The Nevada Field Office provides free general interest tours of the Nevada National
Security Site on a monthly basis. Groups, civic or technical organizations, and private clubs may
request specially-arranged tours (minimum of 25 people) by calling 702-295-0944.
Below you will find information on tour logistics,
points of interest on the tour,
prohibited items, tour schedule
and how to register.
Tour Logistics
Reservations are required for all tours.
Space is limited and seats fill quickly. Please
indicate on your paperwork with a first and second date of choice.
Most tours depart from the Atomic Testing
Museum at 755 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada. Tours depart
at approximately 7:30 a.m. and return at 4:00 p.m. Please make
arrangements to arrive early enough for adequate parking.
The mode of transportation provided is usually a chartered bus equipped
with a restroom.
The Nevada National Security Site is located 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Each tour usually covers about 250 miles. Tour participants should bring
their own food and drinks, but no alcoholic beverages. There are no
lunch stops.
Casual clothing is recommended, and sturdy shoes are required for the
rugged terrain. No shorts or sandals are permitted.
Visitors to the Nevada National Security Site must be at least 14 years old. Pregnant women
are discouraged from participating in Nevada National Security Site tours because of the
long bus ride and uneven terrain.
Points of Interest on the Tour
Prohibited Items
- Visitors are not permitted to bring cameras, binoculars, telescopes, or tape recorders on the tour.
- Cell phones are not permitted.
- Privately-owned Laptop Computer.
- Firearms are not permitted under any circumstances.
- Visitors may not remove soil, rock, plant samples or metal objects from the Nevada National Security Site.
- Comprehensive List of Prohibited Items
2015 Public Tour Schedule
- Tuesday - January 27 -FULL
- Wednesday - February 18 - FULL
- Thursday - March 26 - FULL
- Tuesday - April 21 - FULL
- Wednesday - May 27 - FULL
- Thursday - June 25 - FULL
- Tuesday - July 21 - FULL
- Wednesday - August 26
- Thursday - September 17 - FULL
- Tuesday - October 27 - FULL
- Wednesday - November 25
- Thursday - December 17
There is a possibility that the visit may have to be postponed for
operational reasons. If that happens, you will be notified immediately.
If you would like to be added to the wait list, please complete the badging
form and indicate which tour you wish to be added to the wait list.
How to Register
Complete the attached badging form and submit to:
Fax: 702-295-0154
U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Nevada Field Office
Office of Public Affairs
Visit Coordination Staff
P.O. Box 98518
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518
Participants will receive a confirmation package 7-10 days prior to
the visit. The package will include the confirmation notice, itinerary,
Prohibited Articles List, and a map (directions to the Atomic Testing
Museum departure location.)
For further information contact:
Phone: 702-295-0944 or email:
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