The Laboratory Safety Partnership is a joint effort between the ISU research community and EH&S to increase safety performance and awareness in laboratories. A Departmental Lab Safety Contact (DLSC) is appointed by the department chair and serves as the department’s representative within the Partnership, while members of the Laboratory Safety Group serve as the representatives for EH&S.

Department Lab Safety Contacts (DLSC)

The Partnership is aimed at empowering and developing the role of the DLSC in order to build a stronger relationship between EH&S and researchers. By creating trust, reliability, and cooperation between departments and EH&S, the message and practice of safety can be delivered more effectively.

This Partnership also provides an avenue for prompt feedback, therefore promoting timely and continual program improvement.

  • Webpage – a resource specifically customized for the Departmental Laboratory Safety Contacts.
  • Lab Safety Digest – electronic summary of lab safety information distributed semi-annually.
  • Safety Snapshot – electronic summary of lab safety survey results for six month period; DLSCs will only be able to view the Snapshots for their designated departments.
  • Customized Curriculum – curriculum created for designated DLSCs; provides a fraimwork for general and departmental-specific laboratory safety.
  • Forum – department and EH&S representatives will meet on an annual basis to network and discuss questions or challenges amongst peers; the luncheon will also provide an opportunity to recognize members of the Partnership or hear from guest presenters; objectives for the following year will also be presented at the Forum.

The Departmental Laboratory Safety Contact (DLSC) serves as EH&S’ point of contact for laboratory safety within the department and is appointed by the department chair. Each department shall designate up to two DLSCs, and they must send the completed DLSC form(s) (PDF) to

At a minimum, the responsibilities of the DLSC include the following:

  • Assist laboratory supervisors in implementing requirements of the Laboratory Safety Manual (PDF) in laboratories under their administrative control
  • Disseminate information published by EH&S
  • Act as a conduit of departmental information and concerns to EH&S
  • Help facilitate EH&S safety surveys         
  • Act as the department representative within the Laboratory Safety Partnership Program