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Theatre and film


DROMGOOLE, Dominic Charles Fleming

Artistic Director, Oxford Stage Company, since 1999; b 25 Oct. 1963; s of Patrick Shirley Brookes Fleming Dromgoole; partner, Sasha Hails; three d. Educ: Millfield Sch.; St Catharine’s Coll., Cambridge (BA (English Lit.) 1985). Artistic Dir, Bush Th., 1990-96; New Plays Dir, Old Vic Th., 1997. Producer, Saltwater (film), 2000. Essayist, Sunday Times and others, 2001-. Publication: The Full Room, 2001. Recreations: walking, drinking.

FARR, David Charles

Joint Artistic Director, Bristol Old Vic, since 2003; b 29 Oct. 1969; s of Martin and Maureen Farr; m 2000, Anne Siddons; two s. Educ: Trinity Hall, Cambridge (BA double 1st cl. Hons (English) 1991). Associate Dir, Gate Th., London, and freelance Dir, Almeida Opera, 1991-95; Artistic Dir, Gate Th., 1995-98. Director: Coriolanus, 2002, Julius Caesar, 2004, RSC; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Bristol Old Vic, 2003 (TMA Award for Best Dir); writer/director: The Nativity, Young Vic, 1999; Crime and Punishment in Dalston, Arcola Th. and radio, 2002; Night of the Soul, RSC, 2002. Publications: plays: The Nativity, 1999; Elton John’s Glasses, 1998 (Writers’ Guild Best Play); The Danny Crowe Show, 2001; Night of the Soul, 2001. Recreations: guitar, cinema, football, walking, Shamanism.


Chief Executive and Co-Founder, Redbus Plc (film distributor), since 1998; b 23 Aug. 1971; s of David and Brenda Franks. Educ: UMIST (BSc Hons).Executive: J. P. Morgan, 1993-95; BNP Paribas, 1995-98. Redbus holds distribution rights to numerous films, including: Maybe Baby, 1999; Jeepers Creepers, The Gift, 2001; Bend It Like Beckham (co-prod), 2002. Recreations: politics, film.

JACKSON, Peter Robert

CNZM 2002. Film producer, director, writer and actor; b Pukerua Bay, NZ, 31 Oct. 1961; s of late Bill and Joan Jackson; m 1987, Frances Walsh; one s one d. Formerly photographer, Evening Post, Wellington, NZ; Founder and Partner: WingNut Films Ltd (acquired Nat. Film Unit, NZ, 2000); Weta Ltd; Three Foot Six Ltd, 1999-. Films: producer, director, co-writer and actor: Bad Taste, 1987; Braindead, 1992; Heavenly Creatures, 1994; Forgotten Silver, 1995; The Frighteners, 1997; The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001 (BAFTA Awards for Best Film and Best Dir, 2002); The Two Towers, 2002; The Return of the King, 2003 (Acad. Awards for Best Dir, Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay, 2004); prod., dir and co-writer, Meet the Feebles, 1989; prod. and co-writer, Jack Brown Genius, 1994; prod. and actor, The Long and Short of it, 2003; prod., Valley of the Stereos, 1992.


KIDMAN, Nicole Mary

Actress; b Hawaii, 20 June 1967; d of Dr Antony David Kidman and Janelle Ann Kidman (née Glenny); m 1990, Tom Cruise (marr. diss. 2001); one adopted s one adopted d. Educ: N Sydney High Sch. Worked at Phillip Street Th., Sydney. TV mini-series: Vietnam, 1986; Bangkok Hilton, 1989; theatre: The Blue Room, Donmar Warehouse, 1998, NY 1999; films include: Bush Christmas, 1983; Dead Calm, 1989; Days of Thunder, 1990; Billy Bathgate, 1991; Far and Away, Flirting, 1992; Malice, My Life, 1993; Batman Forever, To Die For, 1995; The Portrait of a Lady, 1996; The Peacemaker, 1997; Practical Magic, Eyes Wide Shut, 1999; Moulin Rouge, The Others, 2001; Birthday Girl, 2002; The Hours (Academy and BAFTA Awards for best actress, 2003), The Human Stain, Cold Mountain, 2003; Dogville, The Stepford Wives, 2004; prod., In the Cut 2003.


OBE 2003 Actress; b 24 May 1960; m 1981, François Olivennes; two s one d. Educ: Cheltenham Ladies’ Coll.; Central Sch. of Speech and Drama; École Nat. des Arts et Technique de Théâtre, Paris. Theatre includes: Bérénice, Paris, 2001; The Three Sisters, Playhouse Th., 2003. Films include: Under the Cherry Moon, 1986; Djamel et Juliette, Agent Trouble, 1987; La Méridienne, A Handful of Dust, 1988; Force Majeure, Bille en Tête, 1989; The Bachelor, Bitter Moon, 1992; Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994; Angels and Insects, 1995 (Best Actress Award, BAFTA); Richard III, The Confessional, Mission Impossible, 1996; The English Patient, Amour et Confusions, 1997; The Horse Whisperer, 1998; Random Hearts, The Revengers’ Comedies, 1999; Up at the Villa, Play, 2000; Gosford Park, 2002; Petites Coupures, 2003. Television includes: Mistral’s Daughter, 1984; Tricheuse, Sentimental Journey, 1987; The Tenth Man. 1988; Endless Game, Framed, 1990; Titmuss Regained, 1991; Look At It This Way, 1992; Body and Soul, 1994.

SEWELL, Rufus Frederick

Actor; b 29 Oct. 1967; s of late Bill Sewell and of Jo Sewell; m 1999, Yasmin Abdallah (marr. diss.); partner, Amy Gardener; one s. Theatre includes: As You Like It, The Government Inspector, The Seagull, Crucible, Sheffield, 1989; Royal Hunt of the Sun, Comedians, Compass, 1989; Pride and Prejudice, Royal Exchange, Manchester, 1991; Making It Better, Hampstead and Criterion, 1992; Arcadia, NT, 1993; Translations, Plymouth Th., NY, 1995; Rat in the Skull, Duke of York’s, 1995; Macbeth, Queen’s, 1999; Luther, NT, 2001. Films include: Twenty-One, 1991; Carrington, Victory, 1995; Hamlet, 1997; Dark City, The Woodlanders, At Sachem Farm, Martha Meet Frank Daniel and Laurence, Illuminata, 1998; The Honest Courtesan, In a Savage Land, 1999; Bless the Child, A Knight’s Tale, 2001; Extreme Ops, 2003. Television includes: Middlemarch, 1994; Cold Comfort Farm, Henry IV, 1995; Arabian Nights, 2000; She-Creature, 2001; Helen of Troy, 2003; Charles II: The Power and the Passion, 2003.


ADAM, Sir Kenneth (Klaus Hugo)

Kt 2003; OBE 1995 Freelance film production designer; b 5 Feb. 1921; s of Fritz Adam and Lilli Adam (née Saalfeld); m 1952, Maria-Letizia Moauro. Educ: Collège Français, Berlin; St Paul’s Sch., London; Bartlett Sch. of Architecture, London (Ext.). Film art dir/prodn designer, 1947-; collaborated on approx. 70 films, including: seven early Bond films; Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1967; Sleuth, 1972; Pennies from Heaven, 1981; Addams Family Values, 1993. Dr hc RCA, 1995; Hon. DArts Greenwich, 2000. Academy Awards for Production Design: Barry Lyndon, 1975; The Madness of King George, 1995; BAFTA Awards: Dr Strangelove, 1964; The Ipcress File, 1965; Lifetime Achievement Award, Hollywood Art Directors, 2002. Relevant publication: Moonraker, Strangelove and Other Celluloid Dreams: the visionary art of Ken Adam, by David Sylvester, 1999. Recreation: swimming.


DOYLE, John Michael

Freelance theatre director and writer; b 9 Nov. 1952; s of John Martin Doyle and Mary Christina Doyle; one d; partner, Robert Wilson. Educ: RSAMD (DSD); Univ. of Glasgow (Cert. DS). Jun. Artist-in-Residence, Univ. of Georgia, 1973-74; Dir, Tie-up Th. Co., 1975-78; Dir of Prodns, Eden Court Th., Inverness, 1979-80; Artistic Director: Swan Th., Worcester, 1982-85; Everyman Th., Cheltenham, 1985-89; Everyman Th., Liverpool, 1989-93; Theatre Royal, York, 1993-97; Associate Dir, Watermill Th., Newbury, 1997-2004. Visiting Artist: Univ. of Western Kentucky, 1997, 2000, 2003; Oregon State Univ., 2002. Fellow, Rose Bruford Coll., 2004. FRSA 2001. Publications: (with R. Lischner) Shakespeare for Dummies, 1999. Recreations: music, tennis, being in Italy.

GIBSON, Mel Columcille Gerard

AO 1997. Actor, director and producer; b Peekskill, NY, 3 Jan. 1956; s of Hutton Gibson and late Anne Gibson; m 1980, Robyn Moore; six s one d (incl. twin s). Educ: Nat. Inst. of Dramatic Art, Univ. of NSW. Joined State Theatre Co. of SA, 1977; theatre includes: Waiting for Godot, Sydney, 1979; Death of a Salesman, Nimrod Th., Sydney, 1982; No Names, No Pack Drill; Romeo and Juliet. Co-founder and Partner, Icon Entertainment Internat., 1989-. Films include: Summer City, 1977; Mad Max, Tim, 1979; The Z Men, 1980; Gallipoli, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, 1981; The Year of Living Dangerously, 1982; The Bounty, The River, Mrs Soffell, 1984; Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, 1985; Lethal Weapon, 1987; Tequila Sunrise, 1988; Lethal Weapon 2, 1989; Bird on a Wire, Air America, 1990; Hamlet, 1991; Lethal Weapon 3, Forever Young, 1992; The Man Without a Face (also dir), 1993; Maverick, 1994; Braveheart (also dir and co-prod.), 1995 (Academy, Golden Globe and BAFTA Awards for best dir, 1996); Ransom, 1997; Conspiracy Theory, 1997; Lethal Weapon 4, 1998; Payback, 1999; The Million Dollar Hotel, The Patriot, 2000; What Women Want, 2001; We Were Soldiers, Signs, 2002; The Singing Detective (also prod.), 2004; dir, prod. and writer, The Passion of the Christ, 2004.

GLOVER, Julian Wyatt

Actor; b 27 March 1935; s of late (Claude) Gordon Glover and Honor Ellen Morgan (née Wyatt); m 1st, 1957, Eileen Atkins (now Dame Eileen Atkins, qv) (marr. diss. 1966); 2nd, 1969, Isla Blair; one s. Educ: St Paul’s Sch., Hammersmith; Alleyn’s Sch., Dulwich. Full-time actor, 1957-; theatre includes: Royal Shakespeare Co.: Coriolanus, Henry VI, 1977; Henry IV, pts I and II, 1991-92 (best supporting actor, Olivier award, 1993); Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Stratford, transf. Barbican, 1995-96; All My Sons, Palace, Watford, 1992; Cyrano de Bergerac, Haymarket, 1992-93; An Inspector Calls, Aldwych, 1993-94; Chips With Everything, RNT, 1996-97; Waiting for Godot, Piccadilly, 1998; The Tempest, Nuffield, 2000; King Lear, Shakespeare’s Globe, 2001; Macbeth, Albery, 2003; Taking Sides (UK tour), 2003-04; Galileo’s Daughter (Peter Hall Co.), 2004; Dir, Hamlet, Norwich Playhouse, 1996. Films include: Tom Jones, 1963; The Empire Strikes Back, 1980; The Fourth Protocol, Cry Freedom, 1987; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 1989; Treasure Island, 1990; King Ralph, 1991; Vatel, 2000; Two Men Went to War, The Book of Eve, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002; Troy, 2004; television includes: Cover Her Face, 1985; The Chief, 1990; Born and Bred, 2002; In Search of Shakespeare, 2003; Waking the Dead, 2004.

HEYWOOD, Victoria Mary Taylor

Executive Director, Royal Shakespeare Company, since 2003; b 25 June 1956; d of Kenneth Heywood Taylor and Gillian Dorothea Taylor (née Black); m 1st, 1988, Christopher Weight (marr. diss. 1994); one s; 2nd, 2004, Clive William Jones. Educ: Truro High Sch.; Fortismere Sch.; Central Sch. of Speech and Drama (Dip. Drama). Stage manager, 1977-84; Gen. Manager, London Bubble Th. Co., 1986-89; Exec. Dir, Contact Th., Manchester, 1989-93; Gen. Manager, London Internat. Fest. of Th., 1994; Exec. Dir, English Stage Co. (Royal Court Th.), 1994-2001. Vice-Chairman: Lyric Th., Hammersmith, 1999-2004; Young Vic Th., 2002-. Trustee, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, 2004-. Recreations: sleeping, eating, reading.

LYNCH, David Keith

Film director; b Missoula, MT, USA, 20 Jan. 1946; m 1st, 1967, Peggy Reavey (marr. diss. 1974); one d; 2nd, 1977, Mary Fisk (marr. diss. 1987); one s; partner, Mary Sweeney; one s. Educ: Sch. of Mus. of Fine Arts, Boston; Pennsylvania Acad. of Fine Arts. Fellow, Center for Advanced Film Studies, Amer. Film Inst., 1970. Films: writer and director: Eraserhead (also prod.), 1977; The Elephant Man, 1980; Dune, 1984; Blue Velvet, 1986; Wild at Heart, 1990; Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (also prod.), 1992; Lost Highway, 1997; Mulholland Drive, 2002; dir, The Straight Story, 1999; TV series: writer, director and producer: Twin Peaks, 1990; On the Air, 1992.


NIGHY, William Francis, (Bill)

Actor; b 12 Dec. 1949; s of Alfred Martin Nighy and Catherine Josephine (née Whittaker); partner, Diana Quick; one d. Educ: St Francis of Assisi Primary Sch., Caterham; John Fisher Grammar Sch., Purley; Guildford Sch. of Dance and Drama. Theatre includes: acting debut in The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore, Watermill Th., Newbury; Everyman Th., Liverpool, 1972-75; Landscape, Silence, Gateway Th., Chester; The Warp, ICA, 1979; Betrayal, Almeida, 1991; A Kind of Alaska, Donmar Warehouse, 1998; National Theatre: Illuminatus!, 1977; A Map of the World, 1984; Pravda, 1985; King Lear, 1986; Mean Tears, 1987; Arcadia, 1993; The Seagull, 1994; Skylight, 1997; television includes: The Men’s Room, 1991; Longitude, 2000; Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (series 3), 2002; State of Play (Best Actor award, BAFTA, 2004), Ready When You are Mr McGill, The Young Visiters, 2003; He Knew He Was Right, 2004; extensive work on BBC radio, inc. Lord of the Rings; films include: Still Crazy, 1998 (Peter Sellers Comedy Award, Evening Standard British Film Awards); Blow Dry, The Lawless Heart, Lucky Break, 2001; AKA, 2002; I Capture the Castle, Love Actually, 2003 (Best Supporting Actor awards: Los Angeles Film Critics, 2003; BAFTA, and London Film Critics’ Circle, 2004; Peter Sellers Comedy Award, Evening Standard British Film Awards, 2004); Shaun of the Dead, Enduring Love, 2004. Recreations: reading, rhythm and blues, walking the dog. Club: Garrick.

POWELL, Nikolas Mark

Director, National Film and Television School, since 2003; b 4 Nov. 1950; s of A. B. Powell and Jane Powell (née Weir); one s one d. Educ: Ampleforth Coll. Co-founder and Dir, Virgin Records, 1967-81; Co-Chm., Palace Gp of Cos Ltd, 1982-91; Chm., Scala Prodns Ltd, 1991-. Chm., 1995-2003, Vice Chm., 2004-, European Film Acad. Board Director: Film Consortium, 1996-2003; Northern Irish Film and TV Commn, 2001-. Clubs: Groucho, Soho House; European Producers.

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