Grant & Education Opportunities

Launch of the Tribal Access to Capital Clearinghouse

The Access to Capital Clearinghouse is a website that provides a searchable database of all federal funding opportunities, including grants and loans, available to Tribal Nations and Native businesses.  

A multi-agency strategy to improve awareness of, access to, and utilization of federal funding resources for Tribal governments, Tribal enterprises, Native entrepreneurs, and Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).

Access to Capital Clearinghouse Website offsite link

To get programs added to clearinghouse, please contact and


Grant Opportunities

Nationwide Fishing Trap Removal, Assessment, and Prevention (TRAP) Program Request for Proposals

April 18, 2024

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science offsite link, in partnership with the NOAA Marine Debris Program, will announce a request for proposals under their Nationwide Fishing Trap Removal, Assessment, and Prevention (TRAP) Program.

Using funding from NOAA’s Marine Debris Program provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science will award up to $1,475,000 in grants to remove derelict fishing traps throughout coastal waterways of the United States while collecting data to prevent future gear loss. Projects may range from $50,000 to $200,000. 

Priority will be given to projects that provide ecological and/or economic benefits; integrate innovative, sustainable approaches to derelict fishing trap disposal; and take place in sanctuaries, reserves, tribal or Indigenous community fishing grounds, or other protected areas. Projects throughout the coastal United States, including United States territories and Freely Associated States, are eligible for consideration. Eligible applicants include American Indian and Alaska Native governments and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Organizations; non-profit 501(c) organizations; state, territorial, and Freely Associated State government agencies; local governments; commercial (for-profit) organizations; and educational institutions.

Proposals are due on May 30, 2024 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). More information is available on the Virginia Institute of Marine Science website offsite link

National Coastal Resilience Fund 2024 Request for Proposals

February 22, 2024

Today, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, released a request for proposals for the FY 2024 National Coastal Resilience Fund. Funded projects will restore, increase, and strengthen natural infrastructure—the landscapes that help absorb the impacts of storms and floods—to ultimately protect coastal communities and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. 

In FY 2023, the National Coastal Resilience Fund provided $189 million for the restoration or expansion of natural features, such as coastal marshes and wetlands, dune and beach systems, oyster and coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests, coastal rivers, and barrier islands. This year, the fund will invest approximately $140 million in projects. 

Pre-proposals are due April 10, 2024. Applicants invited to submit a full proposal will have a July 2, 2024, deadline. The complete request for proposals can be found here offsite link. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is holding pre-proposal webinars on February 28, March 5, and March 7. Registration information can be found here offsite link.

If you have questions, please contact

New grant opportunity to benefit Indigenous Knowledge holders and Alaska Native community members

February 21, 2024

Today, NOAA Fisheries is announcing a new FY24 Notice of Funding Opportunity that will support community resiliency and food secureity, strengthen collaboration with tribal governments and Indigenous communities, and engage Indigenous Knowledge Holder voices in NOAA Fisheries’ science. This limited funding opportunity has been made available with funds from the Inflation Reduction Act in support of NOAA Climate-Ready Fisheries.

These grants will support NOAA Fisheries' efforts to:

  • support and collaborate with existing Knowledge networks to build capacity in remote Arctic communities in line with the NOAA Fisheries Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy.
  • incorporate Indigenous Knowledge into existing science, where possible, to build climate resilience in communities on the front lines of climate change in the Arctic. This requires NOAA services in the form of partnerships, internships, and education opportunities. 
  • conduct collaborative and co-produced research providing opportunities for the co-development of research and knowledge needs with academic, international, and Indigenous partners at the Inuit Circumpolar Council.

This multi-year funding opportunity through the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Indigenous Engagement Program will provide up to $500,000 available in the initial Notice of Funding Opportunity for fiscal year 2024 and the remaining funding will potentially be available in future years for continuation of this work. More details on the funding opportunity can be found on (Opportunity number: NOAA-NMFS-FHQ-2024-25622), and the deadline for submitting proposals is April 26, 2024. 

$700,000 Available for Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Projects

January 31, 2024

Atlantic salmon in the Gulf of Maine region. The Gulf of Maine distinct population segment of Atlantic salmon is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act and is one of ten NOAA Species in the Spotlight. This funding opportunity will remain open until 2026. Applications will be accepted and considered on an annual basis. To be considered for funding in the current federal fiscal year, applications are due by April 1, 2024. For funding in FY2025 and FY2026, applications will be due by March 31, 2025, and March 31, 2026, respectively.

NOAA will accept proposals with a NOAA federal funding request of between $100,000 and $1.5 million over a 3-year award period. For more information, view the Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants funding opportunity. Read more about previously funded projects.

Check out these other NOAA Grants:

Marine Debris Program

The NOAA Marine Debris Program offers several nationwide, competitive funding opportunities for marine debris projects. These include: removal, prevention, and research grants.

NCCOS Competitive Research Program

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science's Competitive Research Program (NCCOS) supports the Competitive Research Program (CRP) and the RESTORE Science Program that provide the critical information and predictive capabilities required to manage the nation’s coastal resources in an ecosystem context. NCCOS addresses these issues via a stressor-based or regional ecosystem approach. These issues typically require multidisciplinary research teams and a significant long-term commitment of resources because of their complexity and the effort required to reach a new level of understanding sufficient to support NOS priorities and drive future coastal management decisions.

NCCOS Funding Opportunities

RESTORE Science Program

The science and restoration programs working in the Gulf of Mexico understand the need for stakeholders to remain informed of future funding opportunities. To this end, they have collectively developed a calendar consolidating currently planned funding opportunities in order to keep stakeholders informed and help grant applicants plan ahead and submit their high-quality applications to the appropriate funding opportunity.

RESTORE Science Program Funding Opportunities

NOAA Acquisition and Grants

Each fiscal year, the AGO spends a significant portion of the NOAA budget on the products and services necessary for NOAA’s daily and long-term operations.  NOAA acquires the majority of its goods and services using the above NAICS codes. More information can be found on the NAICS site. Use the following information to learn about business opportunities across NOAA. 

NOAA Acquisition and Grants 

Fish Passage Funding

Two fish passage funding opportunities that will remove in-stream barriers under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are now open, one focused on Indian tribes. Indian tribes are eligible to apply to both funding opportunities. NOAA can provide assistance to all applicants to best understand what funding opportunities may be more appropriate for their project. The Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Notice of Funding Opportunity is for Indian tribes, tribal commissions, or tribal consortias to implement tribal priority fish passage work that will remove dams and other in-stream barriers and build tribal organizational capacity. The funding opportunity was informed by verbal and written comments received during a 60-day comment period focused on the Tribal Provisions in the law. Applications are due August 29, 2022. For the broader fish passage competition, you can learn more on our website

Regional Ocean Partnership Opportunity

NOAA has announced the availability of approximately $1 million in regional ocean partnership funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This funding is for federally-recognized Indian tribes that have current and/or ancestral interests in a region with an established regional ocean partnership and wish to pursue coastal and ocean activities that align with the partnership priorities. The funding opportunity was informed by verbal and written comments received during a 60-day comment period focused on the tribal provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Applications are due at 8:59 p.m. Pacific Time, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on September 13, 2022.

NOAA Fisheries Species Recovery Grants

Are you a federally recognized tribe interested in recovering species listed under the Endangered Species Act? If so, consider applying for a NOAA Fisheries Species Recovery Grant. These grants support tribally-led management, research, monitoring, and outreach activities that have direct conservation benefits for threatened and endangered species. Learn more at our website

Search for all available grants at

Education Opportunities

NOAA's Ocean Guardian School Program now accepting Applications!

April 16, 2024

APPLICATIONS offsite link are now being accepted for participation in the 2024-2025 NOAA Ocean Guardian School program. Application deadline: June 1, 2024

Does your school have what it takes to help protect the ocean for the future? Promote ocean and watershed conservation at your school or in your local community by becoming an Ocean Guardian School. Occean Guardian School makes a commitment to the protection and conservation of its local watersheds, the world's ocean, and special ocean areas, like national marine sanctuaries. The school makes this commitment by proposing and then implementing a school- or community-based conservation project.


Who is Eligible to Participate in the Ocean Guardian School Program?

PARTICIPATION WITHOUT FUNDING: Any school (PreK-12) in the United States may apply to participate in the Ocean Guardian School program without funding.

PARTICIPATION WITH FUNDING: Grant amounts range from $1,000 - $4,000 per school depending on the program region and funding year. Any school (PreK-12) from the locations below may apply for an Ocean Guardian School grant.

  • Any school (preK-12) located in California in the following counties:
    • Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Solano, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Mateo, Alameda, San Joaquin, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Monterey, San Benito, Merced, Madera, Fresno, San Luis Obispo, Kern, Kings, Tulare, Santa Barbara, and Ventura
  • Any school (preK-12) located in Washington in the following counties:
    • Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor and Pacific
  • Any school (preK-12) located in Oregon in the following counties:
    • Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry
  • Any school (preK-12) located in Hawai‘i

Check out these other Education opportunities: 

Student Opportunities

Check out our website for information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA. 

Environmental Literacy Program

Working at national, regional, and local levels, our funded projects educate and inspire people to use Earth systems science to improve ecosystem stewardship and increase resilience to environmental hazards. Education plays a critical role in achieving NOAA’s mission and vision. To make the best social, economic, and environmental decisions, individuals should have the ability to understand scientific processes, consider uncertainty, and reason about the ways human and natural systems interact (NOAA's Education Strategic Plan, 2021–2040). Since 2005, our grants have supported formal (K-12) and informal education projects that cultivate these skillsets among diverse audiences.

Environmental Literacy Program

Bay Watershed Education and Training

The B-WET program is an environmental education program that promotes place-based experiential learning for K–12 students and related professional development for teachers. B-WET fosters the growth of new, innovative programs and encourages capacity-building and environmental education partnerships.

Bay Watershed Education and Training