Wireless@SG is a wireless broadband programme developed by IDA as part of its Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure initiative. It will be run and developed in the next two years by three local wireless operators who will deploy a wireless broadband network in Singapore. Users can enjoy free, both in-door and outdoor seamless wireless broadband access with speeds of up to 512kbps at most public areas.
The targeted users of this wireless broadband network are broadly classified as "people on the move" - people who require wireless broadband access while away from their homes, schools and offices. These include students, tourists, business travellers and enterprise users such as insurance agents and real estate agents who use widely-available and wireless-enabled devices such as notebook PCs and PDAs. Once connected, users will be able to access all Internet-based services e.g. online gaming, web surfing, instant messaging, VoIP and email.
To connect to the Wireless@SG wireless broadband network, a user just needs a WiFi-enabled device, such as a laptop computer or a PDA, a web browser, and a registered Wireless@SG account. With this registered account, the user is able to roam within any of Wireless@SG's coverage areas, regardless of the operators' network.
Wireless@SG is powered by the network of three wireless operators: iCell, QMax and SingTel. It will be provided free for the first 2 years. Beyond that, the three operators may consider extending the free periods should there be a strong public interest for it.
To access Wireless@SG, users need to be located within the respective Wireless@SG coverage areas. Users can view the latest coverage areas here.
To find out more about accessing Wireless@SG network with your device, please access our FAQ section.
For more information, please email wireless@ida.gov.sg.