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Red Dwarf X - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook (Limited to 2000 Copies)

4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,361 ratings

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Genre comedy science-fiction
Format Blu-ray
Contributor Chris Barrie, Doug Naylor, Craig Charles, Rob Grant, Danny John-Jules, Robert Llewellyn
Runtime 178 minutes
Studio BBC

Product description

Red Dwarf X - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook Space battles, quantum entanglement, and love triangles with snack dispensers, are just some of the problems facing the boys as they return on the small rouge one. Rimmer receives an SOS distress call from an old foe and is suddenly faced with the dilemma of his life. Lister grapples with the problem of being his own father, gets romantically involved with snack dispensers 23 and 34, while Kryten and Cat become quantum entangled forcing them to do everything in unison. The posse also find themselves marooned in 23 AD where they rescue a famous historical figure with a beard. Packed with over 150 minutes of extras including an exclusive feature length making-of documentary, deleted scenes and a brand-spanking-new collection of ‘Smeg Ups’. Includes the episodes: Trojan Fathers and Suns Lemons Entangled Dear Dave The Beginning

Product details

  • Is discontinued by manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 17.3 x 13.8 x 1.8 cm; 182 g
  • Director ‏ : ‎ Rob Grant, Doug Naylor
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ Blu-ray
  • Run time ‏ : ‎ 178 minutes
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Chris Barrie, Robert Llewellyn
  • Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1)
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01NCZAJEY
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 2
  • Customer reviews:
    4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,361 ratings

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4.7 out of 5 stars
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Top reviews from United Kingdom

  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 March 2025
    So happy I added this to my Red dwarf blu ray collection. Been a epic fan of this comedy for years and just love it
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 November 2012
    I don't think I was alone way back in 1997 when Red Dwarf came back after leaving us hanging on a cliffhanger for years and it was... different. Disappointingly different. Another short break and Series VIII was the same situation. And Back To Earth was a massive letdown after a decade without the Boys from the Dwarf.

    Even watching the trailers on Dave for Series X, it was obvious this was a massive return to form - the trailers alone had me tittering and sniggering more than series VII and BtE combined! Luckily, the series delivered on everything it promised, and what we have here is a DVD that has earned its place along with the first six series! It looks like spending some time away was the perfect thing for the show, as Doug Naylor has probably had a number of ideas and gags floating round his head (and in the 35 versions of the movie script), the funniest of these making it to the screen.

    Also a special mention should go out to the amazing looking sets and triumphant return to model shots over CGI!

    There are complaints that space seems to be a lot more populated in Series X - this is true to some extent, but it always leads to a well fleshed out and entertaining story. Oddly enough, I've seen the most complaints for Dear Dave saying this is the weakest episode - the episode that has the fewest guest stars and, if anything, is closer to the lonely universe of Series I and II.

    Also, I've seen negative comments regarding how the crew has aged. If anything, I think the interactions between them have really helped this become an instantly classic series. If they were still trying to act the same way they were 20 years ago, I don't think it would have worked. I love the way Rimmer now seems like more of the gang - it feels like the other guys laugh with him, rather than at him. The characters are generally quite comfortable with each other and it comes across very well onscreen.

    Do I care that we never got a proper resolution to Series VIII or the gaps between that and Back To Earth filled in? Nooo. And any Red Dwarf fan worth their salt will know continuity is a fluid concept where the small rouge one is concerned!

    With regards to the DVD itself, the sleeve is reversible so if you're picky about how it's going to look on your shelf, you have the option to make it fit in with the rest of the DVDs.

    The special features are excellent - particularly the two hour documentary "We're Smegged". It covers pretty much any question you might have asked about the new series and gives you an amazing insight into everyone's opinions and the amount of work they put in.

    Naturally, there are a slew of deleted scenes and smeg-ups to enjoy. The only real disappointment is the lack of commentary for the episodes (unless there are easter eggs I haven't found yet!)

    Based on the strength of Series X, hopefully Series XI is already a foregone conclusion, and it's just a case of us waiting for Dave to make the formal announcement!
    5 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 November 2012
    I have to admit feeling a little nervous at the return of my all-time favourite TV show (by some distance) following three disappointing series (though to be fair, Seven never had a chance without Rimmer and 'Back to Earth was always going to rile with its brazen self-indulgence). However I am more than delighted to say that the boys are well and truly back in town!

    Series 10 effectively follows on from Series 8, with the four crew members - without Holly - back to being deserted in deep space - the rest of the crew having scarpered from 'Only the Good''s corrosive virus. Its never explained as to how they 'got out of that one', but there is a hilarious and self-deprecating tease at the end of Episode 6. And right from the start one can appreciate the true essence of the show. Gone are the extraneous characters from 8 that ruined the sense of isolation and forced companionship that makes Red Dwarf. The boys are alone, isolated, getting on each others nerves, and the results are hilarious!

    Indeed, the throwback to earlier 'Dwarf' is imprinted on all the episodes...'Trojan' and 'Entangled' could be straight from Series 6, 'Fathers and Suns' smells of 'Queeg' from Series 2, and 'Dear Dave', with its entirely on-ship setting, is Series 1 through and through.

    Despite the similarity to earlier 'Dwarf', Doug has introduced an interesting new writing style to the agenda - Red Dwarf has traditionally been written around a single plotline per week - the guys get into a fix and get out of it - not much happens alongside. However several of the episodes incorporate the use of 'B' and sometimes 'C' subplots - in particular 'Fathers and Suns' and 'Dear Dave'. Occasionally this backfires - the payoff to the 'Chinese Whispers' subplot in 'Fathers and Suns' is weak and the ending to 'Entangled' is unclear and feels rushed, a by-product of trying to fit too much into half an hour. But the formula pays off outstandingly in 'Dear Dave' (along with 'The Beginning, the Series' high point) in which four sub-plots come together as a beautiful denouement in true 'Fawlty Towers style!

    The jokes are nearly all razor-sharp, and the performances from Barrie, Llewellyn, John-Jules Charles and the guest performers exemplory. Craig Charles' acting has improved no end since Coronation Street - witness the brilliant 'dad to son' talk in 'Fathers and Suns'. But its Danny John-Jules as the Cat who steals the show - although used as a joke-cracking tool rather than a central character (as usual) he is simply side-splitting through all 6 episiodes!!

    Of course there are imperfections - as mentioned earlier, trying to cram too much into half an hour affects the quality and delivery of both the plot and some of the jokes. Kryten is particularly under-used this time around, and - again because of the weight of material in such a short space of time - plot inconsistencies abound. For example in 'Lemons' why did they get transported back to earth, and why didn't Kryten have an attachment they could have used to power the remote? Explanations would have satisfied the more pedantic among us, but one has to take these flaws with a pinch of salt with Dwarf - it's not Star Trek.

    Imperfections aside, Red Dwarf X is an outstanding return to form. Not quite at the level of Series 4 to 6 but well up there with 1 to 3. The open ending leaves the possibility of an eleventh series, which apparently will depend predominantly on DVD sales. So you know what to do...
    30 people found this helpful

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  • Steve
    5.0 out of 5 stars It was everything I had hoped for and then some!
    Reviewed in the United States on 9 August 2020
    I ordered it and after a few weeks, well, you’re NEVER gonna believe what happens next...
  • Debbie Humphreys
    5.0 out of 5 stars TV show
    Reviewed in Canada on 24 October 2021
    Christmas gift
  • Mehdi Vitry
    3.0 out of 5 stars déçu
    Reviewed in France on 7 January 2014
    pas de sous titre en français mais c'est marqué en commentaire mais je ne l'avais pas lu
    en attendant la version sous titré français
  • KyokoNeko
    5.0 out of 5 stars Everything You Smeggin' Need
    Reviewed in Germany on 16 December 2015
    It's like in the old days! Yay!

    Red Dwarf wurde von Staffel zu Staffel besser und mit Staffel VI war der Höhepunkt erreicht. Dann kam Staffel VII und obwohl Chloè als Kochansky eine gute Figur gemacht hat, fielen nach und nach so viele coole Aspekte weg und die Stories wurden immer schlechter. Staffel VIII war zwar technisch gut gemacht, aber stink langweilig mit schlechten Music-Hall-Witzen, Humor aus dem buchstäblich Neunzehnten Jahrhundert (ich MEINE das 19. Jahrhundert, also 18 -nochwas) und Toilettenwitzen. Peinlich. Dann kam Back To Earth, dem ich sogar noch was abgewinnen konnte - vielleicht, weil ich Bladerunner auswendig kenne und BACK To Earth nichts weiter ist als die Red Dwarf Version. Und jetzt: Staffel X! Und wenn man die VII, VIII und Back To Earth aus lässt (oder aufgrund der zwei guten Folgen von Staffel VII getrennt betrachtet - Alternative Realität?), ist es, als wäre man (beinahe) nie weg gewesen! Der Humor ist zurück, die cleveren Skripte sind zurück und sie sind zurück: Boys from the Dwarf!

    2016: season 11. Can't wait ^^
  • Mike Downs
    3.0 out of 5 stars BUYER BEWARE!
    Reviewed in the United States on 6 November 2023
    Love this video, and it completes my collection. I could never find the video locally. When I did, the price would be outrageous. I found a copy here on Amazon for a reasonable price and the buyer is in the UK. My player is region free, so I ordered it. Since then, I have been swamped with spam, more than 100 every day, seven days a week "from" US companies and products. Everyone of them originates in the UK.