Marcel Proust |
- Roger Shattuck |
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a
Biology Watcher (also won The Sciences award) |
- Lewis Thomas |
His Acceptance Speech |
Calvin Bedient - Eight Contemporary Poets
Alessandra Comini - Egon Schiele's Portraits
Peter Gay - Style in History
Richard Gilman - The Making of Modern Drama
Elizabeth Hardwick - Seduction and Betrayal
Marjorie L. Hoover - Meyerhold
H.W. Janson - Six Studies
Eleanor Perenyi - Liszt
Oliver Strunk - Essays on Music in the Modern
The Life of Emily Dickinson |
- Richard B. Sewall |
Richard R. Beeman - Patrick Henry
Michael Collins - Carrying the Fire
Ben Maddow - Edward Weston
James R. Mellow - Charmed Circle
Francis Steegmuller - 'Your Isadora'
Wallace Stegner - The Uneasy Chair
Richard M. Sudhalter & Philip R. Evans - Bix
Glenn Watkins - Gesualdo
James A. Weisheipl - Friar Thomas D'Aquino
M. C. Higgins the Great |
- Virginia Hamilton |
Natalie Babbitt - The Devil's Storybook
Bruce Buchenholz - Doctor in the Zoo
Bruce Clements - I Tell a Lie Every So Often
James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier -
My Brother Sam is Dead
Jason Laure & Ettagale Laure - Joi Bangla!
The Children of Bangladesh
Milton Meltzer - World of Our Fathers
Milton Meltzer - Remember the Days
Adrienne Richard - Wings
Mary Stoltz - The Edge of Next Year
All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw |
- Theodore Rosengarten |
Raoul Berger - Executive Privilege
Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward - All the President's
Robert Campbell - The Chasm
Robert A. Caro - The Power Broker
Joe Eszterhas - Charlie Simpson's Apocalypse
Middleton Harris, Ed. - The Black Book
Andrew Levinson - The Working Class Majority
Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Franz Schurman - The Logic of World Power
Rachel Scott - Muscle and Blood
Studs Terkel - Working
The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson |
- Bernard Bailyn |
His Acceptance Speech |
Paul Boyer & Stephen Nissenbaum - Salem Possessed
Robert Brentano - Rome Before Avignon
Shelby Foote - The Civil War
Eugene D. Genovese - Roll, Jordan, Roll
John R. Gillis - Youth and History
Erich S. Gruen - The Last Generation of the Roman
Christopher H. Johnson - Utopian Communism in
Gerald H. Meaker - The Revolutionary Left in Spain
Edward Shorter & Charles Tilly - Strikes in
Mira Wilkins - The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise
Peter H. Wood - Black Majority
Anarchy, State and Utopia |
- Robert Nozick |
Ian G. Barbour - Myths, Models and Paradigms
Leonard E. Barrett - Soul-Force
John Murray Cuddihy - The Ordeal of Civility
Philip Garvin & Julia Welch - Religious American
Guenter Lewy - Religion and Revolution
Barbara G. Meyerhoff - Peyote Hunt
Jaroslav Pelikan - The Spirit of Eastern Christendom,
Vol. II
Rosemary Radford Ruether - Faith and Fratricide
Presentation Piece |
- Marilyn Hacker |
Her Acceptance Speech |
Poetry Blog Essay and Archival Material for Hacker
A.R. Ammons - Sphere
John Balaban - After Our War
Albert Goldbarth - Jan.31
Richard Howard - Two-Part Inventions
Josephine Jacobsen - The Shade-Seller
Michael Ryan - Threats Instead of Trees
Susan Fromberg Schaeffer - Granite Lady
David Wagoner - Sleeping in the Woods
Reed Whittemore - The Mother's Breast and the
Father's House
Interpretation of Schizophrenia |
- Silvano Arieti |
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher |
- Lewis Thomas |
Lewis S. Feuer - Einstein and the Generation
of Science
Howard E. Gruber & Paul Barrett - Darwin on
J.L. Heilbron - H.G.J. Moseley
Richard S. Lewis - The Voyages of Apollo
John McPhee - The Curve of Binding Energy
Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority
Walter Sullivan - Continents in Motion
Dorothy B. Vitaliano - Legends of the Earth
Miguel D. Unamuno's The Agony of Christianity and Essays on Faith |
- Anthony Kerrigan |
Clarence Brown & W.S. Merwin – Mandelstam’s
Selected Poems
Sheila Cudahy – Natalia Ginzburg’s No
Norman Thomas di Giovanni – Borges’s In
Praise of Darkness
Michael Kandel – Stanislaw Lem’s The
Cyberiad and The Futurological Congress
Peter Kussi – Kundera’s Life is Elsewhere
Helen R. Lane – Claude Simon’s Conducting
Ralph Manheim – Hermann Broch’s The
Raymond Rosenthal – Pietro Citati’s Goethe
William Weaver – Italio Calvino’s Invisible