Illinois. In October 2017, BP announced reintroduction of the Amoco brand name to select US markets. As of 2021, there were over 100 new Amoco locations in the states of Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Illinois. (en)
  • Amoco Corporation, anteriormente Standard Oil Company of Indiana, fue una empresa petrolera y petroquímica estadounidense fundada en 1889 para operar una refinería situada en Whiting, Indiana. Esta compañía absorbió posteriormente a American Oil Company, fundada en Baltimore en 1910. Amoco fue totalmente adquirida por BP en 2000. (es)
  • Amoco Corporation, dont le nom était originellement Standard oil Company (Indiana), était une entreprise du domaine pétrolier et chimique, créée en 1889 près de la raffinerie située à Whiting dans l'Indiana. La société a absorbé l'American Oil Company, entreprise créée à Baltimore en 1910 et incorporée en 1922 par Louis Blaustein, le fondateur d'Amoco, et son fils Jacob Blaustein. British Petroleum a, par la suite, acquis Amoco en 1998. Amoco est à l'origine de deux innovations essentielles de l'industrie moderne : * Le camion citerne ; * la station-service. Le siège social de l'entreprise se trouvait dans le bâtiment Amoco Tower (maintenant le Aon Center) à Chicago dans l'Illinois. (fr)
  • La Amoco Corporation, originariamente nota come Standard Oil Company of Indiana, è stata una compagnia petrolchimica statunitense, fondata nel 1889 a partire da una raffineria di Whiting, nell'Indiana. (it)
  • American Oil Company ou Amoco é uma marca de postos de gasolina que opera no leste dos Estados Unidos, de propriedade da empresa britânica BP desde 1998. A "Amoco Corporation" (originalmente "Standard Oil Company of Indiana" até 1985) era uma Empresa americana de química e petróleo fundada em 1889, em torno de uma refinaria localizada em Whiting, Indiana, Estados Unidos. Parte da Standard Oil Trust, concentrava-se na gasolina para o novo mercado automobilístico. Em 1911, durante a quebra do monopólio, tornou-se uma empresa independente. Constituída em Indiana, tinha sede em Chicago. A Amoco fundiu as operações com a BP em 1998. Embora a Amoco Corporation tenha se fundido em 1998, o nome Amoco ressuscitou em 2017 como uma marca que os proprietários de estações de serviço podiam escolher usar ao comprar suprimentos da BP em áreas selecionadas dos Estados Unidos. Em 1925, a Standard Oil of Indiana absorveu a "American Oil Company", fundada em Baltimore em 1910, e incorporada em 1922, por Louis Blaustein e seu filho Jacob. A corporação combinada operava ou licenciava postos de gasolina com o nome Standard e o nome americano ou Amoco (o último da Am erican o il co mpany) e seu logotipo usando esses nomes tornou-se um oval vermelho, branco e azul com uma tocha no centro. Em meados do século XX, foi classificada como a maior empresa de petróleo dos Estados Unidos. Em 1985, mudou seu nome corporativo para Amoco. A Amoco se fundiu com a British Petroleum em dezembro de 1998 para formar a BP Amoco, renomeada como BP em 2001. As inovações da empresa incluíram duas partes essenciais da indústria moderna, o caminhão-tanque a gasolina e o posto de gasolina drive-through. Sua gasolina sem chumbo "Amoco Super-Premium" foi comercializada décadas antes que as preocupações ambientais levassem à eliminação progressiva da gasolina com chumbo nos Estados Unidos. A sede da Amoco estava localizada no Edifício Amoco (também chamado de Edifício Standard Oil, e apelidado de "Big Stan", agora Aon Center ) em Chicago, Illinois. Em outubro de 2017, a BP revelou que estaria reintroduzindo o nome Amoco para selecionar os mercados dos EUA. Em agosto de 2018, havia mais de 100 novos locais da Amoco nos estados da Geórgia, Nova York, Nova Jersey, Virgínia, Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Flórida, Ohio, Pensilvânia e Illinois. (pt)
  • Amoco eller The American Oil Company (även känd som Standard Oil of Indiana), var en världsomspännande oljekoncern grundad i Baltimore 1910. Amoco gick 1998 samman med BP. Efter hand försvann Amoco som varumärke till förmån för BP och återfinns idag bara på enstaka produkter i koncernen med namnet Amoco. (sv)
  • Amoco Corporation, первоначально Standard Oil Company (Indiana) — транснациональная химическая и нефтяная компания, являющаяся одним из крупнейших производителей нефти и газа в мире. Основана в 1889 году в Индиане. Компания, располагающая глобальной сетью, имеет 42 тысячи работников в различных странах. Компания является крупнейшим производителем природного газа в Северной Америке. Также осуществляет деятельность в области энергетики, нефте- и газопереработки, химии и нефтехимии. С сентября 1994 года «АМОКО» участвует в крупных проектах, предусматривающих совместное использование энергоресурсов, расположенных в азербайджанском секторе Каспийского моря. В конце 1998 года «АМОКО» объединилась с британской компанией «British Petroleum». Две крупнейшие в мире нефтяные компании «Би-Пи» и «АМОКО», объединившись, приняли логотип «bp». В настоящее время «bp» известна как англо-американская компания. Объём продаж 21,2 млрд дол., чистая прибыль 2,1 млрд дол., добыча нефти 40 млн т, из них 45 % в США, переработка 44,1 млн т, число занятых 53,4 тыс. человек (конец 1980-х гг.). (ru)
  • Merged with BP, becoming abrand (en)
  • 1889-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • Amoco; Standard; and American
  • 59418 (xsd:integer)
  • 35417 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124659535 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • March 2021 (en)
  • April 2021 (en)
  • Merged with BP, becoming a brand (en)
  • : Amoco station in Bayside, New York, 2022; : An Amoco and a Boron-legacy BP on the same corner on Pittsburgh's South Side on East Carson Street, in an example of BP of trying to capture more of the fuel industry with both brands (en)
  • (en)
  • Amoco Corporation (en)
  • Standard Oil Company of Indiana (en)
  • 1889 (xsd:integer)
  • Amoco bp signs route837.jpg (en)
  • AmocoBayside2022.jpg (en)
  • The Amoco Building housed the Amoco headquarters in Chicago (en)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • Chicago, Illinois, U.S. (en)
  • Amoco Building (en)
  • Amoco logo.svg (en)
  • Amoco-NewLogo.png (en)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • Eastern United States (en)
  • Amoco (en)
  • Amoco Corporation (en)
  • Where and when did Amoco Corporation had service stations outside of the United States? (en)
  • No mention of Gulf stations on Long Island being converted (en)
  • 350 (xsd:integer)
  • NYSE:AN (en)
  • Amoco; Standard; and American (en)
  • Amoco ist der abgekürzte Name der American Oil Company, des ehemals drittgrößten Ölkonzerns der Welt. Die Amoco Oil Corporation wurde 1889 von John D. Rockefeller als Teil der Standard Oil Company gegründet, die 1911 wegen kartellrechtlicher Bedenken zerschlagen wurde. Amoco hieß zunächst Standard Oil of Indiana, was aber nur der Name des Vertriebsgeschäftes für Kraftstoffe war. 1998 fusionierte Amoco mit British Petroleum zu BP Amoco, welche später wieder in BP umbenannt wurde, weil die Marke BP bereits bekannt war. (de)
  • Amoco Corporation, anteriormente Standard Oil Company of Indiana, fue una empresa petrolera y petroquímica estadounidense fundada en 1889 para operar una refinería situada en Whiting, Indiana. Esta compañía absorbió posteriormente a American Oil Company, fundada en Baltimore en 1910. Amoco fue totalmente adquirida por BP en 2000. (es)
  • La Amoco Corporation, originariamente nota come Standard Oil Company of Indiana, è stata una compagnia petrolchimica statunitense, fondata nel 1889 a partire da una raffineria di Whiting, nell'Indiana. (it)
  • Amoco eller The American Oil Company (även känd som Standard Oil of Indiana), var en världsomspännande oljekoncern grundad i Baltimore 1910. Amoco gick 1998 samman med BP. Efter hand försvann Amoco som varumärke till förmån för BP och återfinns idag bara på enstaka produkter i koncernen med namnet Amoco. (sv)
  • Amoco (/æməkoʊ/) is a brand of fuel stations operating in the United States, and owned by BP since 1998. The Amoco Corporation was an American chemical and oil company, founded by Standard Oil Company in 1889 around a refinery in Whiting, Indiana, and was officially the Standard Oil Company of Indiana until 1985. Originally part of the Standard Oil Company trust, it focused on producing gasoline for the new automobile market. In 1911, as part of the break-up of the Standard Oil trust, it became an independent corporation. Incorporated in Indiana, it was headquartered in Chicago, and formally adopted the name Amoco in 1985. Although the Amoco Corporation merged in 1998 into BP Amoco, the Amoco name was resurrected in 2017 as a brand that service station owners could choose to use when they (en)
  • Amoco Corporation, dont le nom était originellement Standard oil Company (Indiana), était une entreprise du domaine pétrolier et chimique, créée en 1889 près de la raffinerie située à Whiting dans l'Indiana. La société a absorbé l'American Oil Company, entreprise créée à Baltimore en 1910 et incorporée en 1922 par Louis Blaustein, le fondateur d'Amoco, et son fils Jacob Blaustein. British Petroleum a, par la suite, acquis Amoco en 1998. Amoco est à l'origine de deux innovations essentielles de l'industrie moderne : * Le camion citerne ; * la station-service. (fr)
  • American Oil Company ou Amoco é uma marca de postos de gasolina que opera no leste dos Estados Unidos, de propriedade da empresa britânica BP desde 1998. A "Amoco Corporation" (originalmente "Standard Oil Company of Indiana" até 1985) era uma Empresa americana de química e petróleo fundada em 1889, em torno de uma refinaria localizada em Whiting, Indiana, Estados Unidos. Parte da Standard Oil Trust, concentrava-se na gasolina para o novo mercado automobilístico. Em 1911, durante a quebra do monopólio, tornou-se uma empresa independente. Constituída em Indiana, tinha sede em Chicago. A Amoco fundiu as operações com a BP em 1998. (pt)
  • Amoco Corporation, первоначально Standard Oil Company (Indiana) — транснациональная химическая и нефтяная компания, являющаяся одним из крупнейших производителей нефти и газа в мире. Основана в 1889 году в Индиане. Объём продаж 21,2 млрд дол., чистая прибыль 2,1 млрд дол., добыча нефти 40 млн т, из них 45 % в США, переработка 44,1 млн т, число занятых 53,4 тыс. человек (конец 1980-х гг.). (ru)
  • Amoco (en)
  • American Oil Company (de)
  • Amoco (es)
  • Amoco (fr)
  • Amoco (it)
  • Amoco (pt)
  • Amoco (ru)
  • Amoco (sv)
  • Amoco Corporation (en)
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