• The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System on the Cloud Get the Web Story
    The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System on the Cloud
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  • OSTI Modeling held theNOAA's Subseasonal and Seasonal Applications Workshop  Sept 4-6, 2024  More Info
    OSTI Modeling held the
    NOAA's Subseasonal and Seasonal Applications Workshop
    Sept 4-6, 2024
    More Info
  • A successful inaugural HAFS Summer Colloquium! More Info
    A successful inaugural HAFS Summer Colloquium!
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The Office of Science and Technology Integration (OSTI) Modeling Program Team is responsible for supporting a variety of National Weather Service (NWS) modeling and research initiatives to improve weather forecasts. This is accomplished by funding research projects to accelerate and advance the development of new models, and foster collaboration among National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research scientists, federal labs, operational forecasters and the academic community. 




The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System on the Cloud
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A successful inaugural HAFS Summer Colloquium!
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NOAA's Air Quality Forecasters Focus Group Workshop
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NOAA's Subseasonal and Seasonal Applications Workshop
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2023 Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program Annual Meeting
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OSTI-M and NAQFC hosted the 2023 Air Quality Forecasters’ Focus Group Workshop
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NOAA launches new hurricane forecast model as Atlantic season starts strong
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