- The Act of Canonical Communion of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia with the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (Russian: Акт о каноническом общении Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей с Русской Православной Церковью Московского Патриархата) reunited the two branches of the Russian Orthodox Church: the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) and the Moscow Patriarchate. The accord was signed on 17 May 2007, which for the Eastern Orthodox Church in that year was the Feast of the Ascension of Christ. The ceremony which officially reestablished the fullness of communion between the Moscow Patriarchate, headed by Patriarch Alexei II, and ROCOR, headed by Metropolitan Laurus, took place at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow. The two church leaders met on the episcopal cathedra in the centre of the church. The Patriarch then read a prayer, which said in part: As Thou liftedst Thy prayers to Thy Heavenly Father for Thy disciples, that they all be as one, gaze now with Thy merciful eyes upon Thy people, who have sinned and disobeyed Thy will, bless now our good intention and the unification of the Church to Thy Glory, create this Thyself, dampen all church temptations and divisions. Having given to us Thy law to love Thee, our God, and our neighbor, deliver us from all insult and disruption, may brotherly love reign among the children of our Church, in the Fatherland and in the diaspora. Grant that we may now enter Thy temple and bring Thy bloodless sacrifice, that we may be unified in one body through communion with Thy Life-creating Body and Thy Honorable Blood and bring praise with all our hearts to Thy ineffable love for mankind. The two hierarchs then proceeded to the Ambo, where they signed the Act of Canonical Communion. After official statements by both hierarchs, the service continued with the joint celebration of the Divine Liturgy by clergy of both churches. Among the dignitaries present was President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Mayor of Moscow Yuriy Luzhkov, presidential envoy Georgy Poltavchenko, and other government officials. Putin has been hailed by the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus' Alexy II of Moscow as instrumental in healing the 80-year schism between it and the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia in May 2007. (en)
- O Ato de Comunhão Canônica da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa Fora da Rússia com a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa do Patriarcado de Moscou (em russo: Акт о каноническом общении Русской православной церкви заграницей с Русской православной церковью Московского патриархата) é um documento que proclama a unificação da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa Fora da Rússia (ROCOR) com a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa do Patriarcado de Moscou. O texto da "Lei" foi desenvolvido em 2004-2006 durante oito reuniões conjuntas da comissão do Patriarcado de Moscou para o diálogo com a Igreja Russa no Exterior e a comissão da Igreja Russa no Exterior para negociações com o Patriarcado de Moscou. Em 17 de maio de 2007, na Catedral de Cristo Salvador em Moscou, o “Ato” foi solenemente assinado pelo Patriarca Aleixo II de Moscou e Toda a Rússia e Metropolita Lauro (Škurla), Primeiro Hierarca da ROCOR. Como observou o Arcebispo Nikolai Artyomov, ao assinar a Lei, "ambos os lados renunciaram à exclusividade, reconheceram-se mutuamente como parte de uma única Igreja Ortodoxa Russa". O historiador da Igreja e clérigo da ROCOR, Diácono Andrey Psarev, avaliou o significado da “Lei” da seguinte forma: “Por um lado, os bispos da ROCOR concordaram que, apesar dos compromissos canônicos do passado, a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa do Patriarcado de Moscou é sua Igreja mãe. Por outro lado, chegou-se a um consenso dentro da Igreja Russa de que a missão da ROCOR no período comunista foi pastoralmente justificada”. (pt)
- Акт о каноническом общении Русской православной церкви заграницей с Русской православной церковью Московского патриархата — документ, провозглашающий объединение Русской православной церкви заграницей (РПЦЗ) с Русской православной церковью Московского патриархата (РПЦ). Текст «Акта» был выработан в 2004—2006 годы в ходе восьми совместных заседаний комиссии Московского Патриархата по диалогу с Русской Зарубежной Церковью и комиссии Русской Зарубежной Церкви по переговорам с Московским Патриархатом. 17 мая 2007 года в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве «Акт» торжественно подписали Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II и Первоиерарх РПЦЗ митрополит Лавр (Шкурла). Как отметил протоиерей Николай Артёмов, подписанием Акта «обе стороны отказались от исключительности, признали друг друга как части единой Русской Православной Церкви». Церковный историк и клирик РПЦЗ диакон Андрей Псарёв так оценивал смысл «Акта»: «С одной стороны, архиереи РПЦЗ согласились с тем, что, несмотря на канонические компромиссы прошлого, РПЦ-МП является их матерью-церковью. С другой — достигнут консенсус внутри Русской Церкви, что миссия РПЦЗ в коммунистический период была пастырски оправданной». (ru)