
Audience Targeting

Connect with people that matter most to your business on The Weather Channel digital properties with privacy-forward audience targeting marketing, segmentation, and insights.

Audience-based marketing for the future of digital media

The technological transformation of audience targeting and campaign measurement has put first-party data in the driver’s seat. With 70% of the digital audience being non-addressable,1 marketers are now leaning into the untapped power of alternative identifiers and data sources to reach the people who care most about their business. Our suite of cookieless and performant targeting solutions combines weather, AI technology, and audience insights to segment and reach your consumers with privacy-forward data signals backed by leading data science expertise. These segments connect marketers to consumers across The Weather Channel digital properties in meaningful moments as they plan their daily lives around the most significant influencer, the weather.

Millions of people start their day with us2


monthly average users globally3


monthly intent-based signals


first-party audience segments


contextually relevant segments across industry verticals


articles and videos published monthly


of The Weather Channel app users opt-in to share their location4



Allows brands to reach consumers on a relevant and emotional level while respecting their personal information.

Robust data set

Built on behaviors and insights from 360M+ monthly global users3 segmented based on site interests and self-declared location data.

Untapped targeting potential

Contextual analysis helps you meet current and new audiences that grow and drive your business.

Audience segmentation opportunities

First-party data

Connect with your consumers without needing cookies or personal information based on first-party audience segmentation of peoples’ on-site interests and location behaviors. Segments range from car owners, homeowners, travelers, and more.


Contextual content

Reach qualified audiences by aligning with current weather and lifestyle content relevant to your audience. Content includes forecasts, safety, health, travel, pets, home, garden, food, auto, science, space, and more.


Contextual location

Deliver precise, first-party location targeting based on demographic, lifestyle, and psychographic audience insights.


Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

View footnote details

1 Advertising Week
2 Amplitude: https://analytics.amplitude.com/twc/chart/xol3zsl?source=copy+url. The Weather Channel iPhone app, Android app, or weather.com. 10.8M users who come either =8a and 7p=10p; 2023 daily averages.
3 Based on the average of the total monthly (non-unique) users for full year 2021 across The Weather Company digital properties and consumer products (weather.com, The Weather Channel app, Weather Underground app, wunderground.com, Storm iOS app), according to The Weather Company internal data.

4 Amplitude, June 2023