On The Show Tonight: The Words "Eye Jelly"
Posted August 28, 04:20 PMSorry for the electronic mixup yesterday! Somebody fed the NBC Servers after midnight last night, and everything went haywire! Wait, maybe that's a bit strong.... But for whatever reason, something happened and yesterday's post was LOST IN SPAAAAAACE (okay, the post was only "lost in the Late Night Insider blog post archive", not "SPAAACE"... But that doesn't sound nearly as cool, does it?!)
However, yesterday is yesterday and today is today - obviously you're reading this, and you know that the problem has been fixed (I'd like to give a shout out to my main man Alvin over there on the Left Coast) - but I would like to make extra sure that everyone knows we extended the deadline of the Quackers Art Extravaganza Challenge thing to TONIGHT. So if you haven't submitted anything yet, get it in soon! We're announcing the winner tomorrow!! For everyone who's already entered: You guys rock the house for realz, yo! For Sirius! (Sorry, I'm just finishing the 7th Harry Potter book).
Yesterday I talked a little bit about The Infamous Intern Book - the book where all the intern pictures of interns go once the interns have stopped being interns. (Can I say the word "interns" again? Thanks.) Lo and behold, I forgot to post the intern polaroid one of our most famous interns to date:
John Horatio Ignatius Krasinski!*
*Please Note: Those are not his real middle names.
We contacted John earlier today, and he was nice enough to let us post the pic... So, thanks man!! Way to give some love to your old alma mater! For the record, I had the pleasure of driving him and some other "Office" dudebros around one weekend, and they were all EXTREMELY nice and funny and relaxed and cool. I had a great time! That's gotta be a fun show to work on! (btw - John, if you're reading this, tell Greg his Cane-Sword is in the mail).
Be sure to watch tonight's show - Frankenstein returns, Goldblum gets down, and Devon Aoki gets really... Jokey? Yes. Really jokey. Seriously though, if you want to see Conan O'Brien and Jeff Goldblum touch eye jellies, you really should do yourself a favor and ch-ch-check out tonight show! It's exactly as disgusting and beautiful as it sounds!!!
And, of course, you'll want visit us right back here tomorrow... Because THE WINNER OF THE LATE NIGHT QUACKERS ART EXTRAVAGANZA CHALLENGE 2007 WILL BE REVEALED OMG OMG I'M ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT LOL!!!!!
See you on the flipside, Formaldehyde!