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死海古卷的发现,使艾赛尼备受瞩目。虽然没有证据显示艾赛尼人编订了它们,古卷被认为是艾赛尼图书馆。这些文献保存了许多可能源自公元前300年希伯来圣经的抄本,经文直到1946年才启封。有的学者则认为是艾赛尼人创作了死海古卷。[3] 蕾切尔·埃莉诺却质疑艾赛尼人的存在。[4][5][6]


之后,约瑟夫斯在《犹太战史》就艾赛尼给出了详尽的描述,在《犹太古史》和《约瑟夫斯生平》中也略略提及。他生成自己拥有一手经验,并将 Essenoi 列为犹太三大派系之一,[8]撒都该人法利赛人并列。他记录了一些有关虔诚、独身、公有制、集体主义和坚守主日。他进而写道艾赛尼在仪式上每天早上浸水、进食前祷告、致力于慈善、压抑愤怒、研习古卷、保守秘密、铭记天使等。




约瑟夫斯在两本著作中使用 Essenes (艾赛尼)字眼[10][11],并在其它地方也对此提及。[12][13][14]但在有的地方,约瑟夫斯使用了 Essaios,也是代指 Essene[15]约瑟夫斯指出艾赛尼是当时犹太教的三大派系之一。[16]

斐罗的用词是 Essaioi,虽然根据语源学,他承认这个希腊原型“神圣的”是不准确的。[17]老普林尼的拉丁用词是 Esseni[7][18]

加布里尔·薄伽志尼暗示艾赛尼词源并没有找到,但词汇被巴勒斯坦地区广泛应用,包括库姆兰社区。[19]在死海古卷被发现之前,有许多理论猜测名字由希伯来迁移至希腊语,如 osey hatorah (守律法者),并在此之后出现在死海古卷中。[20]虽然有许多词源解释出版,但在1947年前这是唯一被学者们广泛接受的,由库姆兰社区自定义的词源。[21]词源的形式是 OssaioiEssaioiEsseni,这种变形被学者们所分析。[22]。在中世纪希伯来语中, Hassidim 代替了 "Essenes"。 这个希伯来词汇不是 Essaioi/Esseni 的词源,但东阿拉姆语 Hesi'im 则有可能。[23]还有人认为艾赛尼是希伯来语 chitzonim的音译,在密西拿中用来指代各种世俗派系。另一种理论认为名字是借用小亚细亚膜拜阿耳特弥斯的教派那里借用的,其行为和着重于犹太地的有些类似。[24]

然而,约瑟夫斯 – 即约瑟夫·本玛他提亚 – 出生在祭司家族,并自称是法利赛人。[25]“根据他的自传,从16到19岁时,约瑟夫斯就与各种犹太教派交流体验,以便择优加入,并最终认定法利赛对大众口味。在一个明显的时间冲突上,约瑟夫斯提及了他在荒漠与苦行的本纳斯待了3年,在19岁时终止。”[26]我们在《犹太战史》的第8节得知他对所谓的“艾赛尼”的真实感受:

"2.(119)在犹太人中有三个哲学派系。第一个叫法利赛;第二个叫撒都该;第三个,即 假装 是更苛刻门徒的,叫艾赛尼。最后一个是犹太人出身,在对待彼此上似乎比其它派系更加亲切关心。”[27]




老普林尼將他們定位在“死海西岸,離海岸… 在上邊的恩戈地。”[18]





根据约瑟夫斯和斐罗的记录,艾赛尼过着严格的公有制生活 – 学者们常常将其与后世的修道院进行对比。许多艾赛尼社团都是独身制,但约瑟夫斯也提及其它艾赛尼派会订婚三年,之后结婚。[33]根据约瑟夫斯的记录,他们施行集体所有制,[34][35]根据集体利益选举领袖。[36]他们禁止起誓,[37]不拿动物献祭。[38]他们控制脾气,主张和平,[37]仅在防御劫匪时携带武器。[39]艾赛尼人不收奴隶,但彼此协作[40],由于公有制的缘故,不进行贸易。[41]约瑟夫斯和斐罗提供了有关他们生活、饮食、宗教仪式的详尽记录。

在长达三年的考察后,[42]新成员会起誓,包括对神灵的虔诚(το θειον)和对人类的慈善,维持生活的洁净,拒绝犯罪和不道德活动,维系条例,保存书籍,记录天使的名字。[43]他们的神学包括灵魂不死,在死后获得灵魂。[13][44]其中,活动的一部分包括用水来清洁,包括雨水和储藏的水。



拿撒勒人 – 从民族上来看是犹太人 – 源自基拉迪特斯、巴士尼特斯和约旦河外[47]… 他们承认摩西并相信他获得了律法 – 不是这部律法,而是另一部律法。他们是坚守所有传统的犹太人,但不献祭或是吃肉。他们认为吃肉或献祭是不合法的。他们认为这些书都是编造出来的,不是天父所设立的制度。这是拿撒勒人和其它人所不同之处…[48]

除了这些拿撒勒派别以外,还有另一个紧密相关的组织,叫奥西恩人(Ossaeans)。他们是和前者一样的犹太人… 来自纳巴泰、以土利亚、摩押比特斯和艾尔利斯[49],盆地之外是经文所称的盐海… 虽然它与其它七个派系中的六个不同,唯一造成分裂的是拿撒勒人对摩西律法的态度。





高柏认为库姆兰文献和遗址的原始研究有欠科学,只是单单从学术典故中断章取义。高柏认为,文献虽然详尽,风格各异;但遗址看上去类似堡垒,被长时间用作军事据点 – 包括第一世纪 – 因此艾赛尼人不可能在此居住;在1870年挖掘出的大墓地在库姆兰遗址以东50米,有超过1200口墓穴,包括妇女和儿童 – 老普林尼写到居住在死海的艾赛尼人“没有一个女性,弃绝所有享乐... 族人中没有生育”。高柏的书记叙了许多迪·瓦克斯(de Vaux)不成熟的结论,以及学术界毫无争议的接纳。他称文献可能来自耶路撒冷的图书馆,为躲避罗马入侵而保存于此。[50]




印度西南的多馬基督徒可能与艾赛尼有关,根据泰米尔史诗,有人叫做 "Issani" 。[54]科恩DNA显示今天的拿撒勒人可能与艾赛尼马拉巴尔拿撒勒人有关。艾赛尼人常常是利未或科恩血统,这进一步解释了他们有祭司血统,有的则来自印度。[55]




  1. ^ 洪放. 死海古卷. 揭示二千年前聖經真貌(下). 基督教週報. No. 2487 (香港華人基督教聯會). 2012-04-22 [2020-09-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-20) (中文(繁體)). 
  2. ^ F.F. Bruce, Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Paternoster Press, 1956.
  3. ^ Hillel Newman, Ph.D Bar Ilan University : Proximity to Power and Jewish Sectarian Groups of the Ancient Period Brill ISBN 90-04-14699-7.
  4. ^ Ilani, Ofri. Scholar: The Essenes, Dead Sea Scroll 'authors,' never existed. Haaretz. 13 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-18). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 McGirk, Tim. Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls 'Authors' Never Existed. 時代雜誌. 16 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-26). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Rachel Elior Responds to Her Critics. Jim West. 15 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. (原始内容存档于21 March 2009). [來源可靠?]
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Historia Naturalis. V, 17 or 29; in other editions V,(15).73; the passage in question: "Ab occidente litora Esseni fugiunt usque qua nocent, gens sola et in toto orbe praeter ceteras mira, sine ulla femina, omni venere abdicata, sine pecunia, socia palmarum. in diem ex aequo convenarum turba renascitur, large frequentantibus quos vita fessos ad mores eorum fortuna fluctibus agit. ita per saeculorum milia — incredibile dictu — gens aeterna est, in qua nemo nascitur. tam fecunda illis aliorum vitae paenitentia est! infra hos Engada oppidum fuit, secundum ab Hierosolymis fertilitate palmetorumque nemoribus, nunc alterum bustum. inde Masada castellum in rupe, et ipsum haut procul Asphaltite. et hactenus Iudaea est.".  cf. English translation.
  8. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.119.
  9. ^ Barthélemy, D.; J. T. Milik, Roland de Vaux, G. M. Crowfoot, Harold Plenderleith, George L. Harding. Introductory: The Discovery. Qumran Cave 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1997: 5 [1955] [31 March 2009]. ISBN 0-19-826301-5. (原始内容存档于2014-06-28). 
  10. ^ Josephus. The Wars of the Jews. 2.119, 158, 160.
  11. ^ Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. 13.171-2.
  12. ^ Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. 18.11.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. 18.18.
  14. ^ Josephus. The Life of Flavius Josephus. 10.
  15. ^ Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. 17.346.
  16. ^ And when I was about sixteen years old, I had a mind to make trim of the several sects that were among us. These sects are three: - The first is that of the Pharisees, the second that Sadducees, and the third that of the Essenes, as we have frequently told you - The Life of Josephus Flavius, 2页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  17. ^ Philo. Quod Omnis Probus Liber页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆. XII.75-87.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Pliny the Elder. Natural History. 5.73.
  19. ^ Boccaccini, Gabriele. Beyond the Essene hypothesis: the parting of the ways between Qumran and Enochic Judaism. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 1998: 47. ISBN 0-8028-4360-3. OCLC 37837643. 
  20. ^ Goranson, Stephen. Others and Intra-Jewish Polemic as Reflected in Qumran Texts. Peter W. Flint and James C. VanderKam (编). The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment 2. Leiden: Brill Publishers. 1999: 534–551. ISBN 90-04-11061-5. OCLC 230716707. 
  21. ^ For example, James C. VanderKam, "Identity and History of the Community." In The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment, ed. Peter W. Flint and James C. VanderKam, 2:487–533. Leiden: Brill, 1999. The earliest known proposer of this etymology was P. Melanchthon, in Johann Carion, Chronica, 1532, folio 68 verso. Among the other proposers before 1947, e.g., 1839 Isaak Jost, "Die Essaer," Israelitische Annalen 19, 145–7.
  22. ^ VanderKam, Goranson, etc
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. On Some Points Connected with the Essenes. St. Paul's epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon: a revised text with introductions, notes, and dissertations. London: Macmillan Publishers. 1875 [17 March 2009]. OCLC 6150927. (原始内容存档于2008-06-30). 
  24. ^ Essenes, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1994. 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-01-15.
  25. ^ Whiston and Maier, 1999, Introduction, p.8
  26. ^ Ibid.
  27. ^ Whiston and Maier, 1999, "The Jewish War" - Chapter 8, p.736
  28. ^ Josephus (). The Wars of the Jews. ;.';.
  29. ^ Philo (;0–). Quod Omnis Probus Liber[永久失效連結]. XII..
  30. ^ Philo. Hypothetica[永久失效連結]. .'. in Eusebius. Praeparatio Evangelica. VIII.
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Ellegård, Alvar; Jesus – One Hundred Years Before Christ: A Study in Creative Mythology, (London ').
  32. ^ cf. map of ancient Jerusalem页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  33. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. book II, chap.8, para.13.
  34. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.122.
  35. ^ Josephus (94). Antiquities of the Jews. 18.20.
  36. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.123, 134.
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.135.
  38. ^ Philo, §75[查证请求]
  39. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.125.
  40. ^ Josephus (94). Antiquities of the Jews. 18.21.
  41. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.127.
  42. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.137–138. Josephus' mention of the three-year duration of the Essene probation may be compared with the phased character of the entrance procedure in the Qumran Rule of the Community [1QS; at least two years plus an indeterminate initial catechetical phase, 1QS VI]. The provisional surrender of property required at the beginning of the last year of the novitiate derives from actual social experience of the difficulties of sharing property in a fully communitarian setting, cf. Brian J. Capper, 'The Interpretation of Acts 5.4', Journal for the Study of the New Testament 19 (1983) pp. 117-131; idem, '"In der Hand des Ananias." Erwägungen zu 1QS VI,20 und der urchristlichen Gütergemeinschaft', Revue de Qumran 12(1986) 223-236; Eyal Regev, “Comparing Sectarian Practice and Organization: The Qumran Sect in Light of the Regulations of the Shakers, Hutterites, Mennonites and Amish”, Numen 51 (2004), pp. 146-181.
  43. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.139–142.
  44. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.153–158.
  45. ^ Kittle, Gerhardt. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume 7. : 814, note 99. 
  46. ^ 存档副本. [2014-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-16). 
  47. ^ Gileaditis, Bashanitis and the Transjordan
  48. ^ Epiphanius of Salamis (378). Panarion. 1:18.
  49. ^ Nabataea, Ituraea, Moabitis and Arielis
  50. ^ Golb, Norman. Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?: the search for the secret of Qumran. New York City: Simon & Schuster. 1996. ISBN 0-684-80692-4. OCLC 35047608. [页码请求]
  51. ^ Josephus, Flavius. Jewish War, Book II. Chapter 8, Paragraph 13. 
  52. ^ Philo. De Vita Contemplativa页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆. I.1.
  53. ^ James VanderKam and Peter Flint, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, p.251.
  54. ^ Manimekalai, by Merchant Prince Shattan, Gatha 27
  55. ^ Weil, S. (1982)"Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: The Cananite Christians and Cochin Jews of Kerala. Contributions to Indian Sociology.






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