Archetype and Individuation Process in Alan Wake (2010) Video Game

Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification


This research purpose aims to demonstrate the individuation process of Alan Wake through the archetypes by finishing the last page of “Departure” manuscript. The research uses interpretative qualitative method in extending the findings. Using interpretation analysis can depict phenomenon of video game from the act, figures, sources (game items; weapons, flashlight, manuscript, etc.), situation, by applying Carl Gustav Jung’s psychoanalytic theory of archetype and individuation process in the video game. In the video game story, Alan Wake is a writer who had had a writer’s block for 2 years and experiences a nightmare. The nightmare happens when Alice Wake has lost at the Cauldron Lake. To find Alice, Alan follow the journey from his nightmare, suddenly discovers something powerful to create and change things influenced by two mythical figures, namely Thomas Zane and Barbara Jagger. Both figures come into Alan’s nightmare following the unwritten manuscript “Departure” plot story, who...

Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 Archetype and Individuation Process in Alan Wake (2010) Video Game Andry Garcia English Literature Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract— This research purpose aims to demonstrate the individuation process of Alan Wake through the archetypes by finishing the last page of “Departure” manuscript. The research uses interpretative qualitative method in extending the findings. Using interpretation analysis can depict phenomenon of video game from the act, figures, sources (game items; weapons, flashlight, manuscript, etc.), situation, by applying Carl Gustav Jung’s psychoanalytic theory of archetype and individuation process in the video game. In the video game story, Alan Wake is a writer who had had a writer’s block for 2 years and experiences a nightmare. The nightmare happens when Alice Wake has lost at the Cauldron Lake. To find Alice, Alan follow the journey from his nightmare, suddenly discovers something powerful to create and change things influenced by two mythical figures, namely Thomas Zane and Barbara Jagger. Both figures come into Alan’s nightmare following the unwritten manuscript “Departure” plot story, whose Alan is guided to contain several figures to overcome darkness figures and integrate light and darkness to be actualized. The findings show that archetype depictions are associated by mythological images reflected from the collective unconscious in Alan Wake. The forms such as Barbara Jagger, Thomas Zane, Taken, Alan as The Hero, and the Bird Leg cabin are the projected images that Alan created in his dream. Alan starts his nightmare journey, experiences all the archetypes contributed, and realizes how to end the “Departure” manuscript as Alan’s individuation process. In conclusion, Alan Wake's unconscious journey by ending at the point of self-realization and writing the "Departure" script is considered as an individuation process. Keywords— archetype, hero and journey, individuation process I. INTRODUCTION Interactive fiction has been able to expand literacy knowledge and it becomes developed rapidly in accepting new the literary approach perspectives. Interactive Fiction is defined as a genre of interactive narrative or a digital game in the form of an adventure [1, p. 568]. Barry Atkins argues using literary theory with interactive fiction provides advantages for the fictional world of literature since every computer game (such as digital games) can be a creator of fiction form [2, p. 95]. Psychological aspects still reflect digital games in earlier generations. The game elements containing violence tend to portray stronger psychological aspects and social factors than just highlighting the quality and details of the game [3, p. 114]. One of these interactive fictions that consider a psychological aspect is the Alan Wake video game. Explaining interactive fiction such psychological genre can be a contribution to understand the collective unconscious in video games. This article can explain an interpretation from psychoanalytic theory in researching literary theory through video games, which offer a valuable purpose for demanding depth of psychological understanding development, as the new perspective to reflect individual’s journey of life. To understand this process, Jung's psychoanalytic theory is needed which sees the Individuation process as the main objective analysis to explain Alan’s unconscious work from nightmare fantasy to become a whole person. The psychoanalytical meaning in this study can be understood with the collective unconscious theory, from deep transpersonal through the archetypal factor/interpretation [4, p. 545]. The collective unconscious includes several images that comes from the conflict of human personality and create the idea of self-realization for obtaining a true balance, is called archetypes [5, p. 104]. According to Jung (1919), Archetypes are contained in the human mind which describes 'forms without content' and only represents a particular perception and action type possibilities [6, p. 154]. Archetypes determine the balances as self-realization and affirm to become Rebirth, for human being primordial affirmation through its ancestral history [7, p. 3624]. Types of archetypes symbolize patterns or universal images that have existed in human unconsciousness. Jung divides the main archetypes into important roles, such as Shadow; designed to be admitted and recognized the dark aspect as its real personality [8, p. 4012], Wise Old Man; symbolized knowledge of the pre-existence of a life mystery, which is interpreted and accepted by people who are indirectly affected [9, p. 66], Great Mother; connected with positive and negative feelings and creates values between fertility and nurturing with power and destruction (ignoring offspring) [9, p. 65], and Hero with Journey; experience steps that represent the struggle for psychological wholeness, individuation [10, p. 5]. Jung’s psychoanalytic theory and interactive fiction (digital game) had been used from other researchers which elaborate the topic of research. The first research is conducted by Mago and Knapcová with the title "In-game advertising within Alan Wake and its perception" by using content analysis to investigates in-game advertising and determines its perception case study between digital in-game and non-digital print advertisement by calculating potential to reach consumers in the digital era [11, p. 491]. The second research is conducted by Nieves Rosendo titled “The Fantastic in Alan Wake: Remediation, Intermediality, Transmediality” by using the intermediality and remediation approach in postmodernism theory to reveal Alan Wake has a strong 1 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 influence by artificial construct, which it begins from the product of imagination of one writer writing about another writer [12, p. 78]. The third research is conducted by Dawn Catherine Stobbart titled “Telling Tales with Technology: Remediating Folklore and Myth through the Videogame Alan Wake” by using Joseph Campbell's theory to describe a phenomenon with narrative studies to see the potential of traditional mystical tales as folklore and mystical tradition [13, pp. 38–39]. The last previous research is conducted by Mahmoud Suliman with the title “The use of video game media explained in The Psychology and Philosophy of Persona 3” using Jung psychoanalytic theory to to attach the immersive game experience in Persona 3, and explain the three Steps of Jungian Individuation [14, p.5]. This article provides further observations on the impact of the collective unconscious reflected from the archetypal symbols to reach the individuation process of Alan's wholeness. By observing images of certain figures or objects, they can be implied as archetypes that give an impact for Alan to reach individuation. Alan Wake is a writer living in a village called Bright Falls influenced by two mythical figures, namely Thomas Zane and Barbara Jagger. The narration of the game tells about Alan looking for his wife, Alice, lost at the Cauldron Lake. To save Alice, Alan must follow the journey, in which Alan suddenly discovers something powerful to create and change things happened. Archetype depictions are associated with objects or symbols reflected from the collective unconscious in individuals. The forms such as Barbara Jagger, Thomas Zane, Taken, and the mystery about the Bird Leg cabin is a work of Alan's collective unconsciousness. In short, this article has intended to explain how the game depicts Jung’s archetype and the archetypes reflect Alan’s Individuation process. II. METHOD The qualitative research with interpretative analysis is used in this research to identify meaning analysis through the interactive fiction and focus on how the video game of Alan Wake implies unconscious pattern, specifically the work of individuation process reflected from archetype in the game symbol based on Jungian‟s psychoanalytic theory. Interpretative analysis is a form of qualitative analysis in which the analyst focuses on how to conduct and identify meaning analysis through the literary works. With interpretative analysis, according to Higgs (2001: 49), it has a central goal to seek the interpreted world which comes from meaning, values, and beliefs by looking at their whole relationships [15, p. 341]. Jung literary analysis is compiled of four schemes of analysis that are used to identify symbols developing archetypes, which the first step is depicting Image/Symbol in the video game related to the problems. The second step is finding the corresponding mythological image which reflects to the identified Image/Symbol. The third step is analyzing with the archetypal concept that can categorize the Image/Symbol. The fourth step is revealing the conclusion of psychological inference implied to the Image/Symbol. Using interpretation analysis can depict phenomenon of video game from the act, figures, sources (game items; weapons, flashlight, manuscript, etc.), situation, into archetype reflected the individuation process in the video game. In collecting the analyzed data, it is necessary to document the data and determine the process of data collection. This is in line with qualitative research methods which require keeping track of rapidly growing saved and listed data, as it provides a step to outline the analytical process and supports the text based on its strategies and concepts [16, p. 326]. The article is designed into several sections; Introduction provides the background of the study and significance of the study, explains the theory used in the research and previous research to show a gap analysis, and states the focus of research by giving research question. Method provides the detail step of research. Results and Discussion contain the findings or data analysis of research as the result to refer Jung Psychoanalytic theory depicting archetype and explaining evidence of individuation process. Conclusion is explained to brief the general summary and several advice or evaluations writing to inform other researchers for developing the next project as the same scope. Qualitative instruments data collected are the participant experience and perspective recorded, which are the way for addressing the value of study issues bound [17, p. 425]. This qualitative research uses the researcher himself as an instrument of research, determines the focus of research and the source, assesses quality in the form of analysis, interprets, and makes conclusions from the results found from the existing data [18, p. 1]. Things that need to be considered by researchers as research instruments based on Lincoln and Guba (1985) include; (1) researches must determine the character model analyzed, (2) use the right theory or approach as a human instrument in interpreting data, (3) present the research designs through naturalistic inquiry strategies [18, p. 2]. Alan Wake is a natural character that can be interpreted by seeing the meaning implied. Such plot stories and items used can be interpreted as the researcher's tool of research instruments. The focus or component studied in this study is Alan Wake video game. This Alan Wake game was published by the company Remedy Entertainment in 2010 and can be played with Xbox and PC (personal computer) [19]. Alan Wake video game which was originally an Xbox game became a PC game on May 9, 2006, and achieved its success by being named the 'Best Game of 2010' through TIME magazine coverage on December 9, 2010 [20]. The development of the story of Alan Wake now is beginning through various story developments and graphic visualizations from releasing a new product, namely Alan Wake Remastered on October 5th, and showing more tension, from the changing character face, until adaptive triggers followed with haptic feedback [21]. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this chapter, the Alan Wake video game reflects archetypes through the individuation process. Archetype depictions are associated with objects or symbols reflected from the collective unconscious in individuals. The forms such as Barbara Jagger, Thomas Zane, Taken, and the mystery about the Bird Leg cabin is a work of Alan's collective unconsciousness which is projected to trigger his actions for Alice's departure in his life. The focus of this research is on how the game depicts archetypes such as Shadow, Hero and Journey, Wise Old Man, and Great Mother from each phenomenon or figure and the archetypes reflect Alan’s Individuation process. 2 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 A. The Game Depicts Archetypes TABLE I. Monster (Taken, poltergeists, and Dark Tornado) TABLE OF LITERARY ANALYSIS SCHEME JUNG PSYCHOANALYTIC Table of Literary Analysis Scheme Jung Psychoanalytic Images/Symbol Correspondi ng to the mythologica l image Analyzing the archetypal to mythological image Psychologic al inferences Devil; possessor (Barbara Jagger) Taken Poltergeists Dark Tornado The Taken projected to the people covered by the shadow is interpreted as Alan's guilt towards them. In psychoanalyt ic, the word "Poltergeist" can be described as an impulse or disturbance that occurs outside the will of the soul [22, p. 38]. It signifies that there is terrible anger at Alan hidden in an inanimate object. From the four Dark Presence manifestatio ns described, it symbolizes each of the figures according to the Jung depiction. The Taken, Poltergeists, and Dark Tornado are symbolized as monsters, which tend to destroy and eliminate, while Barbara Jagger is symbolized as an evil or demon, which tend to possess. The dream of a tornado disaster depicts an increasing power or anger so that it is necessary to "grip" it so it doesn't get out of control [23]. Jagger's ability to possess and eliminate human existence is 3 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 considered a destructive and evil shadow intention. A figure of evil is described as heartless, egocentric, and seems very powerful [24, p. 48]. Light; guider The Wise Old Man archetype is Thomas Zane as the representati on of light; symbolize as guidance, shows that when Alan enters his nightmare, a figure of light appears to guide Alan in facing his dream journey towards wholeness. Wise Old Man archetype is Thomas Zane as the representati ons of light; symbolize as guidance. Home and Inprisonm ent The Bird Leg cabin symbolizes 'imprisonme nt' give a crucial impact on Alan‟s manuscript because the preexisting concept of mother in Alan supports the manuscript creation of what Alan‟s made off into his selfrealizati on, by drowning into the Dark Place, the Cauldron Lake, and finishing the last chapter manuscript. Bird Leg cabin becomes a symbol of destructive and means the 'imprisonm ent' of creativity to reach selfrealizati on. Thomas Zane Barbara Jagger The Hero(Alan Wake) & Journey (Manuscri pt) Alan Wake Manuscript The Hero facing the shadow as the cosmic power of evil refers to "the battle for deliverance" that signifies a contest of the hero's struggle against a dragon or monster [25, p. 118]. The manuscript becomes a Hero‟s Journey to explain an evident for Alan as The Hero to portray the hero as the vessel of transformati on, a higher way to offer depth of insight and meaning, guide along the way, and determine its creative life [26, p. xxiv]. In the video game, Alan being the Hero archetype and facing a Journey as the situational archetype is Alan's process towards wholeness by facing his projected dark side. The Hero facing the shadow as the cosmic power of evil refers to "the battle for deliverance " that signifies a contest of the hero's struggle against a dragon or monster [25, p. 118]. Bird Leg Cabin of Cauldron Lake 1) Shadow In this Alan Wake game, to explain the manifestation of shadow found in Alan, it is seen that the figures were created from the writer's block disease that Alan suffers from. 4 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 According to the expert, because of the uncontrollable fear of writing, the writer becomes "paralyzed" [27, p. 52]. The influence of writer's block until Alice's disappearance indicates the unconscious work of Alan's shadow archetype that has been latent for a long time. According to the theory, shadow is symbolized as a snake (in Eden's garden), dragons, monsters, and demons guarding the gate to a deep lake, where any form of lake is called part of the collective unconscious of humans [28, p. 6]. From the four Dark Presence manifestations described, it symbolizes each of the figures according to the Jung depiction. The Taken, Poltergeists, and Dark Tornado are symbolized as monsters, which tend to destroy and eliminate, while Barbara Jagger is symbolized as an evil or demon, which tend to possess. Each symbolized monster becomes part of shadow archetype manifestation through their meaning implies to Alan, such as Taken signifies guilt, Poltergeist signifies anger, and Dark Tornado signifies uncontrolled emotion. According to the theory, Shadow includes aggressive feelings, lust, and uncomfortable conditions which either society or conscious psyche is hard to accept, therefore shadow tend to be repressed and hidden [29, p. 70]. The Taken projected to the people covered by the shadow is interpreted as Alan's guilt towards them. In Jung's view, individual dreams of evil or an enemy imply remorse or guilt [30, p. 183]. When Alan manifests The Taken to Stucky, Rusty, and Birch forms as enemies, Alan reveals his guilty for making them involved in the manuscript as The Taken. On the other figures, A poltergeist is a flying object that spontaneously attacks Alan despite these objects that are harmless, such as junk cars, barrels, refrigerators, rubber tires, and so on [31, p. 11]. In psychoanalytic, the word "Poltergeist" can be described as an impulse or disturbance that occurs outside the will of the soul [22, p. 38]. It signifies that there is terrible anger at Alan hidden in an inanimate object. The Dark Tornado form is also Alan's projection which represents the same thing as the Poltergeist in a larger form. The dream of a tornado disaster depicts an increasing power or anger so that it is necessary to "grip" it so it doesn't get out of control [23]. The Dark Tornado appeared in chapter 6 when Alan faced a Dark Presence in the form of a Tornado inciting Alan to stop dealing with it because Alan felt unable to deal with it. The incitement of the Tornado is interpreted as Alan's pent-up anxiety and anger who tries to stop Alan so that when the light is fired, the tornado's anger subsides and opens the way for Alan to meet Jagger by entering the Dark Place, precisely under the lakebed of the Bird Leg cabin. The main figure who became omnipotent over Dark Presence is Barbara Jagger [31, p. 11]. Jagger's figure, wearing funeral attire, is a manifestation of the Dark Presence itself, which possess and wills the darkness within Alan. Alan's unconscious that manifests the figure of Barbara Jagger has a process called 'synchronicity' to reconcile Alan's belief in darkness and the incident of Alice's disappearance drowning under Cauldron Lake as Dark Place representation. In Jung's understanding of synchronicity, the image of the unconscious realm that appears as a psychic element of the nature of spells, and prophecies, as such, has similarities from the psychological state of external events into a special kind of meaning [32, p. 12]. In other words, the meeting Alan‟s unconsciousness of projecting Barbara Jagger‟s figure attains a special meaning that is related to events that had happened in Cauldron Lake. Jagger's ability to possess and eliminate human existence is considered a destructive and evil shadow intention. A figure of evil is described as heartless, egocentric, and seems very powerful [24, p. 48]. According to Jung, the shadow archetype includes a natural evil-sided for reasons of shame, social pressure, family, and certain attitudes of human nature [33, p. 6]. This aspect of the Jagger-shaped shadow on Alan is interpreted as an intention to possess something to be realized in his creation. 2) Hero and Journey In the video game, Alan being the Hero archetype and facing a Journey as the situational archetype is Alan's process towards wholeness by facing his projected dark side. The Hero facing the shadow as the cosmic power of evil refers to "the battle for deliverance" that signifies a contest of the hero's struggle against a dragon or monster [25, p. 118]. According to Campbell and C.G. Jung agreed that, the hero archetype becomes the fundamental to the human psyche as the vessel of our transformation and help individuals to engage the hero archetype on the world as it was conceived [34]. This explains about how the hero‟s voyage to become an evident of the Journey for archetypal meeting at the crucial place [35, p. 6705]. The manuscript becomes a Hero‟s Journey to explain an evident for Alan as The Hero to portray the hero as the vessel of transformation. In The Hero with a Thousand Faces is explained about how the heroic self must seek and discover an exacting spiritual countenance, is, a higher way to offer depth of insight and meaning, guide along the way, and determine its creative life [26, p. xxiv]. In the video game story, Alan's stages of traveling are described in 6 episodes; (1) Nightmare, (2) The Taken, (3) Ransom, (4) The Truth, (5) The Clicker, and (6) Departure. These parts of Alan‟s episode can be interpreted and merged into three steps of Journey archetype; based on The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by John Campbell. Phase I: Departure In this phase, a Hero includes the stages of facing The Call to Adventure, Supernatural Aid, and The Crossing of the First Threshold. The stages of The Call to Adventure, according to Sigmund Freud, stem from a repressed desire and conflict to the opening of destiny for the soul that is on the surface of life [26, p. 46]. At first, Alan is caught in a nightmare and accidentally hit a hitchhiker who came back to life with his body filled with hazy shadow, and immediately attacked Alan and wants Alan be killed in the story [31, p. 26]. Such this early-stage Alan ignored his mistakes, in writing the figures of people who are murderous in the story, is the call of Alan's destiny to complete his journey. The hero entering the journey are marked by background conditions, such as dark forests, large trees, babbling springs, and powerful fate carrier who appear to be underestimated [26, p. 47]. The anchor of an adventure is described as having a dark character, judged evil by the world, so representative of the deep unconscious, that his existence cannot be recognized [26, p. 48]. The beginning of Alan's dream is on a winding road called the Rain Cove Hiking Trail precisely towards The Lighthouse. 5 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 Around Alan's journey, there are many tall trees, such as spruce trees, the sound of gurgling water ripples, as well as the figure of a hitchhiker who was hit by Alan. This dark character part is representative of Alan's forgotten which reflects on Alan's part of his writing (Hodgson 26). The wise protective figure is the Hero's first encounter to complete his journey by providing various aids against enemy attacks (Campbell 63). Alan's savior figure is the supernatural helper who illuminates Alan on his journey to defeat the dark figure that attacks him, where it still appears in the form of light at the beginning of his journey. After responding to the call, with the consequences followed by courage, the Hero can recognize the power that exists in its unconscious, by believing the ageless protective figure will appear (Campbell 66). With the personification of guiding and assisting, the Hero can come to the "threshold guardian" of The Crossing of the First Threshold stage which is filled with darkness, unknown, and danger [26, p. 67]. After receiving guidance from the Light, Alan embarks on a journey until he encounters an invading dark figure. Dark figure weaponized attacks Alan and appears with the shadows cloaked in sulfur smoke, called the Taken [31, p. 12]. In the Departure section, overall describes that Alan accepts challenges caused by detained repression or pressure, and when the dark figure in Alan's nightmare manifests, the savior figure plays a role in guiding Alan to become part of Alan's journey towards his wholeness. Phase II: Initiation The second part of the Initiation goes through a challenge of "The Road of Trials". In the stage of The Road of Trials, a hero finds another side of him that is ambiguous with unexpected challenges, thus the hero must survive the test [26, p. 89]. In a dream, the hero does not only reflect on the situation related to the problem on the surface but to solve it, there are instructions that must be done in order to be completed or saved, it could be instructions from the ageless perils, trials, secret helpers, and instructive characters [26, p. 93]. A problem from Alan's journey, which on the surface only saves Alice, however, is illustrated by various tests and instructions that must be carried out, has something to do with his goal of finding Alice. Certain clues to fulfill Alan's journey through the manuscripts found; which Alan will go through before entering this chapter of his journey, the trial of battling the dark figures who manifest as people know; such as Carl Stucky, Rusty, and Birch, as The Taken figures, the secret helper; a figure of Light who gives a clue of "turn the lights on" when Alan begins to enter the dream world, and instructive figures; providing the clues needed for the next journey, such as Tor and Anderson; old band player giving Alan the instructions from their song of Old Gods of Asgard titled "The Poet and the Muse", and Cynthia Weaver; nicknamed The Lady of the Light who reveals the truth about Alan inherited as Thomas Zane's muse as his last chapter of the manuscript. Phase III: Return The third part of a return journey is marked by “Rescue from Without” and “The Crossing of the Return Threshold”. The “Rescue from Without” stage, a hero gets supernatural help that has brought the chosen people through his entire journey of trials [26, p. 201]. Selected people on Alan's journey, such as Barry Wheeler as Alan's best friend, Sheriff Sarah Breaker as Alan's guider in Bright Falls, and Cynthia Weaver, nicknamed "The Lady of the Light" providing clues about the existence of the final manuscript and the tools of the Clicker as Alan's amulet that he had inspired since he was a child. An unexpected hero's life is brought back to life through someone who has witnessed it in his life [26, p. 192]. At the end of the episode, Alan has got the right moment which return to Cauldron Lake and finish his battle with the darkness in the Dark Place. Part of this stage describes how the transcendental experience for the soul-hero has the courage to dispel his fears towards individuation [26, p. 202]. Through this process, the individual completely releases all attachments to his personal limitations, idiosyncrasies, hopes and fears, no longer rejects the self-annihilation which is a prerequisite for rebirth in the realization of truth, and thus unites into a whole person with a noble spirit [26, p. 220]. By placing the Clicker into Barbara Jagger's body, where there is a hole in her heart, Alan frees and accepts his dark side by illuminating Jagger's body with the Clicker's switch. When Jagger suddenly glowed and disappeared without a trace, the light shines on the Cauldron Lake cabin and emerges from the darkness. Alan's meeting with Jagger, uniting light and darkness and realizing the truth about himself, is the result of Alan's journey to his wholeness. 3) Wise Old Man The figure of Thomas Zane is presented in Alan's dream as a guide against The Taken at the beginning of every journey. Wise Old Man is an archetype that has its own specialty in guiding or leading to the truth. Usually, the guiding character or teacher is reflected as the personification of the Wise Old Man archetype [29, p. 69]. The Wise Old Man archetype is Thomas Zane as the representation of light; symbolize as guidance, shows that when Alan enters his nightmare, a figure of light appears to guide Alan in facing his dream journey towards wholeness. Wise Old Man archetype appears in dreamland with kinds of these figures, such as magician, doctor, priest, teacher, professor, grandfather, or any other person possessing authority [36, pp. 3723–3724]. Zane is considered possessing his authority to guide Alan by giving the flashlight and gun to protect Alan with the light-source and counter the Taken attack. The light source Alan used to ward off darkness: Flashlights Alan uses light as a flashlight to every point of the mission. Zane sends Alan's signal to use a flashlight to overcome the hazy shadow that protects The Taken. By boosting the light until it is destroyed, Alan can shoot The Taken in a human form that is already hostile. Safe Havens Safe Havens is one of the benefits for Alan to stop at a checkpoint when Alan manages to overcome The Taken's obstacle. As a medium for healing wounds from The Taken attack, Alan can continue his journey to the next mission point. Flare Gun 6 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 The Flare Gun is a weapon and an instant light for Alan to sweep many Taken and poltergeists who are difficult to deal with with a flashlight, although this flare gun is also difficult to find in various locations, apart from only being used against the Dark Tornado at the end of Alan's journey phase. individuation process, however, in the end of state, Alan has trapped in the Dark Place due to his selfrealization of the lake mentioned as „an ocean‟. In short, the Bird Leg cabin becomes a symbol of destructive and means the 'imprisonment' of creativity to reach selfrealization. Bombs; Flare and Flash-bomb B. Archetypes Reflects Individuation Process This section describes how the roles and contributions of the various archetypes in Alan Wake support a process of individuation. Many experts of psychoanalytic have agreed that an individual who is said to have experienced the individuation process has been able to self-recognize, selfcontrol, and self-evaluate [38, p. 33]. The way to selfrecognize an individual is by realizing the 'unique' part in him, then controlling the integration between archetypes that affect the individual – such as shadow, wise old man, great mother, hero, – and thereby creating the existence of the Self archetype towards consciousness [39, pp. 866–867]. The use of flares is very effective against poltergeists and can stop The Taken's movement from attacking Alan. From the glowing red smoke, Alan can release the shadow shield protecting The Taken, but not in an instant. Differ than Flare, Flashbomb can be used to distinguish all the Dark Presence objects, although this item is limited to be found. The Clicker The Clicker is an old light switch, which Alan used as a child to dispel the darkness that haunts him. It does not appear in every phase, where Alan tells Alice about the Clicker he has, then he gives it to Alice so that Alice is not afraid of the dark. And at the end of the phase, Alan is reunited on a similar switch, where there is a message left for Alan that he must head to Cauldron Lake with the Clicker, and free-fall into Cauldron Lake to explore his unconscious side. To summarize, the Wise Old Man archetype is Thomas Zane as the representations of light; symbolize as guidance, which contributes to guiding Alan towards the light, facing The Taken by preparing various items and instructions for dealing with each phase. This figure of light appears to guide Alan in facing his dream journey towards wholeness. 4) Great Mother As the Great Mother archetype, the Bird Leg cabin provides Alan a 'home' of creativity and a „prison‟ of destructivity. The Bird Leg cabin symbolizes 'imprisonment' give a crucial impact on Alan’s manuscript because the preexisting concept of mother in Alan supports the manuscript creation of what Alan’s made off into his self-realization, by drowning into the Dark Place, the Cauldron Lake, and finishing the last chapter manuscript. The Death Mother, as The Great Mother on Shadow influences, symbolizes a feeling of threat, tends to feel ambivalence or hostility about a process of transformation, and also supports a process of healing to make it grows [37, p. 15]. The Death Mother gives a feeling of unexpected twice to Alan when the Dark Presence consumes everything and creates Shadow manifestations and the end of manuscript Alan realizes that he cannot reach into the reality instead of trapped in the Dark Place. The Death Mother is the most destructive which it kills hope and makes individuals fall into believing as unacceptable child [37, p. 16], which it reflects to Alan that Alan has stuck inside the Dark Place when he dives into his unconsciousness deeply. Therefore, in the end of story, Alan has mentioned, “It’s not lake, it’s an ocean”, with the end of his writing, implies that Alan realizes that he is not able to escape at the second time from Dark Place. As Alan's creativity is lost and split into manuscripts scattered from various locations, Alan has to take a journey in order to bring the Bird Leg cabin back. The way Alan can bring back the Bird Leg cabin is by plunging Alan into a sea from a high peak. Lake or ocean, for one, can lead to the collective unconscious [5, p. 110]. When Alan dives himself into the ocean, into his unconsciousness, Alan realizes his writing and bring the Bird Leg cabin back through the Steps of Individuation Process In this first step of the individuation process, Alan Wake believes that he can bring Alice Wake to life by writing her in his "Departure". Alice's contribution becomes an influential figure in Alan's individuation process because the work of "departure" is implied as a storyline to commemorate the departure of Alice who has been disappeared for almost weeks in Bright Falls. Alice's departure is interpreted as a reason for Alan to write his manuscripts in order to return Alice to reality. The shadow archetype of Barbara Jagger takes control of Alan in grief when Alice drowns in a lake and will never return. By offering himself as Alan's editor for manuscripts, Jagger lets Dark Presence become stronger by making a horror story that it depends on Jagger‟s control. This is proof that this stage is the first process for Alan to realize a painful mistake where he is misled by Jagger as one of his shadow archetype figures. Feeling guilty, angry, and uncontrolled emotion becomes Alan‟s manifestation into Dark Presence figures, which lead Alan into Initiation of Journey archetype to overcome the figures. An initial individuation process followed is how the individual must accept all the bitter truths by seeing something wrong and painful [25, p. 167]. By seeking the manuscript as a clue for completing Alan towards to Alice is the key to realize that Alan should finish his writing without any influences of the darkness. The second step of the individuation process contributes Archetypes to set Alan free from the fear of departure. Alan begins to realize that parts of the archetype within him contribute to the individuation process, as the conscious process of writing "Departure" to save Alice. The archetypal figures between Shadow and others; such as Hero, Wise Old Man, and Great Mother, are integrated into his complete consciousness of Alan. The key to integration among archetypes is how everything can be accepted, good and bad, positive and negative, as long as it can make the individual more alive [22, p. 101]. The Dark Presence figures, such as Taken, Poltergeist, Dark Tornado, and Barbara Jagger contribute into the individuation process by realizing that those figures include in Alan’s psyche. This process is called as Shadow realization, mentioned as a matter of applying instinct clusters that have been reserved, such as eating, sexual behavior, addictions to creativity, to reflect, etc. [33, p. 12]. The concept of Shadow 7 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 archetypes plays a vital role in psychoanalytic [25, p. 118]. For Alan’s atonement, such The Taken, Poltergeist, Dark Tornado, and Barbara Jagger must be defeated by the light that Alan holds during the Journey Archetype. The Hero archetype has a role in confronting the “battle of deliverance” with the Shadow as a symbolic means of overcoming the sluggishness of the subconscious mind, liberating maturity, and gaining consciousness [25, p. 118]. Alan as the Hero archetype realization has a role in overcoming his fear of writing and freeing all his creativity contained in the manuscript without depending on the Dark Presence influences. The Hero form represented follows a series of Journey archetypes as predicted by the manuscript, to encounter various obstacles from The Taken figure, pass the rampage of Poltergeist objects, and reconcile with the raging Dark Tornado. The role of the Hero at the end of the journey when achieving a "victorious hero" is a symbol of consciousness in myth and fairy tales [25, p. 266]. Alan's victory is accomplished by reaching Cauldron Lake Cabin to fulfill the written of Departure for Alice therefore Alice can be released from the Dark Place and accept Jagger’s inclination. The wisdom archetype has a deep nature and is transcendent to the subconscious, thus individuals can relate to the numinous experience of the Self, towards wholeness [22, p. 119]. The Wise Old Man archetype has a very strong role in the Hero and Journey archetype, in Alan and his journey from collecting the manuscript to the individuation process. Wise Old Man archetype appears in emphasizing that goals must be achieved, when critical moments can offer advice, bring heroes back on the right path, and provide important assistance (Booker 297). Zane's role as the archetypal Wise Old Man emphasizes Alan's most important goals that should focus on collecting manuscripts, provides advice to light the darkness, and guides to assist Alan from various journeys; such as placing an emergency box in a Safe Haven containing flashlights, firearms, as well as various charging batteries and bullets for weapons needed as vital assistance in dealing with each Dark Presence figure. The Great Mother's archetypal creativity is described as how the presence of the Bird Leg Cabin has a special ability to inspire writers and destruction which Alan is condemned in the Dark Place by the last power of Dark Presence, and the end of his writing, Alan is still trapped in the cabin after saving Alice escaping from Dark Place. The depiction of the Great Mother, as also Archetypal Feminine, provides positive and negative features, giver and protector altogether with the goddess of life and death at once [40, p. 49]. The Bird Leg Cabin form, including Cauldron Lake, is very connected to Alan significantly as a connection between child and mother. Alan is outside the reach of Cauldron Lake, thus the cabin instantly disappears along with Alan's inspiration for writing. Alan takes a part of the Journey archetype to find the manuscript and reach Cauldron Lake cabin in the Dark Place. Therefore, Alan can continue the end of "Departure" writing by taking a jump from the cliff. The word “mother” has a linguistic connection meaning from the Germanic people said „Meer‟ means „ocean‟ and the existence of earth met among them dwells in the underworld to become the female power [40, p. 263]. The third stage of individuation process is experienced as the realization of The Self archetype. The Self is an archetype that experienced self-individuation or selfrealization to reach a true balance among opposing personalities [5, p. 98]. The unified archetype images are one of the wholeness factors which order this whole system and tie it all archetypes together towards the Self, as the center and unite the pieces [22, p. 139]. In Alan's The Self archetype, Alan begins to realize that Alice's departure was drowned in the ocean, right after Alan realized that what he inhabited was an ocean, implicatively would not bring Alice back in reality. Alan also mentioned that the existence of light and darkness, cause and effect, guilt and atonement required a balance to accept a part of himself therefore Alan begins to realize that what he had done to afford the price. By realizing Alice's departure made Alan able to accept himself, knowing how to end the story of Departure, and by his efforts involving Alice into the story finally can save Alice and become part of the ending. Alice's departure is the main way for Alan to complete himself based on the values derived from various fragments or parts of undifferentiated archetypes, including the Shadow from meeting the Hero; as Jagger meets Alan as a Hero. Then Wise Old Man with Great Mother; where the presence of Thomas Zane illuminates the contents of the Bird Leg cabin. All these archetype foundations are part of Alan's archetype The Self experiences to complete awareness until the end part of the story of "Departure" which makes Alan realize the challenge of his writing along with Alice’s departure. Signs of an individual realizing the archetype of The Self within him; namely in his dream he has a representation of symbolic images that do not lead to his attention, such as a city plan, depicting oneself as a human figure who has a superior position on the ego-personality, and mountains and lakes which are signs of nature depicting an organic background [22, pp. 132–133]. Lake or ocean symbolizes „rebirth‟, a return to the vessel, which has been mentioned as a mother and as the devouring ancient water who wants to take her children back into her [40, p. 260]. The sign of a person has a self-conscious entity with the Self union is by having the ability to say not only "I am" but "I know that I am" [22, p. 131]. Alan has realized when he enters the room with the typewriter table in the Bird Leg Cabin, Alan says that “I could feel Alice's presence close by. I understood what I had to do. I knew how to write the ending of “Departure.” based on the end of his last individuation process result. His sentences can be inferred that Alan's consciousness becomes realized with his entity about how to complete his writing into the wholeness. To summarize, it can be highlighted by uniting the archetypal elements and realizing the symbolic form refer to the formation of The Self, which can be described the way of Alan's unification with various archetypes is Alan's final solution to complete himself from the process of individuation towards The Self archetype realization. IV. CONCLUSION From this research, it can be concluded about Alan Wake's unconscious journey through Alice Wake's departure until it ended at the point of self-realization. Alan wrote the script "Departure" as an individuation process. The full realization 8 Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification Vol. 07, No. 02, 2022 that Alan experienced on Alan's return to the Dark Place, at the end point of this individuation process, Alan was unable to return from the Dark Place so Alan ended up in the Cauldron Lake. The individuation process has become a part of Alan's scenario to achieve self-integration, by collecting manuscripts as part of his inspiration and experiencing the path to his wholeness by uniting Jagger's body with the light of the Clicker that Zane left in the Bird Leg Cabin, therefore, Alan can realize an identity which called The Self archetype, portrayed as the end result of Alan's journey to complete the work "Departure". Research from Carl Jung's psychoanalytic has a formidable challenge in terms of understanding the collective unconscious which must imply a symbol to the right meaning of Carl Jung's argument, then it requires integrity in providing a fundamental and pure argument based on applicable psychoanalytic theory, considering the existing symbols. In Jung's Psychoanalytic research for video games, it is suggested that further research on archetypal processes have an important role in the individuation process, such as Persona, Anima-Animus, Trickster, aspects of Synchronicity; already mentioned in the Shadow aspect of the formation of the figure of Barbara Jagger with Alan's unconsciousness, the aspect of the psychological type in which each character in the video game has a significant role in creating the archetypal figure, and various things that are explored further beyond the use of Jung's Psychoanalytic theory, both from the cinematic aspect that has a psychological impact on the players of this game as well as the narrative aspect that is built from the video game Alan Wake, which seems to follow the plot to the end in the form of a mythological narrative story. REFERENCES S. I. F. dos S. Rafael, “Interactive Fiction: Narrative and Immersive Experience in Text-Based Games,” Jul. 2018. [2] J. 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