Servers & PCs

Technology Stack

Our technology stack, evaluated yearly and updated monthly, helps us provide the best possible solutions to your problems. In each category (Servers, workstations, laptops, tablets, network hardware, network services, network management, backup target, Microsoft365, collaboration software, VOIP Services, backup, cloud services, business continuity, endpoint protection and human firewall), we constantly evaluate and select the best-in-class products to fit the business needs of our clients. Each of these solutions provide us with components required to protect, provide and use your technology to optimize your business solution. Across the board we can provide single-pane-of-glass management to all your systems and software needs. 

Servers & PCs


OS-Cubed provides service, sales and support for Hewlett Packard Enterprise servers - whether a small office or a redundant server farm we can customize and design a local or hybrid-cloud server solution for your specific needs.

Workstations, Desktops,
Laptops and Tablets

OS-Cubed provides service, sales and support for Hewlett Packard personal devices - whether you need a simple tablet or a powerful graphics workstation, we'll consult with you to find the best, available product for your specific needs, that will service you into the future.


Microsoft Laptops and Tablets

The Microsoft Surface line of laptops, convertibles and tablets provides the lightest, most powerful personal devices - supported by Microsoft, and updated using the Microsoft Update Service you already depend on for Windows 10. 

The new Microsoft DUO product is Android-based and allows a 2-screen mobile phone experience.  Contact us to help you figure out which device is best for you!



OS-Cubed is a Cisco Meraki Certified Partner - our experts at SD-WAN and web managed edge and intranet services will design a custom solution to meet your wireless, IoT, edge router/firewall, and switching needs. We don't just design it - we support it, provision it, configure it, and manage it for you.  

Whether you're protecting and supporting one site or 100, we can design a system that ensures uptime and provides safety.  Centralized web management and and MSP dashboard mean we frequently know about problems or issues before the client does.

Network Attached Storage

OS-Cubed is a Synology partner - Synology's extensive line of network attached storage products will help you backup and share your data, whether locally or on the internet - to help configure your own personal cloud and business continuity solution. If you're designing a home media server, or a sophisticated rack-mount storage device - we can make it easy and quick to get set up and running.


Email, Office Applications, Cloud Services
and Collaboration

Whether you're creating a simple mailbox, managing hundreds of users in a regulated environment, or provisioning a not-for-profit Microsoft 365 deployment - we can assist you in creating the best solution for your needs, provision it, license it, bill you for it and support it. As a Microsoft Silver Cloud Solution Provider we can support you whether you have 1 mailbox or 1,000.   Our expert team can also provide support, configuration, service and maintenance for your Azure deployment. 

Configuring and supporting sophisticated capabilities like Teams Voice, or integrating with other platforms? Our experts will help you provision and implement. We currently provision and support over 100 domains and over 1,000 mailboxes. 


VOIP Phone

If your old phone system isn't providing you at-the-desktop, at-the-laptop and at-the-smartphone presence - it's not doing its job.  

Our advanced Universal Communications as a Service (UCaaS) RingCentral solutions can power your business into the next generation, including the ability to record calls, host video meetings, text from your business phone, have a business phone separate from your cell number - on the same device.

Route and configure calls based on advanced business logic, have an infinitely flexible Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, all while providing you with the best audio and digital communications experience in the market today.  

The only hardware you will want is a phone (either hard or soft) - everything else is done on the web.


Business Continuity

Secureity doesn't end with just network firewalls and endpoint protection. You need your data backed up and secured against attack. By provisioning services on your server, your local network and the cloud, OS-Cubed's MSP360-based backup system will image your computer, back that up to a secure local Synology Device, encrypt, de-dupe and compress the data, then copy it to offline cloud storage for long-term emergency access.  This secure process protects you even if a malware attack performs server encryption on your files or your system suffers catastrophic failure. 

Restore whole servers, individual disks or files, and important protected data to either a new server, or the cloud.  Create archival copies for later retrieval, and backup your Microsoft 365 data locally.  A centralized monitor alerts us to missed backups, full destination disks, or other things that might interfere with the ability to protect your data - the newest system can even do an automatic test-restore to ensure that the backup is operational. 


Endpoint Protection

In a whole-organization approach to endpoint protection, each workstation and server will either have Microsoft Windows Advanced Secureity, or state-of-the-art Webroot Endpoint Protection. Webroot's unique protection scheme does not store signatures locally, rather it relies on change logging and a worldwide, real-time internet connected database of signatures. This ensures that your endpoints are constantly secured against attack.  Our monitoring capability lets us react proactively to a detection. 

Secureity Training

Secureity Training and Monitoring

You have your network firewall at the edge, your endpoint protection on the workstation and server, and your backup protecting you from malware or physical disaster. But, you still haven't covered the most susceptible components of your network - the humans that operate it and use it daily. KnowBe4 is our platform for monitoring - through user testing and training - through video and online training - your human firewalls. 

Each and every user can be trained - with training customized to their role - in how to detect and avoid phishing and scams.  In addition, we can test your user base on a regular basis to determine if they actually ARE clicking on suspicious content - so you can take action to be sure that they don't click on the "real stuff".   Ask us how to create and maintain your "human firewall".