Mini Project Work
Mini Project Work
Stream : Finance
1.Director’s Report
1. Financial results
2. Key developments
3. Capacity additions/CAPEX plans
4. Financial strategies
1. SWOT analysis
2. Risk factors affecting financial performance
3. Future plans/Goals
4. Financial Conditions
1. Financial Analysis using various key ratios to be worked out for the three years period
(2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21) using excel.
2. Provide interpretations for the same.
1. Analyze the Cash flows and provide Interpretations of Cash Flow Statements for the
three years period (2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21).
1. Each one will be assigned one listed company from any industry.
2. Each one can update the faculty about the work progress and discuss the doubts before
or after the sessions online and submit the Final Report – 26th October 2021
4. Each group shall select one group lead who will coordinate with the group members
while consolidating the report. The group lead should collect the work done by each
member and send the consolidated file (Final Report only) to the concerned faculty
through email in the form of word or excel or pdf. The group members will upload their
respective portion of work individually separately mentioning the names and topics
5. The distribution of 40 marks will be….. 5 marks each for each topic and 10 marks each
for ratios and cash flow – understanding, presentation, analysis and interpretation.
1) Quick Ratio or Acid test ratio gives an indicator of business liquidity. This indicates how short
term debts will be covered by its existing liquid assets or cash
Whether or not business is borrowing more than it can reasonably pay back using equity.
Simply gives degree to which the business operations are funded by debt
If its >1 company holds more debt & <1 company holds less debt
Higher the working capital easier for biz to pay off the debts using current asset
It measures amount the investor would pay for each dollar earned. Gives the idea whether the
stock is under or over valued
Another Quick ratio to use when assessing future earnings. If this value is negative company is
at loss over the year. Investors will look at EPS in combination with a number of other ratios like
P/E to determine growth potential
Most important financial ratio for calculating profit. This result tell us overall profitability of the
company and referred as return on net worth
7) Profit Margin
A fundamental financial ratio shows how efficiently a company managing it overall cost or how
it converts revenue into profits
Higher profit margins showcase efficient the company is converting sales to profits
Current Ratio (UPL) = Current Asset / Current Liabilities = 7257 / 6793 = 1.06