- Naval Commissar of the General Staff, Staff of the Iraq Area Command, 1st division of the Sixth Army, 1st Regiment, 2nd Division (deputy), 2nd Division, 23rd Division
- Commander ofKuva-yi Milliyein Izmir Eastern Front, Governor of Antalya Province and Area Command, 16th Division, Chief of Staff of theSecond Army, Chief of Staff of theThird Army, Vice Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense, 23rd Division, IV Corps (deputy), 7th Division
- Naval Commissar of the General Staff, Staff of the Iraq Area Command, 1st division of the Sixth Army, 1st Regiment, 2nd Division , 2nd Division, 23rd Division (en)
- Commander of Kuva-yi Milliye in Izmir Eastern Front, Governor of Antalya Province and Area Command, 16th Division, Chief of Staff of the Second Army, Chief of Staff of the Third Army, Vice Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense, 23rd Division, IV Corps , 7th Division (en)