What's Happening in
the Classroom? Check out students' hot air balloon launches, water
purification practices, and an authentic Victorian tea. More
info... Need one place to find homework help and online resources in a
variety of subjects? Go to our new Online
Resources page.
Sign 'Em Up!
Senior Jonathan Culp signed a letter of intent to play football at
Bowling Green State University on Wednesday, and Maggie Pugh signed to
play volleyball at Northern Kentucky University. Seniors Chad Wells and B.J. Gregory
signed letters of
intent to play soccer for Urbana University on Monday, February 5. Congrats to
all these athletes!
Congratulations to the
Academic Team. They defeated Amelia in
last evening's match in the high school media
center. This was the last home match,
and assured that the team is undefeated at
home this season. Next week is the last
regular match at Glen Este.
Flying High
Mason High School senior Joy Fasoli has been accepted to the Air Force
Academy. "She was the earliest appointee I've ever had. That's a credit to
her. She was definitely on the early track."' said Major Dennis Conn of the
Air Force Reserves.
"It's been a driving force at school. I've always worked hard at science
and math so that maybe I could be one of the privileged few. I'm excited about
the appointment and looking forward to the future. I'm just looking forward to
the adventure it holds," said Fasoli. Congratulations, Joy!
Eat at Wendy's and Support Afterprom
Eat at Wendy's on Route 42 on Friday, Feb.9th from 4:30-7:30 P.M. Ten
percent of all sales during this time period will be donated to Afterprom. The
next Afterprom Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, February 15 at 7 pm
in the High School Media Center. The committee is always looking for parents to
become involved and bring new ideas to the group!
Girls Basketball Pre-Sale Tickets
Tickets for the varsity girls sectional basketball game on Tuesday, February
13 at Lakota East are currently available in the Athletic Department. All
pre-sale tickets are $5. Tickets at the door will be $6. Tip-off time is 6:00
Pasta For Pennies
The Pasta for Pennies fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is happening once again. It begins February 5th and continues on through the 16th. Students are asked to bring in spare change, but cash and checks are welcome, to help raise money for an individual with Leukemia or Lymphoma. At the high school, it is a competition between the 1st period classes. The classroom that raises the most money after the 3 weeks wins a pasta party from the Olive Garden. Last year Mason High School raised over $5,000. for an honoree child, Joey
Holthaus. If you'd like to make a donation, or have any questions, please contact Katie Adams at 398.2798 Extension 1371.
Students Visit
Silicon Valley...Without Leaving Mason!
Digineer, Inc. graciously hosted the Intro to Web Design class at their new
state-of-the-art software engineering facility located in Mason. Students were
able to experience the inner workings of a high tech company and get a true
sense of being in Silicon Valley right in their own backyard.
"Sex and Truth" By Lakita Garth On Friday, February 9th at 7:30 a.m. in
the Mason High School arena, former Miss Black America, California and urban inspirational recording artist Lakita Garth will be speaking to our high school about abstinence in a presentation "Sex and Truth" (sponsored by Abstinence Educator's Network, Inc).
Career Day Seeks Professionals Speakers are needed for Career Day on
Friday, March 16, 2001 from 7:15-9:00 a.m. at Mason High School. The goal is to
expose ninth- through 12th grade students to a variety of careers available, the
skills they will need to achieve those careers, and to help them in making good
academic and career choices. Details...
This web site has been selected by Ohio SchoolNet as a quality representation of
student work in a technology field. The work of the Website Design &
Management class will be featured at the State Technology Conference in February
27 & 28 in Columbus, Ohio. Programmers and project managers from the class
who will be making presentations to the conference attendees are seniors: Sarah
Schumacher, Nate Decker, Mike Bullock & Paul Gibson; juniors: T.C. Wernick, Joe
Kampschmidt, and Josh Tong. The
students will join other students, teachers, and vendors from the state of Ohio.
We would like to thank all of our viewers for visiting our site regularly and
offering suggestions as we commit ourselves to providing a quality site that
represents the needs of our school and community.
Crafters Needed
On Saturday April 7, 2001, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., there will be a Mason High School Craft Fair in the commons. If you are interested in participating in the fair, please contact MHS Student Government at 1-513-398-2798,
Ext. 1205. Please leave your name, phone number, and address.