5 Unique Bar Media Ideas to Boost Your Brand Awareness

Empty bar top with bokeh lights in background

These days, a moment of respite for a would-be customer can be everything for a marketer. The clouds clear. The attention span lengthens. And you run the potential of being exactly what they need to be at exactly the most open-minded moment.

Truly, the moment of respite crafts the best kind of captive audience. But what kind of location offers the best moment of respite for your potential customers? In a word: bars.

Consider how bar patrons spend hours, potentially day after day, drinking their worries away with friends. A bar, no matter the time, offers immense opportunity for you and your brand to connect with your ideal customer base. It brings your product into focus with immense impression potential.

But what are the most interesting and potentially effective forms of advertising in a bar setting? Here are just a few bar advertisement concepts to help you drive your media strategy forward.

1. Digital Menu Advertisement

Traditionally, advertisers would encircle a bar’s physically printed menu with a picture of their logo. But this form of advertising assumed a lot.

It assumed the audience understood what industry the company operated within. It assumed that one company would flourish in a sea of physically adjacent competitors. And it assumed that the audience would take notice of a small, static logo well enough to take action later.

Now consider how much we’ve advanced since the 19th century, when the printed restaurant and bar menu rose to prominence. Today, many eating establishments rely on digital menus and ordering kiosks over paper menus. And advertising within those menu contexts is on the rise.

But more importantly, like anything in advertising, digital offers immense value and potential over static!

With a digital menu ad, your bar media can go from bland and static to engaging. Consider how rotating graphics, corresponding color schemes, and even animated ads can draw audience attention in. Meanwhile, you can direct your bar media to be dynamic. Rotate between brand awareness and product differentiators to really drive your message home.

Your effective bar media could even include interactive elements, if the menu UI allows for it. The options are nearly endless, thanks to the seemingly infinite potential of digital ads.

2. Boosting Local Businesses with Location-Based Ads

Traditional ad spends typically relied on a paradigm of “broad placement = broad awareness.” But everyone in marketing knows targeted advertising is infinitely more effective than scattershot approaches.

This is where concepts like geotargeting come into play. By aligning your bar advertising signs’ approach with a location-based strategy, you can engage the most relevant customers.

Consider posters, bar-top ads, and signage that doesn’t simply promote your business name. Those are a dime a dozen and do little to engage or differentiate.

Instead, speak directly to the bar patrons. You know they’re local. Now showcase that your business is local as well. Those who frequent this neighborhood bar will be much more likely to call on you as another neighborhood business when the time comes.

3. Event Sponsorship

Whether it’s a ladies’ night or a trivia night, your local bar likely always has an event happening. Even the humble happy hour is up for grabs. Let patrons know you align with their interests by sponsoring an event series.

With the right bar advertising signs placed in the area, both the event and your business can get a nice boost. Plus, with the good vibes the event is sure to create, your brand gets a boost of consumer goodwill by association.

4. Truly Memorable Tchotchkes

Every business under the sun seems to have used everything from napkins to coasters as bar advertising ideas. But when was the last time a customer actually noticed, much less took action with a coaster ad?

Rather than slapping your logo on a coaster and calling it a day, this is a canvas for creativity. And there is no wrong answer. Truly, the wilder the better, as an ad promotes, but an experience engages.

5. Unconventional Ad Placements

Want to really get noticed? Consider placing your ads in spots bar patrons will never think to expect. Everything from the toilet seats to the bottom of their beer glass is up for grabs. As a bonus, truly unique ad placements are sure to be noticed over the other ho-hum advertising in bars.

AllOver Media is Here to Support Your Bar Advertisement Strategy

When you are ready to craft a truly memorable bar media campaign, AllOver Media can help. We work with clients of all kinds to roll out effective, budget-conscious, and one-of-a-kind engagement campaigns. And our rollouts truly work.

Learn more about our unique approach to OOH advertising and successful bar marketing ideas. See how AllOver Media can help!