George Padmore Archive
George Padmore
Never let it be forgotten that “Labour with a white skin cannot emancipate itself where labour with a black skin is branded.” [Marx, Capital, Chapter 10, 1867]
Urges Negroes Fight Fascist Organization, Daily Worker [U.S.], April 19, 1928
Fire Traps are Negroes' Homes, Daily Worker [U.S.], May 31, 1928
American Capitalists Live in Luxury, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 5, 1928
Problems of Negro Workers in the Colonies – U.S.A. Tasks of the R.I.L.U., The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, No. 2, August-September 1928
Police Terrorism of Negroes in Harlem, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 10, 1928
Negro Workers Should Join Workers Party, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 22, 1928
Labor Bureaucrats and Negro Worker, Daily Worker [U.S.], January 4, 1929
Negro Masses and Communism, Daily Worker [U.S.], April 17, 1929
Negro Workers and Soldiers Fight Against Imperial War, Daily Worker [U.S.], June 6, 1929
Ben Stolberg "Progressive" Misleader, Is Exposed, Daily Worker [U.S.], June 15, 1929
The Trade Unity Convention and the Negro Masses, Daily Worker [U.S.], August 27, 1929
Gastonia: Its Significance to Negro Labor, Daily Worker [U.S.], October 4, 1929
Africans Massacred by British Imperialists, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 5, December 1929
The Negro Liberation Movement and the International Conference
Life Among Negro Farmers in America, The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, No. 7, May 1, 1930
Report to the Hamburg International Conference of Negro Workers and Resolution on the Economic Struggles and Tasks of Negro Workers, The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Special Number, October 15, 1930
Report to the Fifth Congress of the R.I.L.U. on the Negro Movement in Africa, The Negro Worker,, Special Number, November 1, 1930
Speech to the Fifth Congress of the R.I.L.U.: Negro Delegation Supports the Five-Year Plan, The Negro Worker, Special Number, November 1, 1930
Imperialism in the West Indies, The International Negro Workers' Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1931
American Imperialism Enslaves Liberia, The Communist, February 1931
U.S. Negro on Moscow Soviet, The Southern Worker, May 16, 1931
The Revolutionary Movement in Africa
Labour Imperialism and East Africa Labour Monthly, June 1931
The Agrarian Crisis in British West Africa Communist International, July 15, 1931
The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers
Hands Off Liberia!, The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, Nos. 10-11, October-November 1931
How the Imperialists are "Civilizing" Africa, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1932
War in the East, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1932
Soviets for Peace – Capitalists for War, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 1932
“Left” Imperialism and the Negro Toilers, May 1932
World Congress of Seamen, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1932
An Open Letter to the I.L.D. (U.S.A.), The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1932
Negro Liberation Struggle, Harlem Liberator, June 3, 1933
Ethiopia Today [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology]
Pass Laws in South Africa [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology]
How Britain Governs the Blacks [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology]
White Man's Justice in Africa [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology]
"Padmore – Theoretician of Neo-Garveyism", by Harry Haywood [from The Road to Negro Liberation, Haywood's Report to the Eighth Convention of the CPUSA, April 2-8, 1934]
George Padmore is Expelled by Communist International, Daily Worker [U.S.], April 25, 1934
The Expulsion of George Padmore from the Revolutionary Movement, The Negro Worker, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1934
A Betrayer of the Negro Revolution Struggle, by Greenwood [B.D. Amis], International Press Correspondence, June 29, 1934
The Rise and Fall of George Padmore as a Revolutionary Fighter , by Helen Davis, The Negro Worker, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 1934
Padmore, Expelled Renegade, Is Exposed by Ford as Servant of Imperialist Slavers, by James W. Ford Daily Worker [U.S.], August 2, 1934
James Ford Answers Padmore's Charges, The Negro Liberator, August 4, 1934
Padmore Sups with Kings and Emperors, by James W. Ford, Daily Worker [U.S.], August 22, 1934
Ford Analyzes Padmore as Police Agent and Spy, by James W. Ford, The Negro Liberator, August 25, 1934
How Mr. Jones, Negro Editor, Proposes to 'Save' Liberia. Reveals Link Between Padmore, Renegade, and W.N. Jones, by Harry Haywood, Daily Worker [U.S.], August 31, 1934
U.S. Imperialism's Slave Rule Aided by Jones' Liberia Plan, by Harry Haywood, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 1, 1934
Jones, Padmore, Schuyler – Lackeys of U.S. Imperialism, by Harry Haywood, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 3, 1934
"Padmore Belly Crawls," Says Angelo Herndon, Negro Liberator [U.S.], September 8, 1934
Workers' Enemies Exposed, Daily Worker [U.S.], September 13, 1934
Reformists Main Enemy Within Ranks of Negro People
Ethiopia and World Politics, The Crisis, May 1935
The Missionary Racket in Africa, The Crisis, July 1935
World Politics and Ethiopia, by William L. Patterson, The Communist, August 1935
An Open Letter to Earl Browder, The Crisis, October 1935
Earl Browder Replies [to George Padmore], The Crisis, December 1935
Abyssinia – The Last of Free Africa May 1937
Abyssinia Betrayed by the League of Nations June 1937
Hitler, Mussolini and Africa September 1937
A New World War for Colonies October 1937
Hands Off the Colonies!, February 1938
Cocoa War on the Gold Coast, February 1938
Fascism in the Colonies, [also published in The Crisis under the title, "Fascism in the West Indies"] February 1938
An Outrageous Report, March 1938
Parliament Upset by West Indies , April 1938
Why Moors help Franco, May 1938
Hands off the Protectorates: Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland, (off site) 1938
White Workers and Black, May 1938
The Government’s Betrayal of the Protectorates, June 1938
White Labor Policy in South Africa, June 1938
Labour Unrest in Jamaica, July 1938
West Africans, Watch Your Land, September 1938
Labor Trouble in Jamaica, September 1938
Manifesto Against War, 25 September 1938
A Negro Looks at British Imperialism, December 1938
Franco-Italian Conflict Over Tunis, March 1939
Fascism Invades West Africa, October 1939
Police Swoop On Workers’ Leaders In Colonies, 20 October 1939
The Second World War and the Darker Races, November 1939
The British Empire Is Worst Racket Yet Invented By Man, 15 December 1939
The Negro Faces the War, Workers Age, 23 December 1939
Empire Gives Lie to British War Aims, Workers Age, 17 February 1940
Hands Off the Soviet Union, February 1940
Hands Off the Soviet Union! (abridged form of above), 24 February 1940
Black Colonials Call on British Masses to Revolt, 1 May 1940 (with Jomo Kenyatta, Chris Jones & Wal Daniels)
British Troops Kill 17 Rhodesia Strikers, Workers Age, 25 May 1940
Poverty, Disease Is Native’s Lot in West Indies, 17 June 1940
West Indies Need Independence – Not Big Reports, 24 June 1940
Who Are Reliable Allies in Fight Against Hitler?, Workers Age, 12 October 1940
British Imperialists Treat the Negro Masses Like Nazis Treat the Jews, 1941
Empire “Gauleiters” Greet Each Other, January 1941
West Indians Answer Anglo-U.S. Imperialism, 4 January 1941
A Typical British Colony, 1 February 1941
Hitler Makes British Drop Color Bar, March 1941
"Democracy" for the West Indies, June 1941
Whither the West Indies?, 21 July 1941
Britain’s Black Record, September 1941
The Socialist Attitude to the Invasion of the U.S.S.R., September 1941
Answers to a Questionnaire on the War, November 1941
Atlantic Charter Not Intended for Colonies, 24 January 1942
The Black Man's Burden in South Africa, March 1942
Crisis in the British Empire, July 1942
Race Relations: Soviet and British , November 1942
British Indirect Rule , April 1943
Industrialized Soviet Backs Red Army , June 1943
Blue-Print of Post-War Anglo-American Imperialism, October 1943
Imperialism: The Basis of Labour Party Crisis, June 1944
Chris Jones: Fighter for the Oppressed, September 1944
Anglo-American Plan for Control of Colonies, November 1944
A Political Review of the Colonies, February 1945
The Voice of Coloured Labour, World Trade Union Conference, 1945
World Conference Hears Voice of Black Labor, April 1945
British Labor and the Colonies, October 1945
The White Man's Duty (with Nancy Cunard) (2nd Edition), 1945
How Russia Transformed Her Colonial Empire, (with Dorothy Pizer) 1946
Trusteeship: The New Imperialism, October 1946
Review of the Paris Peace Conference, November 1946
The Story of Viet Nam, Politics, December 1946
The Communists and Viet Nam [Reply to Critics], Politics, March-April 1947
The Sudanese Want Independence , June 1947
Colonial and Coloured Unity, History of the Pan-African Congress, 1947
Madagascar Fights for Freedom, October 1947
The Vietnamese Struggle for Independence , March 1948
Facts Behind the Gold Coast Riots , July 1948
South African Race Riots , April 1949
Africa: Britain's Third Empire 1949
The Bataka Movement in Uganda January 1950
Bloodless Revolution in the Gold Coast March 1952
The Gold Coast Revolution 1953
Behind the Mau Mau 1953
George Padmore's Name Cleared Socialist Outlook, February 12, 1954
Kenya: The Facts Socialist Outlook, March 5, 1954
Gold Coast Revolution Nears Its Climax Socialist Outlook, April 23, 1954
British Parliamentary Delegation Reports on Kenya May 1954
A Review of the Gold Coast – Final Stage to Independence January 1955
Pan-Africanism or Communism? The Coming Struggle for Africa 1956
A Holiday Honoring "Satchmo" Armstrong June-July 1956
Significance of the PNM Victory in Trinidad November 1956
Democratic Advance in Sierra Leone March 1957
The Birth of a Nation [Ghana] April 1957
The Press Campaign against Ghana December 1957
George Padmore's Life by W.E.B. DuBois, National Guardian, October 12. 1959
George Padmore: Black Marxist Revolutionary – A Memoir by C.L.R. James (1976)
George Padmore: A Critique. Pan-Africanism or Marxism? by Paul Trewhela (1988)
The Death of Albert Nzula and the Silence of George Padmore by Paul Trewhela (1988)
Last updated on: 5 November 2023
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