An Entity of Type: Infantry, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The United States 32nd Infantry Division was formed from Army National Guard units from Wisconsin and Michigan and fought primarily during World War I and World War II. With roots as the Iron Brigade in the American Civil War, the division's ancestral units came to be referred to as the Iron Jaw Division. During tough combat in France in World War I, it soon acquired from the French the nickname Les Terribles, referring to its fortitude in advancing over terrain others could not. It was the first allied division to pierce the German Hindenburg Line of defense, and the 32nd then adopted its shoulder patch; a line shot through with a red arrow, to signify its tenacity in piercing the enemy line. It then became known as the Red Arrow Division.

Property Value
  • The United States 32nd Infantry Division was formed from Army National Guard units from Wisconsin and Michigan and fought primarily during World War I and World War II. With roots as the Iron Brigade in the American Civil War, the division's ancestral units came to be referred to as the Iron Jaw Division. During tough combat in France in World War I, it soon acquired from the French the nickname Les Terribles, referring to its fortitude in advancing over terrain others could not. It was the first allied division to pierce the German Hindenburg Line of defense, and the 32nd then adopted its shoulder patch; a line shot through with a red arrow, to signify its tenacity in piercing the enemy line. It then became known as the Red Arrow Division. During World War II, the division was credited with many "firsts". It was the first United States division to deploy as an entire unit overseas and among the first of seven U.S. Army and U.S. Marine units to engage in offensive ground combat operations during 1942. The division was among the first divisions to engage the enemy and were still fighting holdouts after the official Japanese surrender. The 32nd logged a total of 654 days of combat during World War II, more than any other United States Army division. The unit was inactivated in 1946 after occupation duty in Japan. During 1961, the division was called up for a one-year tour of service in the state of Washington during the Berlin Crisis. In 1967, the 32nd Infantry Division (now made up completely of units from Wisconsin) was inactivated and partially reorganized as the 32nd Infantry Brigade, the largest unit of the Wisconsin Army National Guard. (en)
  • La 32.ª División de Infantería fue formada a partir de unidades de la Guardia Nacional del Ejército de Wisconsin y Michigan y luchó principalmente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dadas sus raíces con la brigada del hierro de la guerra civil americana, las unidades ancestrales de la división llegaron a ser conocidas como Iron Jaw Division (la división de la mandíbula de hierro). Durante el combate en Francia, en la Primera Guerra Mundial, pronto adquirió de los franceses el apodo Les Terribles, haciendo referencia a su fortaleza en el avance sobre un terreno donde los demás aliados no podían cruzar.​ Fue la primera división aliada en perforar la línea Hindenburg alemana de defensa.​ De esta manera, la 32.ª decidió cual sería su insignia de hombro; una línea atravesada por una flecha roja, que representaba, según ellos, su tenacidad en la perforación de la línea enemiga. A continuación, se hizo conocer como la Red Arrow Division.​ (es)
  • Divisi Infantri ke-32 Amerika Serikat dibentuk dari unit-unit dari Wisconsin dan Michigan dan utamanya bertarung pada Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II. (in)
  • La 32e division d'infanterie américaine (32nd Infantry Division) est une division américaine composée d'unités de l'Army National Guard venant du Wisconsin et du Michigan, qui combat lors de la Première Guerre mondiale puis de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle a ses racines dans l'Iron Brigade de la guerre de Sécession, ce qui explique le surnom de la division (Iron Jaw Division). Au cours des durs combats en France lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, elle acquiert rapidement le surnom de Les Terribles (en français), qui se réfère à leur ténacité et de leur capacité à progresser sur des terrains où les autres unités n'y parviennent pas. Ainsi, c'est la première division alliée à percer la ligne Hindenburg et elle adopte son insigne d'épaule, une ligne percée par une flèche rouge, symbolisant sa capacité à percer les lignes adverses. Par la suite, elle est connue sous le nom de la Red Arrow Division (division flèche rouge). Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la division est titulaire de plusieurs réalisations inédites. C'est la première division américaine à se déployer entièrement en dehors du territoire américain et participe à la guerre du Pacifique, et elle fait partie des sept premières unités de l'US Army et de l'US Marine Corps à combattre lors de l'année 1942 . De plus, elle continue à combattre des îlots de résistance après la capitulation japonaise. Au total, la division totalise 654 jours de combat lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, soit plus qu'aucune autre division de l'US Army. Elle est désactivée en 1946, après avoir participé à l'occupation du Japon. Au cours de l'année 1961, la division est réactivée pour une durée d'un an, dans l'état de Washington, lors de la crise de Berlin. En 1967, la 32e division d'infanterie, comprenant uniquement des unités du Wisconsin, est désactivée à nouveau et réorganisée en tant que 32e brigade d'infanterie, principale unité de la Garde nationale du Wisconsin. (fr)
  • La 32nd Infantry Division (32ª Divisione di fanteria) era una divisione di fanteria dell'Army National Guard di Wisconsin e Michigan e dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti che ha partecipato alla Prima ed alla seconda guerra mondiale. Può far risalire la sua storia alla 11th National Guard Infantry Division, un'unità della guardia nazionale del Michigan e Ohio formata nel 1914, nel maggio 1917 venne riorganizzata per includere uomini provenienti da Michigan e Wisconsin. Nel luglio dello 1917 fu ridisegnata 32nd Division ed in agosto fu chiamata nel servizio federale per partecipare alla Prima guerra mondiale iniziando l'addestramento a Camp MacArthur in Texas, tornata negli Stati Uniti nel maggio 1919 venne disattivata a Camp Custer in Michigan. Nel 1921 venne riattivata come parte della Riserva della Guardia Nazionale, il 15 ottobre 1940 fu richiamata in servizio federale durante la mobilitazione precedente all'entrata in guerra degli Stati Uniti nella Seconda guerra mondiale, venendo organizzata a Camp Livingston in Louisiana. Dopo aver partecipato ad alcune operazioni nell teatro del Pacifico venne smobilitata il 28 febbraio 1946 tornando a far parte della riserva. Nell'ottobre 1961, durante la crisi di Berlino del 1961, e questa volta con soldati provenienti solo dal Wisconsin, fu nuovamente chiamata nel servizio federale con base a Fort Polk in Louisiana fino a metà agosto 1962. Nel 1967 venne disattivata e parzialmente riorganizzata come 32nd Infantry Brigade che ne porta ancora avanti il lignaggio. (it)
  • 第32歩兵師団(だいさんじゅうにほへいしだん、32nd Infantry Division)は、アメリカ陸軍の師団の一つ。第二次世界大戦においては、ニューギニアの戦いで日本軍と戦った。 (ja)
  • 第32步兵師(英語:32nd Infantry Division)是由來自威斯康辛州和密西根州的陸軍國民警衛隊組成,起源自南北戰爭中的,因此也被稱作「鐵顎師」。第一次世界大戰期間,堅強的前進毅力被法國人稱作「可怕的」,第32步兵師也是第一個突破德軍興登堡防線的部隊。 第二次世界大戰期間總共進行654天的戰鬥,比任何其他美國師都還要多。 1967年,第32步兵師被裁撤並重組為。 (zh)
  • 1919-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1917-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • Vicksburg
  • Division
  • 932797 (xsd:integer)
  • 108293 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117007015 (xsd:integer)
  • 32 (xsd:integer)
  • 1917 (xsd:integer)
  • 1939 (xsd:integer)
  • 1942 (xsd:integer)
  • 2021-03-21 (xsd:date)
  • 1917 (xsd:integer)
  • 1924 (xsd:integer)
  • 1946 (xsd:integer)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • Vicksburg (en)
  • 32 (xsd:integer)
  • "Les Terribles"; "Red Arrow Division" (en)
  • * Headquarters, 32nd Division (en)
  • * Headquarters, 32nd Division * 63rd Infantry Brigade ** 125th Infantry Regiment ** 126th Infantry Regiment ** 120th Machine Gun Battalion * 64th Infantry Brigade ** 127th Infantry Regiment ** 128th Infantry Regiment ** 121st Machine Gun Battalion * 57th Field Artillery Brigade ** 119th Field Artillery Regiment ** 120th Field Artillery Regiment ** 121st Field Artillery Regiment ** 107th Trench Mortar Battery * 119th Machine Gun Battalion * 107th Engineer Regiment * 107th Field Signal Battalion * Headquarters Troop, 32nd Division * 107th Train Headquarters and Military Police ** 107th Ammunition Train ** 107th Supply Train ** 107th Engineer Train ** 107th Sanitary Train *** 125th, 126th, 127th, and 128th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals (en)
  • * Headquarters, 32nd Infantry Division * 126th Infantry Regiment * 127th Infantry Regiment * 128th Infantry Regiment * Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 32nd Infantry Division Artillery ** 120th Field Artillery Battalion ** 121st Field Artillery Battalion ** 126th Field Artillery Battalion ** 129th Field Artillery Battalion * 107th Engineer Combat Battalion * 107th Medical Battalion * 32nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop * Headquarters, Special Troops, 32nd Infantry Division ** Headquarters Company, 32nd Infantry Division ** 732nd Ordnance Light Maintenance Company ** 107th Quartermaster Company ** 32nd Signal Company ** Military Police Platoon ** Band (en)
  • 32 (xsd:integer)
  • Divisi Infantri ke-32 Amerika Serikat dibentuk dari unit-unit dari Wisconsin dan Michigan dan utamanya bertarung pada Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II. (in)
  • 第32歩兵師団(だいさんじゅうにほへいしだん、32nd Infantry Division)は、アメリカ陸軍の師団の一つ。第二次世界大戦においては、ニューギニアの戦いで日本軍と戦った。 (ja)
  • 第32步兵師(英語:32nd Infantry Division)是由來自威斯康辛州和密西根州的陸軍國民警衛隊組成,起源自南北戰爭中的,因此也被稱作「鐵顎師」。第一次世界大戰期間,堅強的前進毅力被法國人稱作「可怕的」,第32步兵師也是第一個突破德軍興登堡防線的部隊。 第二次世界大戰期間總共進行654天的戰鬥,比任何其他美國師都還要多。 1967年,第32步兵師被裁撤並重組為。 (zh)
  • The United States 32nd Infantry Division was formed from Army National Guard units from Wisconsin and Michigan and fought primarily during World War I and World War II. With roots as the Iron Brigade in the American Civil War, the division's ancestral units came to be referred to as the Iron Jaw Division. During tough combat in France in World War I, it soon acquired from the French the nickname Les Terribles, referring to its fortitude in advancing over terrain others could not. It was the first allied division to pierce the German Hindenburg Line of defense, and the 32nd then adopted its shoulder patch; a line shot through with a red arrow, to signify its tenacity in piercing the enemy line. It then became known as the Red Arrow Division. (en)
  • La 32.ª División de Infantería fue formada a partir de unidades de la Guardia Nacional del Ejército de Wisconsin y Michigan y luchó principalmente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dadas sus raíces con la brigada del hierro de la guerra civil americana, las unidades ancestrales de la división llegaron a ser conocidas como Iron Jaw Division (la división de la mandíbula de hierro). Durante el combate en Francia, en la Primera Guerra Mundial, pronto adquirió de los franceses el apodo Les Terribles, haciendo referencia a su fortaleza en el avance sobre un terreno donde los demás aliados no podían cruzar.​ Fue la primera división aliada en perforar la línea Hindenburg alemana de defensa.​ De esta manera, la 32.ª decidió cual sería su insignia de hombro; una línea at (es)
  • La 32e division d'infanterie américaine (32nd Infantry Division) est une division américaine composée d'unités de l'Army National Guard venant du Wisconsin et du Michigan, qui combat lors de la Première Guerre mondiale puis de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle a ses racines dans l'Iron Brigade de la guerre de Sécession, ce qui explique le surnom de la division (Iron Jaw Division). Au cours des durs combats en France lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, elle acquiert rapidement le surnom de Les Terribles (en français), qui se réfère à leur ténacité et de leur capacité à progresser sur des terrains où les autres unités n'y parviennent pas. Ainsi, c'est la première division alliée à percer la ligne Hindenburg et elle adopte son insigne d'épaule, une ligne percée par une flèche rouge, symbolisa (fr)
  • La 32nd Infantry Division (32ª Divisione di fanteria) era una divisione di fanteria dell'Army National Guard di Wisconsin e Michigan e dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti che ha partecipato alla Prima ed alla seconda guerra mondiale. Nell'ottobre 1961, durante la crisi di Berlino del 1961, e questa volta con soldati provenienti solo dal Wisconsin, fu nuovamente chiamata nel servizio federale con base a Fort Polk in Louisiana fino a metà agosto 1962. Nel 1967 venne disattivata e parzialmente riorganizzata come 32nd Infantry Brigade che ne porta ancora avanti il lignaggio. (it)
  • 32nd Infantry Division (United States) (en)
  • 32.ª División de Infantería (Estados Unidos) (es)
  • Divisi Infanteri ke-32 (Amerika Serikat) (in)
  • 32e division d'infanterie (États-Unis) (fr)
  • 32nd Infantry Division (United States Army) (it)
  • 第32歩兵師団 (アメリカ軍) (ja)
  • 美國陸軍第32步兵師 (zh)
  • 32nd Infantry Division (en)
  • "Les Terribles"; "Red Arrow Division" (en)
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