

WHO/Victor Garstea
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Action against antimicrobial resistance through the preservation of the environment

The environment can be a reservoir for antimicrobials and resistant pathogens through the discharge of untreated and treated wastewater and sludge. Biological...

Strengthening climate resilience in the drinking-water and sanitation sector through the Protocol on Water and Health

Strengthening the resilience of water and sanitation services to climate change is a key priority across the pan-European region. Infrastructure and supporting...

Health needs assessment of the adult population in Ukraine: survey report: April 2024

The ongoing full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation continues to exert unprecedented pressure on all aspects of public life in Ukraine. Despite the...

WHO Regional Office for Europe Antimicrobial Medicines Consumption (‎AMC)‎ Network. AMC data 2022

This report presents analyses of data on antimicrobial medicines consumption collected from non-European Union countries in the WHO European Region –...

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After the success of the 1st European Autumn School on Quality of Care and Patient Safety in 2023, the WHO Athens Quality of Care and Patient Safety Office,...

Related activities:Driving impact for better health and well-being in countries



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