It really seems like Jake Paul has been inciting the ire of the internet as of late.
In just the past couple of months, he has been accused of being a serial cheater by his ex-girlfriend Alissa Violet, allegedly turning his Los Angeles neighborhood into a "living hell," and split ways with the Disney Channel because he supposedly is looking to pursue more "adult acting roles." But while he says he wants to be cast in more grown-up projects, he's acting like anything but. Latest case in point: some racist remarks he said in his most recent video blog.
On Tuesday (August 1), Jake posted a new video to YouTube. This one's titled "SELF DRIVING TESLA IN DRIVE THRU PRANK (FREAKOUTS)." There's plenty of cringeworthy moments throughout the video, including when he causes quite the inconvenience in a couple of fast food drive-thrus. But the moment that's particularly bad, and downright racist, is when one fan approaches him and his buddies in the car at about 11:40.
The moment seemed innocent enough with the guy asking, "Can you put this on vlog, please?" Then someone off-screen asks, "Where are you from?" The fan responds, "I am from Kazakhstan originally." Which Jake retorts with, "It sounds like you’re just going to blow someone up. Send the nuke!"
Not only is this racist, but he actively chose to put this into his vlog. What's particularly gross about this remark is Kazakhstan's history with nukes. Parts of the territory used to be a nuclear test site for the Soviet Union and radiation has had long-term effects on the people who lived at the site, which used to be known as Semipalatinsk-21. According to Radio Free Europe, about "200,000 villagers essentially became human guinea pigs." Soil, water, and air is still contaminated by radiation, and one in 20 children born in the area is born with serious deformities.
Even fans have turned on Jake for these comments. One wrote on Twitter, "I will admit I am a fan of @jakepaul but when I saw this all I could think was 'really jake? wtf.'" A number of other people have also chimed in with their feelings on the matter.
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Making generalizations about someone because of where they're from is never OK. And jokes about nukes? Also totally inappropriate. Hopefully Jake can learn this following the backlash he's receiving.
Related: Jake Paul's House Is Now Surrounded by Crowds of Teens Every Day
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